Ruth & Bruce

Stroke Survivor - female
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  1. Happy Anniversary Ruth & Bruce!

  2. Happy Anniversary Ruth & Bruce!

  3. Happy Anniversary Ruth & Bruce!

  4. I haven't replied in so long I forgot how. i have 2 dachsunds (4 in my whole life) and the back thing is a heartbreaker! But they have this knowledge to lie still and it will heal all by itself. mine was facing over $1,000 in surgery but acted like an idiot when I got her to the specialist so he sent her home on medicine and it healed. The 2 I have now are crate trained. I never had crate trained and thought it was cruel so gave them the run of the laundry room. Bad idea! They didn't know what to do with all that space so they just kept messing in it. i got tired of it and put them back in the crate while I work and at night and they feel safe now and no more wet floors. I hope by the weekend your pup is feeling better. it's hard to keep them from jumping up but you must make sure he doesn't for awhile. Good luck! It's the "eyes" and "the look" that kill ya'!
  5. Bill-you might want to check w/ a Urologist and have him do blood work. It's possible your testosterone level could be low and for that you can get monthly shots. Take your list of medicines so he can see what you are on. Maybe you can get a script for Livetra or viagra from him. You're right, you are too young to be going without and it sure does help :-) Good Luck!
  6. Good Luck this time, Bill. Hope it all goes well for you so you can get on w/ the rest of your life! How's Bud doing?
  7. Sue-I know how you must feel. My 4 Grandchildren were born out of state and I missed them being babies. Five years ago we could drive down to visit but since the stroke and rotator surgeries financially it is out of the question right now. I've missed alot in their little lives. But as the 2 oldest are 4 + 5 and starting kindergarten and with today's electronics they are now e-mailing me every night about their day (Their Daddy types what they want to say to me) It's so cute what goes on in their brain. Naomi will remember you and the things you and her did together and she will know your voice, trust me. They remember stuff you and I can't remember. I hope you fell better soon!
  8. Congratulations! You know a man invented that test, right? LOl! Glad it turned out okay for you. I agree, the prep sucks and whoever named it "golitely" never had to drink a gallon of it. Take CAre!
  9. Ruth & Bruce

    No Luck?

    Hi, Bill! Sorry to hear the deal fell thru. I used to sell Real Estate and like they say "it ain't a done deal till the checks in your hand" So many things can happen between the signing of the papers to buy and the closing. I've lost a few houses during my lifetime also so I know how bad it hurts when you are counting on that perfect house and can't get it. Hopefully your Realtor will bring along another client, pre approved and ready to rock and roll. I'll have a beer w/ you in about 2 hours. How's Bud? I have to ask: does he like his beer, too?
  10. Robyn-Just wanted to say that you have 2 cute kids there! Hang in there.
  11. Robyn-I just wanted to say that I'm sorry things didn't turn out the way you had hoped. Maybe Jane had these issues before stroke and that now the stroke has made a"mountain out of a molehill" so to speak. Personality changes do occur after a stroke. Some people get mean and nasty. Some get mellow (like my husband) God works in mysterious ways. Maybe this was all meant to be and some day you might be able to get over the hurtful things she said. You are a strong person and I believe you will survive this. Take Care of Robyn right now.
  12. Robyn-I can't add anymore than the others have but wanted to wish you good luck at the Therapists today. Let's hope she gives you some good advice and some peace for all of you.
  13. Ruth & Bruce

    Hey Babe!!!

    Robyn-you're right! I never thought about it that way. Kind of like your own secret place to go and vent and to be yourself. It's not being selfish. We also need help to cope w/stroke. It affects everyone not just the survivor. I hope you hear from her soon and that she has made progress in her re-hab. Keep blogging for you!
  14. Ruth & Bruce

    Hey Babe!!!

    Robyn-I just wanted to let you know that I sense you are coming along and feeling better by the sounds of your posts.I think doing your blog has helped you so much along w/ the support of this wonderful board. Do you think it would help JAne if you gave her this site to browse thru? I had to go back and read your initial post to see how bad her stroke was and if she is having difficulty talking maybe posting would help her communicate better. Just a thought. I know this site has been a God send for us although my husband doesn't post he's here everyday reading and it has made him feel like he's not alone, that stroke doesn't pick and choose it's victims. BTW-good luck on the sale of the house in Ohio. That's where we are and there are so many houses up for sale in my town you wouldn't believe it. Hope all goes well eventually.
  15. I work w/ them all day......just b/c they have a PhD. doesn't mean they have any common sense, or manners for that matter! I've been known to tell a few off myself in the 17 years I've been here :-) So glad you are regaining your confidence again!