
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by jjohnson

  1. I so wanted to go to Church yesterday morning, had the alarm set, had my ride all set, and then WHAM, had to call Debbie and let her know I wouldn't need to have her come and get me, why you wonder? It was a sheet of ice, it had snowed and had sleet mixed in and whatever else ... it was not a pretty picture. I was upset .... but, I knew there was no way I could get down the ramp. Safety first was needed to be my decision. God knew the desire of my heart. I don't need a building to pray to my God, I just love going to fellowship with my Church Family. I love the Praise Group and I enjoy singing and being part of the whole experience. I love hearing my Pastor's Sermon. I missed not getting Communion but I know Pastor Mike will bring me that when the weather clears up. Well, it started snowing Sunday am and it kept snowing all day and evening and it slowed down a bit but it started up and it's coming down like you would not believe. My poor lil Harley, he goes out and you can't tell where he is unless his lil face is looking up at me, then I can see his black nose and eyes. He is pure white. But, let me tell you what, he goes and does his "thing" and comes right back in. His Momma didn't raise no fool..... he knows where he is warmed up. We were suppose to get over 7 inches yesterday and I believe Wayne has said he thought we had about 5-6 as of yesterday. Today, they are saying the 7 again. Who knows, all I know is everything is closed according to the radio. I need a shovel for clearing our ramp, etc. but I don't need a shovel to shovel food into my mouth. I would stress about all this bad weather and eat, eat, eat, but guess what, not this time. I am enjoying seeing the snow, it's beautiful. We did lose our electricty. But, it is back for now. Hope we don't lose it again But, hey, if we do, we will deal with it. Speaking of food..... I am still doing good with my NutriSystem. The food is really good, it's unbelievable. It's a "God Thing." Ok, I need to come clean with everyone, I had Wayne weigh me and guess what.... Through God's grace, I released six, count em, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 SIX lbs. I am so excited. Wayne ever showed excitement. So, maybe it's not just another attempt of "diet" I don't like that word DIEt. I'm not sure what I call it, New way of eating? Food Plan? I don't want to say I lost ????? lbs. I am saying I released.... cus when you lose something you find it. I don't want to find those six lbs. So, I'm on my way. I have a Counselor with NutriSystem. We spoke, she feels I have a good attitude toward it and I told her I am blogging about it here. I have a great Support, GOD. He knows it is a true desire of my heart and I really feel I'm going to do it. Ok, Wes, this is my GOAL...... I want to be healthy, I want to Live, I feel getting this weight off of me I am going to feel so much better and maybe I will be able to do more things. One never knows. Well, each day I will get closer to my goal and I will find out how I feel. Just keep me in your prayers please. I need all the prayers I can get. I am happy. I can't wait to see how things go. Just one meal at a time. Today is going to be a day I am sure without our mail being delivered. There is no way she can deliver the mail in these kinds of condition. I think about the homeless and how freezing they must be. Have a great day today. Enjoy the day. Don't spend your time on yesterday or worrying about tomorrow, just stay in today and enjoy it. Make it the best you can. God Bless, Hugs, Jan Believe In Miracles And SOAR ********************************************************************************************* Wanted to share this with you all. I rec'd it this am. PURSUING PEACE Dear Father, giver of brotherly love, How wonderful that your kingdom, your rule in people's lives, is not a matter of food and drink, but of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. May I, in serving Christ this way, be acceptable to you and approved by others. Let me and all the members of your family pursue what makes for peace and for mutual uplifting. Let none of us, for the sake of personal rights, destroy your work of grace in someone else. Help us to appreciate our rights, but help each of us understand that it is wrong to make others fall by insisting on them. Guide us to see that it is right not to eat meat or drink wine or do anything that would make a brother or sister stumble. The faith that I have, let me keep between you and me. Let me find happiness in having no reason to judge myself for what I approve. May I never do anything from the basis of doubt, because not acting from conviction is sin. In the name of Jesus I pray all this, asking that you will give me love for my brothers and sisters. Amen.
