ray - w

Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Comments posted by ray - w

  1. Debbie, you and Bruce have come such a long way. The going out without thinking about it reminds me of Ray's recovery after the 2001 stroke, we had a year of rehab and of building up to it and then suddenly all was well. All we had to do was to keep going forward, building on that.


    Is Bruce any more motivated in the way of keeping himself amused now? Could he use a Kindle or play computer games, do a family history or plan a new garden? It seems to me that his the next step, becoming more independent in his mind. He has been heading that way for some time with his couponing and his meal preparation, maybe look for the next step from there?


    Love that continuing "Happy Birthday" you are having...great idea.



  2. Hostsue here, just wanted to say how pleased I am those prayers have been answered. Jen back is good news, she is at least a temporary break for you and a gee-up for Bruce with the pool etc.


    Debbie, you do so much and I admire the way you do it, make sure everything is doable and then you have an edge in case there is an emergency.


    I hope Jen can find someone else to join your team and give you a way of resting from time to time - we all need that break.



  3. This is Ray's log on but this is from Sue.


    Janice it is very hard to watch someone you love in pain. I am so sorry Joe is going through this after all he has been through. He is a good man and this is so hard for him too.


    I hope the doctor's find out how to stop the pain from happening. It seems such a small thing to ask.E.Rs are crowded and slow all over the world, too bad they can't respond quicker.


    Glad you are back posting here again. It is a supportive site and we although we can only do so much we can send you virtual hugs. :friends: :friends: