
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by Keepongoing

  1. Happy Anniversary Keepongoing!

  2. Happy Anniversary Keepongoing!

  3. Happy Anniversary Keepongoing!

  4. Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday dear Sue, Happy birthday to you. Lynn
  5. Hi All, Its been sometime since I blogged, I love what you have done with the place. I have been taking the pain meds and they make me very tired by night-time. 6 days left and school is out and I can finally rest. I will also be able to get back to the site. Surgery is set for June 8th, can't wait it better work. I have some really great news. Rod has been doing some pretty amazing stuff. He finally started trying to write and it has been going well. He asked last week if I would take him to get the book to study for his driving permit, which we did and he passed. Tonight I let him drive. He needs practice but, he wasn't bad. All the nervousness on my part was worth the smile on his face. It will be 3 years next month and I never thought driving would be an option. :cheer:
  6. Sue, I love your blogs they are so down to earth. Keep it up. Lynn
  7. V, Come and join me and we can party together. :beer: I know how you feel and like me you deserve a pity party. Some days it just never seems to end and there is always something that needs to be taken care of. Don't you just wish we could do one of those Queen for a day things and someone would wait on us and take care of everything? Dreams can't hurt. Hang in there. Lynn
  8. Thanks Everybody, I really appreciate all your thoughts I was really down and in a lot of pain. I hate taking the pain pills and I guess I waited too long to take them. I decided today to take them regularly from now on and not to wait till I am in pain. I have been talking to people to get some help. I have spent so much of my time being independant. I think I have to learn to trust that some people will come through. I just wish I could talk to Rod and he could help me make decision like he use to. Lynn
  9. Kim, You are worth your weight in gold. We have had the all the other waitress you speak about including this past weekend. We need more like you. Lynn
  10. I haven't been blog for awhile, I am in so much pain at night I have been going to bed early. I am trying to keep work till the surgery, I really don't have a choice we need the income and the health insurance. Luckily I have summers off. Today was not one of my better days, I finally get a call for a job closer to home and I have to pass because of the back surgery. I tried talking to Rod about it, discuss the choices and I was talking to myself. We use to talk so much about so many things and like Jean and Don the Aphasia just kicks the hell out of that. Rod was my rock to lean on.Some days I think he is getting so much back and other days I realize how much we have lost. I know, I know pity party. :nuhuh: Things are so much better than some here have it and I shouldn't complain. I am in so much pain all the time it worries me how much more I can take. I worry if I will be able to take care of us. It is so hard doing everything, being so far away from family there is just no one to take care of me when I can't cook or drive. My optimistic side would say "well it can't get any worse" but the realist in me says "sure it can bring it on". Ignore me it's just the meds starting to kick in. Lynn
  11. V I think that is a terrific idea. Having been a business owner I know what it's like trying to find good people. Sometimes people with medical problems are so afraid they don't have a chance. Good luck I hope she works out for you. Lynn
  12. Sandy, I'm with you and my cat would agree. I have been married twice and I have been a caregiver twice, I am begining to see a pattern. The next time I am going to take care of me and my cat. That rocking chair in assisted living really sounds like a plan, we just have to make sure the attendants are worth pinching.:roflmao: Lynn
  13. Hi V Our son put us through that once. I have never been more emotionally sick except when Rod had his stroke. Kids, gotta love them. Then they grow up have there own and have the same thing happen to them, it's called pay back. I'm glad everything turned out OK. You will sleep once your nerves are no longer in over drive. Lynn
  14. Butch, Reading this really made me realize I am not alone. It was one of the toughest decisions I have ever made and like your situation Rod too was more alert the next day and was allowed to make his own decisions by shaking his head yes or no. He did tell me later he does not remember anything from the regular hospital either. I am sure this was a very hard thing to write. Thanks for sharing. Lynn
  15. Sue, I am so glad you guys have a great time. I thought you were worrying over nothing. It even sounds like your going to be even busier than before. Enjoy your new church. Lynn
  16. Keepongoing

    the friendship rule

    I love your new rule. Really good friends are hard to find and terrible to lose. Lynn
  17. Keepongoing

    today with mom

    You have had a rough year. I think you deserve a pity party once in a while it helps to put things in perspective. Sounds like your Mom is moving forward and when your ready you will too. It hard to deal with the emotions of watching ones parents getting to the point of needing help. Deep down we just want them to be around forever. I have just come to that realization recently it's a sad and scary thing to deal with. Venting away I am listening. Lynn
  18. Sue, If it raining, it's pouring, especially when you have so many things to do. Things will get better, the rain will go away and the sun will come out, and now you have a chance to make new friends. Look at the church closing as a new door to open, you may get some really nice new friends out of this. You seem to be a very outgoing person but, take time for yourself, I know it's a hard thing to do. You can't always wear your wings :Angel: Lynn
  19. Keepongoing

    What a day!

    Bill, It sounds like you had a really good day. My husband would love to be able to do that. He keeps bugging me to get approved to drive again. I am sure your wife worries a bunch. Each time you do go out by your self it will get easier. Be proud of your self this is a big step in your recovery.:beer: Lynn
  20. Hi Ken, Welcome, you have found a great site to talk to people in the same boat as you. My husband stroked 3 years ago May. Same thing major surprise. He was considered healthy. Thats just the way it goes. You are making progress and you will continue to, it just takes time. Again Welcome Lynn :hiya:
  21. I was worried about you and Ray. Glad you were not in the middle of that. There sure seems to be some wild weather around this year and now they are saying it may get worse. Thanks for letting us know what is going on. Lynn
  22. I had a great trip with my students to set up for the Buffalo flower show. I just set up a new album with some pictures of the flowers and work my students did. Even with my back hurting I enjoyed the day. Rod almost got his computer wireless, hopefully by Thursday then I will get him back on the site. His computer is so slow he gets fustrated. We had a long talk about the driving again. I want him to wait a little while longer. His forgetfulness has me worried. I have gotten the information for him and I am going to give them a call and see what they do in the assessment of his driving skills. Had a great time in the Chat the other night. Hope the pictures give everyone some spring fever.
  23. Keepongoing

    Flowers Photos

  24. Keepongoing

    New Primrose

    From the album: Flowers Photos

    New color Primrose