  2. Wes: yes, my friend, it's me again. You remind me of me ..... when I get going on something I will do it until I complete the task or activity or whatever, with the MG like I shared with you, same goes for my Stroke deficits, after reading your Blog Post, I wasn't going to say anything, but I thought about it a lot and I just had to share with you my thoughts. I have a dear friend, Lisa, who comes to visit me from Virginia with her kids. When she comes up, we go out, we are out all day, From 10am until 10-11pm, seriously, we shop, go to movies, lunch, dinner, you name it, it is a day of pure happiness, she will say through out the day, your eyes are starting to droop, or your face is drooping, or you are starting to slurr. But, I am out, I don't get out much, and I want to savor those moments for ever. I know, in my heart, I am going to pay for this, but it is worth it ..... so I think. I have started to think about this, is pushing the envelope worth it? Am I causing damage to my health. Could it cause stroke? I don't know but I have decided to not do it. I need to do things in moderation. I know you have set goals for yourself, I do for myself, but, please take care of yourself. I know I am not your Mother, and I'm not trying to scold you or anything, I am just trying to share thoughts with you. Maybe doing a bike ride, start off slow, and not go for a walk. That will all come in due time. I don't know, these are just my concerns for you. I have paid big time for overdoing it. Is one day of bliss and fun worth a week or more in bed? No, I don't think so. I told Lisa I finally see her concern for me. She only loves me and wants the best for me. Take care, I keep you in my prayers daily. Hugs, Jan Believe In Miracles And SOAR
  3. :friends: Dear Kimmie: Do you know how much I love you and treasure our friendship? Well, you should know. I know things have been tough for you and I know that black cloud will travel elsewhere.... God is carrying you in his loving arms, I sometimes feel the same way, when is that damn cloud going to leave me and it is in those moments I know my journey has many twists and turns, I'm on a journey. I don't know if it is because it is teaching me things that I am to share with others. As far as your "bathroom" crisis, you can use my Bidet .... it will clean you right on out. Seriously, I kid you not. Best invention since sliced bread. I am sending you my special Guardian Angel, She will take good care of you. :Angel: Our special Amigo team will take good care of you. We will love you and lift you up. The greatest thing about our friendship is the fact that we love one another when we can't do it for ourselves because our burdens get us so down at times. :chat: I know exactly how you feel about your lil buddy, he is such a part of you. My Harley is the same way to me. I wish we lived closer to one another, I'd be there in a heart beat. I am so happy our prayers are being answered regarding your Dad and Son. I think blogging it and getting it out and down on "paper" is a good healing process for you. I am here for you 24/7 and I hope you know that. Know, seriously, if you feel you are going to fall off that ledge, there are a lot of people who will be there to catch you. Let us help you carry your load ok? Hope you feel better today. I hope your absess gets better. Hey, here is a sure fire way to take care of that since the Dentist isn't in until Tuesday, get a string, a bottle of Jack Daniels, and a door knob and wham, the problem is solved. Let me know if that took care of that situation. Seriously, I pray you feel better. God Bless, Love n Hugs, Jan Believe In Miracles And SOAR
  4. jjohnson


    :Cheers: :Clap-Hands: :congrats: Wes, Great Job my friend. I am so proud of you and your honesty with your feelings. You do have "sexy legs"..... Your achievements help you to continue forward. I bet even your neighbors have learned a great deal on how you are taking your journey. We never know who and what people are thinking. Isn't our journey an awsome thing to experience? Keep up the good fight, you are a Warrior with a capital W Looking forwad to your next post. The pics are wonderful, thank you for adding them .... Makes me feel as if I was right there. U Got to give Deb some equal space, we need to see her pics. Take care Wes, My prayers are being answered. What is your next big Adventure? God Bless, Hugs, Jan Believe In Miracles And SOAR
  5. :happydance: :yikes: Here I am with my Happy Jan Dance and when I looked in the mirror today .... guess what I saw......... A different person. I told Wayne, WAYNE, COME HERE QUICK, he ran in and saw I was OK and said don't ever do that again, you scared me .... didn't know what was wrong, OOPS...... I didn't mean to do that, I was just so surprised at what I saw that I had to share it with him. Guess, I was projecting too much COME HERE QUICK. I told him I was sorry and I would never do that again. When I took my shower and then I got ready this am, I looked in the mirror and I saw a different ME. I know, I know, there are skeptics out there, that's ok, it's just that I have been so down on myself for so long lately and feeling so badly for so long, that I have taken action and God has led me to what journey I am on now and for that I am so greatful. I was listening to my music, which is my safe haven, and the lyrics were: :serenade: I am feeling :peace: I am :whistling: a different tune to my days again :music_dj: I heard LOUD and CLEAR, there is hope out there, I'm reaching it.... just got to keep leaning on God and giving it to HIM. Can't do it on my own, I have seen what I have been doing wrong, trying to take it all on my own, It has gotten me no where. My motto has always been something very near and dear to me, it was part of the book I wrote, "Believe in Miracles And Soar" but .... I am adding the following lyrics from Third Day: I was listening to them all night and morning and I totally heard a different lesson to me, It's another "God Thing" a gift from God to me. Here are the awesome words: I adore this group and they are one of my favorites. I am going to write to them and thank them for the gift of their words. I want to send them a copy of my Book. It's ironic, in the middle of my book is a beautiful Eagle, Little did I know, that would be a big part of new journey. It's something how God plants those seeds isn't it? Here are some of the wonderful lyrics that have touched my soul so much since this new journey has started. Isn't it amazing how you listen to music over and over and over and then a new meaning approaches? It is awesome. Guess,I was just ready. God is sending me exactly what I need. Lyrics to Tunnel : I won
