
Stroke Survivor - female
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Blog Comments posted by merichsen

  1. Nor'easter, blackout, shovel, marginally high strung woman, not a great mix, but hey you're armed with carrots for the reindeer.They aren't really predicting high winds just heavy snow so the power should be okay. You are blessed to be back home and the snow actually makes for a nice added touch to make a picture perfect New England Christmas.

    Maria :hug:

  2. Doug,

    i'm glad you're not one of the flood crowd that are still displaced. I hope you and Teddy have resettled in by now. I'll keep you in my prayers that all works out well and stress free for you and you guys get to move to Arkansas as you hope. A very merry Christmas to you and Teddy.

    Maria :friends:

  3. Fred,

    Sad that those who feel threatened and intimated by a power who they in reality know is much greater than they, feel the need to attack and attempt to discredit. Fortunately anyone with a brain and even some of us with only half easily see them for what they are desperate lost souls.

    As it was on the news my 16 year old decided the governor should be thrown out of office. My initial thought was to argue the political aspect with him, and then thought no. After listening to him rant for the next 15 minutes he actually brought up the point of political correctness. He said I know you were dying to cut me off and tell me about how it's about being politically correct, but we're so worried about being politically correct that we're allowing it to destroy Christ and Christmas. Does anyone see that or are they too afraid they won't be politicallt correct if they speak up?

    I agree with Donna, quite eloquently written. Merry Christmas Fred, enjoy your Christmas tree, I will mine by no other name. May God bless you and keep you, and by your faith you know He will.


  4. Appreciate that table top tree. Yesterday Yul Gibbons decided wouldn't it be nice instead of using the artificial prelit and infusing smell with a wreath, wouldn't it be fun to search out and cut down a tree? Ummmm NO Need I even mention where I spent yesterday? Schlepping through a tree farm on a 28 degree day is not exactly my idea of a nice day out. I was offered a ride on the tree cart with the hacksawand when in an attempt to maintain some dignity I declined, I was warned try not to trip over the stumps. After returning home and thawing because I have such core strength and balance, my assistance was enlisted to hold up the tree as it was mounted in the stand. As I did I thought surely there must be some Christmas tree karmic zap. But what? And then as he strung the last box of LED lights that he just had to have I heard it. These lights have no shunts. One goes out the whole string goes. There it was tree karma $200 worth of lights down the drain because all they are now are a sore point as he anticipates the demise of his tree with the poof of one small bulb. just walked passed grumbling...just have to make it throught the next 3 weeks.

  5. Miss Kathy,

    As I began sporting my reindeer and santa socks I thought I know I'm not the only geek who wears seasonal socks. I'm sure my friend up in Boston has trees on her toes. I tried to talk John into a 4' tree to put on a table next to the fireplace. From outside who'd know and who cares? but that would be too easy and how then could you complain about being overworked?

    I'm happy you're all decorated and set to enjoy the season. Don't lop that arm off on me. We still have cyber CIT planned to do together and it doesn't work unless you have 2.



  6. katrina,

    The thing about your blogs is that they aren't always sad. They seem to go in cycles ~ oddly like something else. I noticed on the board you mentioned your arm tightening up badly which is weather related, but also symptomatic. Feeling a little crampy and cranky? It might be a good idea to start keeping track of when you hit these periods of being down in the dumps to see if there is a correlation with your other monthly event. I've always had a strong suspicion there might be. I've always had a bad case of the the hormonal black cloud thing, but the thing about it is for as horrible and miserable as it is to deal with each month. You know what it's really about so in a matter of days you know it will pass.

    On to other lectures.....You're not pitiful because you're alone. You'd be pitiful if you settled for some jerk as an alternative to being alone. Don't sit there and think about how pitiful you are start the paper earlier instead. I'm sure if you lower your standards you'd have a new boyfriend in like 5 minutes but don't do that cause then you'd really have something to be sorry for. But you know that it's one of my regular often repeated lectures. No compromises, no excuses, never settle.


    Maria :hug:

  7. kathy,

    I never bought in to the whole black Friday thing pun intended. I've always looked at it as if someone offered to pay me what I would save to go out and shop for them in that nightmare it wouldn't be worth my time, so I'm working far too hard for the money and it's just not worth it. Never even bothered to try. Years ago a Macy's one day sale was good enough lesson bargain day shopping for me.


