
Stroke Survivor - female
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Blog Comments posted by merichsen

  1. Donna,

    Congratulations on your anniversary and thank you for all you do for us.


    Kristi will never in a million years go to the teacher about the other kids. Kids don't give one another up about things like that; they know it's social suicide. Ask her if the group was assigned and if it was could she be in a different one next time because everyone is not pulling their own weight. The teacher will get it without her having to spell it out. The school system and teachers all know which kids get high and drink so the teacher will know Kristi's problem is working with the element she's with. The other side of peer pressure is how to avoid them without blatantly ratting on them

  2. Anne dear,

    if you need a little check on whether it's you or the 4 year-old...I'll be happy to send the boys down to visit Auntie Anne for the summer. They're not 4, but sure to put you over the edge just the same. They do mow so to kill two birds ~ as a means of transport I can have them head out on the tractor when they get home from school. That gives you ample time to relocate to your new undisclosed address.

    Glad your new home will be ready for summer so you'll have time to enjoy the surroundings and Bill can sun himself.

    Love ya,


  3. Donna,

    Pogo/Avery is very cute and fortunately had an owner to claim him.With the possibility that the next may not and the girls on the lookout for strays, I would clearly let them know that the next one is Kristi's friend's mom's turn.

    Now that you're survived your first winter back home, you'll really enjoy buzzing around in the spring on your scooter.


    Maria :friends:

  4. Dear lady,

    Congrats and very cool that you made it 30 days especially with the added stress of John's absence. Fortunately you didn't compensate for the oral fixation by nibbling on the pellets, kibble, or beating anyone with your Barbie dumbbells. That was the hardest part from here it should get easier.

    Glad to hear John's mother is holding up pretty well.

    Continued prayers,

    Maria xoxo :friends:

  5. Elondie,

    As Donna suggested the classroom teacher well knows that a stern no, time out, and notifying the parent should address the problem. If the behavior continuesthe child may not be in the appropriate setting for his specific classification. Inclusion is wonderful and works well but should not be at the expense of the other children in the class. You or your children should have been given a handbook outlining "rights of parents and children of special education".Part of her inclusion is to be a mainstream setting in the least restrictive environment free of ridicule and abuse, whether that her mainstream or special education peers. Being bitten is a violation of her right to feel safe in that classroom free from abuse. The school needs to address his issue and that may mean a class change for him. Speak to the child study team. They do their job but especially in special ed you really need to be an advocate for your child.

  6. Elondie,

    Most five-year-olds tend to become easily distracted in anything less than highly organized settings with one directive given at a time very slowly. In as much as they love receiving attention, they don't like to be the focal point and many times will react as Taylor did because they feel embarrassed. She actually sounds like an an average 5 year-old with one advantage...she's already figured out that the prima ballerina is expected to be temperamental.

  7. Thank you guys for your replies and support.

    When there's a will there's a way and of course always a motive.After resetting his phone to the European towers he called to say this is such a great experience he's considering the

    multi-cultural exchange program. My husband's response was try considering the Peace Corp because after this the only excursion he's financing is bus fare to their office to sign up. My next blog may be from Rahway State Prison.

  8. Beth,

    Glad to hear things sound like they are getting better and moving in a much more positive direction. Keep up the good work.

    Try not to stress over cutting back on volunteering, you need to put your health and family first. You'd be amazed at how people step up and get things done when they have to. To the disappointment of my ego my department and the district did somehow manage to carry on without me. That doesn't mean what you do is not important or easily replaceable, but it will be there if and when you are ready to return to it.

    Maria :friends:

  9. Beth,

    It's good to see that blogging has seemed to encourage you to think more positively about yourself. Through your posts we see so many great qualities in you. I'm sorry you feel they are unnoticed and not valued by who you want to see them most. We are a supportive group as you know beyond just stroke support. We're here to be your friends whenever you need us.

    Maria :friends:

  10. Katrina,

    I think we all get tired of being the way we are, my heart just breaks for you that you must deal with this at such a young age. When I look at your pictures I see a very beautiful normal young woman.The botox takes some time to really take effect. Keep up the good work in your classes. High expectations are a good thing. If you shoot for the stars, you land among the clouds; if you shoot for the clouds, you get poked by the tip of a skyscraper.

    Have fun and be well!


  11. Bonnie,

    I sort of have a mental image of a new Punxsutawney Bon next year peeking out from under her quilt. Would certainly be a much cuter critter and more reliable indicator. Hibernate dear, enjoy it, we'll wake you in the spring.

    Maria :friends:

  12. Stu,

    Try not to think of it as apprehension, but rather excitement and anticipation. You are going to have an incredibly good time. From the moment you step on that ship in your new rides you'll be so caught up in it, you won't have a care. So enjoy, have a blast, and take it all in, so you can blog it all and be the envy of the crowd when you safely return.

    Maria :friends:

  13. Kathy,

    So happy to hear you and your herd of turtles made it safely. The worst part is over. Looking for a house is the fun part, and as Bonnie said when you find it you'll know. Smile your pretty smile Polly soon you'll be kicking up your feet in your favorite socks in your new home.

    Maria :friends:


  14. Bonnie,

    Funny hair color story. My ex, Tom, was gray from age 22 or so. He's blond so it was never very noticeable, but it always bothered him. When we separated he came to pick up the kids after playing basketball in gym shorts all sweaty trying to look cool. He flexed a few times for effect and then complained about being being sore. I casually said you know Tom maybe you're just getting too old for this as I shot an innocent look at his hair poor guy was only 36. He so had it coming.The following week the the door bell rings and there is Tom with bright red hair. I looked at and said we'll take 2 happy meals and a cheeseburger. the genius tried to dye it but didn't read the color on the box, just went by the picture and dyed it black. He then tried to get it out and oxidized it. The following week he showed up shaved. Tom didn't weather the divorce well.

    Be grateful you have mouse that's an easy transformation to gray. The only way to get from black to gray is through Lily Munster.