  6. Hi there. Yeah, you are getting a Shelter Dog, they are the best, they have so much love to give. That is the best medicine out there. I have a Shelter Dog, Harley. He has been my baby since my Brain Stem Stroke in 11/03. He has become my service dog and helps me in every way. He just loves me and loves me more and more. I simply adore him. Just take life a second a day. There's nothing to it but to do it. I am praying for you and know that God is carrying through your journey each day. Life will be good again. It all takes time. No, my life has changed in every way since the Beast, Stroke . But, I am a fighter, a Warrior a Survivor .... Hang in there and keep us posted how u r doing. Have you thought about starting a Blog here? they are very helpful. God Bless, Keeping you in my prayers Hugs, Jan Believe In Miracles And SOAR :friends:
  7. Wes, I missed you my friend. But you know what..... I sorta hope you rest this weekend and let your body get caught up with ya. You are like the Engerizer Bunny, But, maybe your body needs a lil R and R. Only you know what is best for you, WELP, maybe not, I think your Mom knows best. You know why was there a tv show "Father Knows Best"? We all know it was the "MOM.... hehehe Anyway, I did miss you. Look forward to hearing all about the Adventures of Wes. Have a blessed weekend. Peace, Hugs, Jan Your devoted Fan
  8. :beer: Goodbye February :happydance: Dancing the Irish jig for you .... HELLO, it's March, "Kiss Me, I'm Irish" Green Beer, fun times. But, the most important thing is the new me coming round. :bookread: Ok, stay seated, News Flash,,,,News Flash,,,,News Flash,,,News Flash,,,News Flash,,,News Flash I have prayed and prayed about trying to get this weight off. I am in a position where it is hard to exercise. But, I am trying to figure out what I can try to do. I have a tape where I can sit in my wheelchair or lift chair and do a few things. Anyway, I started NutriSystems. It arrived on Ash Wednesday. That was a "God Thing" ..... I know Through Christ, All Things Are Possible. This is something I really want. I truly do. Since November or so, I have really been going through rough times and I am tired of them. I want to rise above it. Anyway, I thought, wow, Lent..... forty days, forty nights, what a perfect time to start this new way of life for me. Besides, I never got to Weight Watchers. But, God had other plans for me. I like the food so far. My new thinking is simple .... it's I LIVE TO EAT, NOT LOVE TO EAT. I need to nourish my body and this stress eating has to end. This emotional eating, eat when I am happy, eat when I am sad. no more. I am going to be a Warrior of my body. Getting healthy is on my list. I wasn't going to share this in my Blog, I have written numerous posts, but deleted all of them. Then after praying all day, I said this is crazy. I want to be accountable to others. My Bible Study Gals, Kathy and Debbie, are on the same page with me. How about you all? I have made a contract with myself, to be good to myself, to just take it one second at a time, as it didn't come on me over night, many years. I have had a problem with my weight since grade school. I am writing down what I am eating. The food truly isn't bad. This I am so greatful for. I had pizza tonight for dinner. Lawdy, one or two bites and it was gone. But, at least it was pizza, cheese pizza, it was flatbread pizza. So, it looks like things I like to eat are included. Who knows, maybe I will be in an informical with Marie Osmond. :roflmao: Anyway, I need to finish my contract to myself so I will get going. Take care and I invite you to travel my journey with you all. God Bless, Hugs, Believe In Miracles And SOAR
  9. Wes: I could see your big smile and happiness in your words. I am so happy you got to go and you enjoyed your day. Great, God is good. You have come a long way, just wait until next year. Hugs, Jan Believe In Miracles And SOAR
  10. Hi Mom: WOW, what a wonderful first entry. You are a real blessing. It is a true honor to meet you. I have WES to thank for that. One good thing Stroke has done is put us all together. Otherwise, I wouldn't have such wonderful partners in crime to be with. I so enjoyed reading your entry and I am happy you are a blogger now. You truly seem like a fantastic Mom, Friend, Daughter of GOD. Wes is blessed to have you. Your family seems like a very loving group of individuals. I think it is so awesome how they have all been a part here ..... Gives all of us hope and strength. Love is the best medicine one can have. It's all a God Thing. Please keep those entries coming. I am starting a Mom Fan Club just for you. God Bless, Hugs n Love, Jan Believe In Miracles and SOAR :thumbup: :hug: :congrats: :cheer: :clap: :You-Rock: :I-Thank-You:
