
Stroke Survivor - female
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Blog Comments posted by merichsen

  1. Katrina,

    It's okay to complain from time to time as long as you don't get so caught up in it that it gets in the way of your life and goals. Something you obviously don't do which accounts for why you are looked at by so many with such admiration. Your positive attitude and continuous ability to rise above in the face of adversity is surely an inspiration to stroke survivors and everyone who appreciates someone of unbounded inner strength.

    Maria :hug:

  2. Janine,

    I don't think he had any preconceived notion this was going to happen nor wanted to die. He was probably considering his mortality just as many men his age do and his stroke was coincidental.

    We all beat ourselves up swearing that there was some sort of warning that we hadn't heeded. Don't do it to yourself, it's not true. Your searching for a way to make sense of this, it doesn't make sense and it never will. I don't mean to sound so harsh but you can drive yourself nuts trying to figure out why and how it could have been prevented. It is what it is, I'm sorry but that's the bottom line ~ wouldn't change the present even if you could find an answer.


  3. Janine,

    They are not crazt notes. He is thinking the same things most of us do. Is it going to happen again and next time will I die? I escaped death this time how much longer do I have to live? I lost my entire life as I knew it. Who am I and what is my life now? Most of develop a deeper sense of faith in God. He who had none now seems to be thinking. Mmm I always thought these people were nuts, but after staring death in the face maybe they're not so crazy.

    The brilliant mind seems to be rather intact, just having some issues with cognative dissonance. I think the notes are his version of blogging.

    Maria :hug:

  4. Doug,


    Very honourable, hard earned and well deserved! Congrats!Stay focused on the independent living part. What? You were maybe planning a cross country road trip? Where you going with these gas prices anyway? If a short ride to Walmart to meander around a bit pick up some treats for Teddy is safer and doable that's surely a goal to work toward as well.

  5. Janine,

    I am repeatedly floored by how far you've come Scarlett. Just 2 short months ago this would have thrown you in to a fetal position with tears of fear and self doubt. You've proven most importantly to yourself that you are a strong and quite competent lady. You always had it in you sweet lady, I'm just sorry you had to discover it the hard way.


    Maria :hug:

  6. Sue,

    No matter what stage you may be unfortunately thrown into, your experience and first hand knowledge as a caregiver can never be substituted by those of us who have not lived it. As a survivor I really felt disadvantaged to help a caregiver who needed the assistance and advice of someone who could say I get it I've been there ~ certainly not me who is hoping for the best when I make an educated guess. Your contributions to this community are invaluable.

    That one good mind does the work of many dear lady.


    Maria :hug:

  7. Ann,

    I'm sorry you're not feeling well and the pain you are having must be putting a bit of a damper on savoring in the bliss of your newness of your new home.


    Hope you resolve Bill's bathroom issue. Another bribe might be the way to go ~ wasn't sushi deemed the source of his other bathroom issue? ~ which I'm sure you'd prefer not to return to as the alternative.


    Love you,

    Maria :hug:

  8. Jean,

    Writing with the talent you have only comes with a passion and love for writing you obviously have. It's understandable that having deadlines and parameters might make you apprehensive - kinda takes the fun out of it. Every piece you write won't be competing for an award. Don't be so hard on yourself and give it a shot. You may find it to be a blessing in disguise. It may turn out to be very rewarding and something you truly enjoy.


  9. Ann,

    I'm happy your sister-in-laws episode turned out to be far less than a stroke. I'm sure that had to be pretty scary. You must be relieved to now know the source of Bill's stomach issues - prior to the grocery store outing might have been a plus, but you handled it like a trooper as you always do.

    Getting a bit of help and respite is well earned and deserved dear. Besides someones needs to be freed up to break down those boxes in the garage.

    Love you & always nearby with a salt shaker

    Maria big xxx

  10. Janine,

    Sounds like things are working fairly well with Larry home which is wonderful.It's great that he has settled in and is comfortable with Cecilia. As he regains strength in therapy he should begin to resist being waited on and prefer to reclaim his independence...most of us do. Don't be surprised as he becomes more capable if he even becomes annoyed by it.