    I'm glad you're enjoying you're refound New Englandiness and are enjoying venturing into baking again. If we both get our arms working we can have a two person NY Bahston cookie exchange - won't bring in the volume the usual exchange does but fun none the less.


    I'll have to see The Peaceful Warrior, but not sappy? Ah comeon we have sappy so perfected we make it look good. Is this what snap out of it has brought you to. You were never sappy to begin just needed a little snap out of it upside the head to knock the sap outta ya.

    Love ya,


  8. Doug,

    It seems like you Teddy prefers the familiar comforts of home. Whilst he may have sensed turkey was not the meal preferred meal of kings for the fancy olde English, such as yourself the now king of the living community. He sought an alternate feast and proudly returned it to his rightful place in the kingdom.


    I'm sure in no time you'll get your room nice and lived in again. Just takes a week or so of your habits and routines- things will start to fall in to place,and you won't feel so out of sort. Just a bit rough whilst you're in the process.

    Be well,


  9. Katrina,

    Sorry I didn't forget about you. The other morning as I was writing to you about your grades, I dropped a cup of coffee on my laptop and there went the entry to say the least.

    To resign to going easier on yourself is easier said than done. Maybe just try to not see yourself through the eyes of others, but rather develop your own self image. If your classes are more difficult and you worked your butt off to get a 3.8 in them, that's still quite an accomplishment and one in which to be proud. You have no one else's expectations to measure up to but your own.

    One of the hardest things about my stroke was the realization that I was no longer going to be able to be able to live up to perfection. After a lot of frustration and disappointment I finally came to the conclusion that part of it was because that was what I thought everyone always expected from me. I then decided I could spend a great deal of time and energy trying to compete with who I once was or I could be who I am now.

    It might be time to let go of last year and set new goals for this year based on the classes you are now taking and their level of difficulty.An A- in honors English Lit is more than likely equivelant to an A in a freshman Lit class. That doesn't mean you should ever shoot for anything less than the stars or expect anything less of yourself than your personal best, but realize some things in life are going to be more difficult than others. So when you set your goals and expectations for them don't let others do that for you, do it for yourself and be realistic about it so you don't set youself up for self peceived failure. As long as you always do your best at all you do honey, you'll always be a winner.


    I'm going to hit add reply now and hopefully this will go and my coffee will stay


    Maria :friends:

  10. Jean,

    How could you ever be forgotten? You're a living legend in these parts! In fact the other day I just emailed your blog links to a woman who needed major inspiration and could think of none other than who is the pinnacle of inspiration and strength to offer as a model of hope and light for the future.


    Your wisdom and inner strength have been so impressive that as a survivor here I have not forgotten you. Thank you for all you have done for the stroke community. You have made a great impact and can not be forgotten.


  11. Doug,

    Sorry to hear of your stay in exile and your fall ~ glad you seem to be okay from that. Caskets may be bigger, but you still can't get out of them and you wear the underwear much longer than 5 days.

    Happy to hear life is returning to normal for you and Teddy. He's a smart little character - you never mentioned he could talk is this new?

    Maria :friends:

  12. Yolie,

    I'm sorry Taylor and your family had to go through such an ordeal. Schools and 911 is a notorious problem. I'm glad you are addressing it specifically with the administration at Taylor's school for her case. As you know her IEP should emphasize and make all whose supervision she falls under aware of her special needs.

    I wouldn't get too crazy over what an ER radiologist thinks he's reading on a CAT scan. If it makes you guys feel better have it checked out further. I'm typing this with one hand because of the expertise of one who missed my massive aneurysm and said I had a sinus infection. So....


    Maria :hug:

  13. Janine,

    We were just wondering about you the other day and assumed that you guys had just settled in to a routine and were doing well. Glad to hear that is the case. In the beginning it is quite hard to see the forest for the trees, but you got here. If you get a chance read the piece Elondie inserted in her latest blog called "The Value of Hard Places", I think you will appreciate it.

    Pop in when you can to say hi. We won't forget you, you're family and will always be a part of us.

    Maria :friends:

  14. Doug,

    Was I naive enough to think Teddy might be fooled by that squirrel? Surely not Teddy he's way to smart, but the sweet taste of victory none the less. If he can get that squirrel, he'll get that cat yet and on to bigger conquests - the trash lady, so as Kathy said Teddy the Guard dog, who knew the other day you were witnessing such ferocity in the making.

