
Stroke Survivor - female
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Blog Comments posted by Keepongoing

  1. Kristin,

    One year post stroke is still not long. Rod will be 3 years post stroke in May. In the last two weeks he has done some amazing things, today he told me it was like a light switch turned on. There is always hope. I was at the stage you are now about a year ago I really felt maybe he need to just accept he had all that he was going to get back. What a mistake that would have been. What we did do was to accept where we were for the moment and to start living again just differently. Hang in there.


  2. Sue,

    It sounds like you still had a good time. Accidence happen, and it's not your fault nor Ray's. Rod just got done going through a difficult time while he had the bladder stones.

    We spent last summer traveling in our trailer and I think that is the best way to travel. When he gets tired we can stop and he can rest. We went to PA, Washington DC, Ohio, MD and every where we went we had some difficulties. Just before we left I realized that if I had to push Rod in a wheelchair It wasn't going to work so we got him a scooter. It was the best money I have ever spent. We were better able to get around in more places. We saw Longwood gardens ( here they supplied scooter for their visitors). At our Nations Capital we ran into a few things that really surprised me. You could not use out of State handicap tags, and may of the locations we visited we had to use a back door to get inside. We still had a great time and even with the problems I can't wait to do it again this summer.


  3. Hi Suzie-q

    Your just starting your journey. My husband is 2.5 years post stroke and still things get better. You are not a whinner, I still complain at times. I think we all deserve to vent once in a while we have all been dealt a raw deal. Healing comes with talking and getting through these feelings, vent away we will listen and be there for you. We understand how you are feeling right now, but remember it will get better.

    Lynn :)

  4. Sue,

    It is so hard when we see these changes. You know they can change back just as quickly. You are saying how hot it is could the heat have something to do with his lack of wanting to eat. Rod has on more than one occasion reminded me of his father right down to facial expressions. It can be scary to see these kinds of changes.


  5. calendulady,

    You have survived a stroke, that is amazing in it's self. The distance between your sister was not created just by you, maybe she has realized that fact and whats to change your relationship. If she can't deal with the conditions at your home then she can pitch it and help or go to a hotel. I have been having trouble with my back and Rod is not capable of doing the house work. So my house is mess and right now thats not what is important. You should not feel less than anyone, we all are important in this world. People who snub their noses are not the kind of people I want around anyways. I'll bet and I am hoping your visit will go better than you think. Give it a chance, don't let your fear get the better of you. As far as marrying for love, you have 10x more than someone who marries for money. Love conquers all and it sounds like you have a good husband. Take care and try not to worry about what hasn't happened yet. :hiya:


  6. Deb,

    Rod had the same thing happen to him and it was a seizure problem but, it still could be TIA. You need to see a Dr. will they see you at the ER. If so then go. Since Rod got on the medication he has started to go forward again. Every time a therapist tells him he might not get more back he proves them wrong, my take on it is "it ain't over till it's over". If they stop your therapy it just maybe for a time. Rod has started and stopped more times than I can count.Wishing you well.


  7. Sue,

    I know how you feel, I am in the same boat only Rod tries most days. It still is loney and I get very tired of doing everything my self. One thing I have started doing since coming to the board is "ME" time. Whether I read, or go out for a coffee, or an evening with friends.You need to make time for yourself by your self. Get someone to come over and stay even for an evening. Hang in there its a tough row we hoe. smile.gif


  8. Butch,

    It seems you are still new to all of this. I too am a caregiver and what you are feeling right now is more than likely tired frustration. I can't tell you how to feel just that you are not alone and it will get better. You are doing the hardest job of your life something you were never prepared to do. But, your doing it and I am sure it is making a difference. It will take time, but your wife will become less dependant on you constantly being there. One thing I did was to discuss the situation with my husband and explain all that I had to do and that his job was the therapy. It really does get better, I have been in your shoes. Your tired, you have to take care of everything, your frustrated at the speed of the changes. You may need some "me" time. Get someone to stay with your wife go to a game with friends, or a movie. A little break goes a long way.
