
Stroke Survivor - female
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About kimt75

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  3. Happy Anniversary kimt75!

  4. Bonnie, thank you for your candor. I appreciate hearing other's stories, especially those who have similar symptoms as my daughter. I will pray that you will have continued healing. Have you seen that you continually keep improving, is it a pretty slow pace now of improvement? Thanks for your answers.
  5. October 12, 2005 my life was changed forever. My daughter was taken by squad to the hospital by ambulance after she was unresponsive at home. We were soon informed that she had bacterial meningits, and encephalitis. By the next day we brought up the fact that she was not moving her left side. We were told she could have had a mild stroke and she did have an MRI, which did have suspicious findings but they did not believe it was a stroke. After multiple seizures(one lasting 30+ minutes) a couple of days later, and still no movement on the left side another MRI was ordered. We were then told she had in fact had a stroke in her right temporal, perietal, and occipital lobes. Once Alicia woke up plans were put in place to have her moved to another children's hospital that had inpatient rehabilitation. Alicia we were told would be there at least 3 months, by God's grace she was only there 2 weeks. Alicia was never supposed to walk again, but she did. While we are blessed with Alicia's physical rehabilitation, we have been dramatically effected by Alicia's mental changes. Things like executive functioning, emotional regulation, impulse control, compulsive behaviors, short term memory loss, aggressive behavior, learning disabilities, and significant changes in her maturity levels, where she is far more childlike than she ever used to be. Alicia is unaware of her deficits for the most part. She asks me often, why she still has to go to therapies. She tells me, "Mom it's been a year already, why are we still going through this? I am fine!" Alicia is far from fine! Alicia will be seeing a psychiatrist to deal with some of these mental issues. I will be blogging about the trials with Alicia and how I may or may not be dealing with it. Thanks for reading!