    Happy you're excited about the snow. We're having some intense storms, but it's still 60 degrees so only lots of rain and wind, works for me, I can do without the snow.


  15. Once, just once trying to add a little levity and make you laugh I told you to snap out of it and you never let me live it down. So now you can add this GET OVER IT ALREADY! You know I love you or I wouldn't mess with you.

    Although it sounds as though you may have put snapping out of it to good use so you may not want to get over it. If it was someone else's painting you'd think it was beautiful because it is- cut yourself a break just stay away from your hair.

    Glad you enjoyed the classes and are looking forward to Thanksgiving you deserve it. Enjoy your New England Thanksgiving with your family.



  16. Hi Bart,

    On the upside at least you didn't throw the chicken. I was a 75 wpm typist so having to look for the keys made me nuts aside from doing it one handed. It sucked to be all of us which of course doesn't make it any easier for you to be you, but we can tell you because we were where you are and got passed it and so will you. It doesn't suck so much as times goes on. You get pretty good at cutting chicken. You never like that you have to cut with one hand and hold the other half with your foot, but you get so good at it it's no longer makes it suck so much to be you. Foot adds a little extra flavor too. It does get easier and suck less as time goes on.


  17. Yolie,

    You do have much to be thankful for. Thank you for sharing the wonder of Taylor with us. I truly appreciated the email you shared. My mother taught me quite young to look at life's challenges as an opportunity to build self confidence and inner strength. A mindset that left no room for self pity and instead an outlook that allowed me to feel empathy without feeling threatened by the rawness of emotion.

    You are so right. the pain will manifest if you dwell on it. Trusting in the Lord's will is of course always the best choice, Taylor is flourishing and you are at peace enjoying watching her do so.


    Maria :hug:

  18. Doug,

    Can you blame him? He probably never quite got over being sabotaged by the door between him and the puddy cat. The squirrel was the next best thing that was quick with a long furry tail. As long as Teddy emerged unharmed and the squirrel retreated. Teddy is the clear victor. Don't say squirrel say cat and the score is now even from Halloween too.


  19. Miss Kimmie,

    Think pink, shop pink. We've clocked far too many hour in on baseball fields, removing pet worms and other creatures from hidden crevices detected as their rotting smell begins to waff. It's only fair we're long overdue for frilly things and tea parties.I know you're so not buying this, but you might want to give some thought to tea party training~ then you could hook me up. I'll be due some day too and won't have a clue. Id there a Little Girls for Dummies?

  20. Sue,

    Apologies accepted for your technical difficulties, but your absence is felt and we really miss you.

    You surely are a gracious and entertaining hostess, roos on the barbi sound interesting. You may just have inspired us to get a group rate and come over as a crowd. 24 hours too short you say?

    Glad you enjoyed your visit with Babs and Eddie. You deserve it

    Maria :friends:



  21. Stu,

    I think the vision of the pages of the faceless people that this board has helped was the vision that Steve had that gave him the passion and drive to make it a reality along with the blessing of Divine intervention.

    The number of members that we have says nothing to the incredible difference it means to be a member and the wondrous difference that makes to so many. For that Steve is responsible and I agree I hope he knows the enormity of the difference he has made.

  22. Cathy,

    That was always my concerm with antidepressants. My doctor always anted to put me on them, but I felt like they just deadened you from the issue and once you stopped them the issue would still be there. I think therapy is a much better way to go. It would really do me a world of good too. I'm still hanging on a lot too. I've never really made enough of an effort to find a good one in my area and keep procrastinating it. Need to get my act together about it.


  23. Anne,

    As with you can pick your friends but cannot pick your family. Despite Choe being family her inner beauty,strength, and character you describe make it clear that you lost a cherished friend, whom you would have carefully chosen. I am truly sorrow for your loss. I know what a rare treasure she must have been.


    Although her physical organs were donated in death, what she gave of herself in life through her warmth and love will continue to live on as it is clearly alive and evident in your words.

    Love you,


  24. Cathy,

    The plot thickens.... Seems it's a bit more than just about losing weight. You want your groove back. Gotta tell ya. I spent a lot of time and energy not wanting to let go and trying to be who I was. After much beating myself up, frustration, and far too many tears I came to the realization that I would never walk as I once did or move as I once did so I 'd never get my groove back. Didn't mean I didn't know what it took and I couldn't reinvent myself. Stick with the weight thing ~ that's always good, but develop you new style and find your new groove.

    Maria :friends: