Keeley Level

Stroke Survivor - female
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Blog Comments posted by Keeley Level

  1. Please continue to vent. My husband has a couple of falls too fortunately I was at home I called 911 and the guys came and picked up Burt. He tends to lose his balance due to his Stroke. I have never blogged and have attempted a couple of caregiver meetings, but I must admit felt s empty as when I went in. I am beginning to think that I get to do this with my husband all by myself. He is five ears since his Stroke and has come pretty far, but I know he will never use his hand again makes me sad, but those are the cards dealt to me. I never thought I would be so alone at fit years old, but I am... STROKES suck. I pray the federal government dos not take my IHSS I receive from the state so I can keep my husband home, either way we will survive. I wish some of those congress people could walk a day in my shoes, I think they would maybe have second thoughts.