
Stroke Survivor - female
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Blog Comments posted by calendulady

  1. Thanks, Fred, for the encouragement. I will tell you that when I first rode the recumbent bike in Physical Therapy, I fell in love with it. I also have 2 herniated discs (lumbar) so I was never able to use gym equipment without experiencing the pain. But the recumbent bike was so much fun, that my Physical Therapist used it as a reward for me if I did well during my hour of therapy. It also made a huge difference in my mood.


    Have a good day, Fred!



  2. **hi** Sue -


    What a great idea! I have decided to relax downstairs in the loveseat,

    all wrapped up in an afghan. Instead of the beach, I will focus on a snowy day - I'm sitting in the log cabin, in front of a blazing fire in the old brick fireplace. I'm all alone. The only noise is the crackling of the logs.


    I'm eating hot cinnamon buns and drinking the best hot chocolate I have ever tasted - whipped cream on top, no marshmallows. This dream goes on and on ... but you get the picture.


    I would have loved to try the beach scene, but it is a bit chilly in the house.


    Thanks, again!

    Debbie :wub2:

  3. Thanks to everyone for your friendship and kind words and helpful advice. As you may have guessed, I was having a panic attack while

    posting by blog yesterday. Perhaps I should have listened to the tiny voice in my ear whispering, "Step away from the keyboard and nobody gets hurt!"


    After thinking about the situation, I realized that I had overblown

    every possible scenario. I am going to sit back and see what happens.


    Don't worry, I'll be sure to tell you all about the visit!


    Love, Debbie :wub2:

  4. Fred -


    I totally agree that time seems to S-L-O-W-L-Y move forward from one hour to the next, but then I am shocked when another week has gone by. Where did all the time go?

    If you need any winter, I'm sure I can share some of ours with you - we are expecting a Nor'Easter snowstorm on Tuesday. I'll keep you posted.


    Have a great evening! :giggle:





  5. Sarah -


    Now you're speaking my language! Pre-stroke I loved going to the casino - I only play slots, but I so enjoy it.


    I've had a couple of trips to Las Vegas, but most of my casino trips have been day trips to Charlestown West Virginia - I don't live too far from there.


    I'd love to go again, but I know that our money is too scarce right now to risk it. But congratulations to you! Now get that new purse - you deserve it!



  6. Sue -


    I want to share your comments with my husband. Sometimes I think my husband forgets about the little things that might matter to me, because he is so overwhelmed with the big day to day problems we both face.


    I would really feel needed if I had a spare key to carry, or a couple of bucks in my pocket.


    Thanks for sharing. Achoo! God bless you.