    Glad the construction is nearing an end which will surely lessen your stress level. We will expect to see pictures you know ~ it's the least you can do since we didn't make the cut for the party.

    Keep smiling, planning, socializing and hoping he doesn't inquire about the lizard.

    Maria :friends:

  11. Sharon,

    Aside from just his safety, it would probably be too much for you and put your health at risk to care for him yourself at home and then where would you both be?

    You're entitled to a seat on the pity pot from time to time - you've certainly earned it unfortunately. Maybe before you are getting ready to leave start veering away from thing that may make you a bit more meloncholy like looking at old pictures.

    Hope you feel better.


    Rea xoxo


  12. Katrina,

    I'm glad you got the opportunity to see just how very very far you've come. Give yourself some well deserved credit you worked long and hard to get here!


    A Big YOU GO GIRL on the license, but not too fast. Remember who put you there and He wouldn't have if He didn't think it was safe. He's always riding shotgun, but still trusts that you'll be very careful. The steering ball thing is not that bad, you'll get used to it especially because you don't have to undo the bad habits you had before from driving without one.


    Good luck with your new AFO and not to run over anyone smaller than you.

    Maria :friends:

  13. Ann,

    Seems now that you've handled all the stuff in our new home we can sit back and "chill " as the rest just takes care of itself. Just thought if you had a fireplace I'd help out by throwing a log in.

    You guys made it in good health which is what is most important. You do realize anything packed in those three hours will never be found again or missed so... just throw them out.

    Does Sears know who they're messing with? Obviously not yet.

    Relax and take it slowly from here

    Love you,


  14. Doug,

    You really sound like you are doing so much better. Seems all that rabbit chasing Teddy was doing was to get himself buffed up to make a play for his real quest. very cute Who would have guessed all that energy was really raging hormones with a plan?

    It's great that you're getting around a bit more on your own. Best of luck with your new ride.

    Congrats on your upcoming anniversary...plan something special...maybe a nice romantic candlelight dinner with the lovebird, ahh canines.

    Maria :friends:

  15. Katrina,

    Vi is so right. It takes a bit to get used to, but wearing the brace at night is so much better than wearing it all day and you will see a difference after a while.


    Dad's tears were of pride for your spirit and determination that we and so many admire. I'm sure he as most of us parents do is realizing that one day you may not need him....Go easy on the poor guy that's a tough reality to face.


    The Wii is worth the investment. It's a great therapy tool, it's very motivational and fun to do. W fit will assess you and track your progress. Some of it is a bit beyond what some of our abilities may be if you follow it rigidly, but if you make some modifications and work with it within your scope of ability it's very advantageous.


    Best of luck with the driving thing and remember He'll put you where He can keep you safe.

    Maria :friends:

  16. Janice,


    I'm happy things are falling into place for you with Larry at home and it it working out well with Cecilia.


    It's great that you have even gotten out and about a bit. At this rate you guys should probably be able to make the trek to Radio City for the Christmas show - rumor has it Vi is on the line of this year's Rockettes.

  17. Sharon,

    As Sue said this is not an uncommon story. You have not necessarily been abandoned, I think you are rather being avoided. Think about it...would you call a friend or someone in your family to check on how they were doing knowing the answer was less than rosy without knowing the right thing to do would be to offer to help? Of course not. So how do you not put yourself in that position at all? You just don't call or ask and avoid the situation completely or suggest they abandon it. Nobody takes the time to consider that you might notice that they're not calling or asking; they're too busy trying to sidestep getting sucked in. It's not that they don't love or care about you, but rather that if they get too close they may somehow be imposed on. I'm sure if you think about it objectively you'll see these people always had these traits, you're just now seeing them applied to you so take it from where it comes. You know we love you and are your friends and are always here for you.

    Love you,

    Rea :friends:

  18. Elondie,

    I did IM when I was in therapy. it's actually a lot more challenging than it looks. The fact that she clapped is great, it's pretty hard to follow IM!!


    Poor kid. We'll just have to put her in girl training early...any excuse for a new pair of shoes and you have to get them in every color.


    You're killin' me with her gallery pictures, I just want to bite those cheeks... way too cute.

    Maria :friends: