
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Comments posted by aanaruk

  1. You folks are impressive!  I'll try to get a couple:

    1.  I am part yupik eskimo and part arkansas hillbilly

    2.  I served in the USAF from Feb 1969 to June 1994 (enlisted 1969 to 1981, commissioned 1983 to 1994)

    3.  I was a Chinese linguist, then an intelligence officer.

    4.  I have lived in 21cities/towns in 11 states and four countries

    5.  My wife and I have two sons and three grand daughters.

    6.  I will retire for the third time sometimes in the next five years.

    7.  I completed an MBA about six months before having a hemorrhagic stroke.

    8.  I like to fish and hunt.

    9.  I've given up hunting due to mild hemi-paresis and low proprioception.

    10. I hold a commercial SEL pilot's license

    11.  I have one living brother and one living sister

    12.  Our youngest brother passed away in 1995.

    13.  The United States has had 12 Presidents in my lifetime.

    14.  The "state in which I was born did not become a state until I was 10 years old.

    15.  I dislike CA because people there spit on me and other military members during two of my tours of duty there.

    16.  I love the cold but can no longer live in cold weather due to its affect on my skin.

    17.  One of my Aunts had a husband who was a state Governor for 12 years.

    18.  I met a moonshiner in the ozarks on a back road.  He was driving a wooden wagon pulled by two mules.

    19.  I played in the orchestra in elementary, junior high, high school and college.  I played violin in elementary through high school, viola in HS, and bull fiddle in HS and college.

    20.  Although I've lead singing in church service, I've got a horrible singing voice.

    21.  I've preached in three different congregations.

    22.  I've attended four different colleges.

    23.  I attended three different elementary schools, two junior high schools and only one high school.

    24 I have flown in Grumman goose, PBY's, DC-3, DC-4, DC-6, DC-8, Connies, Boeing 720B's, Boeing 707, 727, 737, 747, 757, 767, 777, DC-9, MD-80,L1011, MD-11, Cessna 150, 172, 182, 207, Piper Cub, Piper Cherokee, Piper Comanche, Piper Arrow, and T-41.

    I piloted Cessna 150, 172, Piper Cherokee, Piper Comanche, Piper Arrow, and T-41.

    25. I cannot accept the platform (in total) of any political party.  I am slightly conservative.  I have voted for republicans and democrats.  I try to find an honest politician for whom to vote but feel there may be none left.

    26.  I don't know for certain where we will go to retire, but it will likely be TX, the front range in CO, or western WA.

    27.  I believe phones are to talk on, not to use for picture taking or going on the internet and texting.

    28.  Tweets are misnamed.  They should be called twits.  They after all come from twitter, not tweeter.

    29.  I have been in at least five earthquakes over 5.0

    30  I have been through three typhoons, two hurricanes, and had a funnel cloud pass over my backyard.

    31.  I was a Star Scout, a senior patrol leader, a junior assistant scoutmaster, an assistant scoutmaster, a scoutmaster, a den father, a cubmaster, a committee member, all total in 4 packs and 6 troops in three countries.

    32.  I love to read.  

    33.  I have been an elite level frequent flyer on four airlines.

    34.  I have been in 47 of the 50 states. 

    35.  I think thats about all.


    Axel.  Hemorrhagic stroke 2005