  11. Wes, I am so happy you Believed In Miracles And You SOARED. Your six year dream came true. How awesome is that? I am so happy you had such an awesome day. You may be tired, but it is a good tired. Gosh, I can just feel your enthusiasm. Can't wait to hear all about it and see the pics. You know, I have made wishes come true with my MDA and Cancer Ministry, you want me to try to get Lance do something for you? Can't promise, but I could try, see if the ole girl still has it in her? Just let me know, and I will try. What size t-shirt do you wear? What kind of things would you like? Get good rest and have a wonderful day at work. WOW, I bet you will get right thru that door today. You are all energized. God Bless and I am so happy my prayers were answered for you for your special outing. God is so good. Take care my friend, Hugs, Jan Believe In Miracles And SOAR :bicycle: :scooter: :groupwave: :congrats: :console:
  12. Hey Wes: Have a great time today. Take lots of pictures so we can all see the excitement of the day. Have FUN. Hugs, Jan

    Believe In Miracles And SOAR

  13. OK: I've been at the train depot all day..... Finally, I asked myself that big question: "It doesn't matter where the train is going, What matters is deciding to get on." Do I just want to look at life as it is going by OR Do I want to get back on that merry-go-round and join in... I truly have to ponder that thought for a bit. Things have just been very tough lately. I try really hard never to compare myself with others. Can't .... Strokes differ for everyone. I am an individual person, I have my own thoughts, opinions, likes and dislikes, etc. The common thread that holds together for this group is the fact we have all experienced the Beast. STROKE Don't get me wrong, I truly care about everyone here. We are all on a journey. Each day is truly our decision. Do we wanna play or not? I wanna take part in this game of Life, I really do. At times, I just don't feel I have the right piece to play in this game, you know how everyone gets a piece of the game to use as their lil thing to move around the board of whatever game you are playing together. Well, this isn't a game I am playing, this is a game of Survival. I've already played "Survivor" Joined that game without even sending in an application to be on the show. Reality Shows..... Yes, I guess by now you can gather the tone of this entry, I have been going through a lot right now. A lot of different feelings..... I long to be the "Ole Jan"..... I truly do. There are things my Hubby wants, big ticket items, a Big screen tv, his tv is on it's last leg ..... I don't want him not to get it, however, these sorts of things I feel one needs to start saving up for. I know he deserves it. His only enjoyment it seems is #1, Harley, #2, smoking his cigs, #3, watching his tv. I just get a lil nervous cuz of what is in our bank account. You remember the words your Mom would always say: You need to save up for a rainy day. Well, they ring so loud for us, as of 2003. I feel we never know what is coming around the bend. I want him to get his television, he deserves it. I feel like such a bad wife. I do. Well, I thought after all the above stuff, what could I do to pitch in and help out more. OH, our washing machine did die. So, Wayne has to go out and get another one. SEE, the rainy day stuff my Mom warned me about, there it is, gotta be prepared. Good thing I was a Girl Scout. Anyway, I wanted to get a shower. Wayne and I didn't have such a good day on Saturday. So, I said to myself: Jan: There's Nothing To It BUT TO Do It..... So I got myself into the shower and I got a shower. I was so amazed. I prayed the whole time, cuz I truly didn't want to fall and have to call 911 and let them see me in my Birthday Suit. Only problem with this trying to do more was: I can't dry myself totally off cuz I can't bend in those ways to reach all of them nor can I get my britches and shoes and socks on. BUT, I did get myself in and out of the shower. So, there was a lil growth. But, I had to humble myself and ask him if he would be able to help me and I even apologized and told him how much I appreciate all he does and has done for me. I have always been the type of person who says they are sorry and even "YES, I was wrong." And that is no BS, that is truthful from my heart. I know how hard this has been for me, My goodness, look at him? I feel so bad for him. I feel as though I have ruined his life. He doesn't deserve all of this. His golden years. Anyway, I don't know about all of you, but when I get into this type of "space" that I found myself in.. I like to listen to music. This one song came on and it hit home to me BIG TIME. I wanted to share the words with you and give you the take I got on them when I listened to them. Just bear with me on these, I bet a lot of you think: Heck NO. but, plse read the words and my take on them. OK?If you want to share your take, plse feel free to do that, maybe they would be words of wisdom for me. Lyrics to Not Ready To Make Nice Forgive, sounds good Forget, I
  14. jjohnson

    Wake up Call

    Hi Brother Wes.... So happy you are feeling better, you know mememefafalalalala "We Get By with a lil help from our friends." so we are here for you, I don't feel you were being "Called Out" ... you were just be loved and cared about. We all have our super up moments, some down moments, this is life..... a mixed bag of feelings. Remember, memelalafafa Feelings, whoa whoa whoa that song" Lawdy. We are here for you Wes, in good times, not so good ones, up and down and even all around. Always remember that. Hey, I am so excited you are having a great day planned today. I can't wait to see the pics, and hear all about it. I am praying you have a wonderful day today and the weather is good, and just enjoy this gift from God today. ENJOY. P.S. Mom, thanks for adopting me. I feel better already. Can I borrow the car keys? hehehe oops, don't have to worry about that one, I can no longer drive, five years now from the damage from the Brain Stem Stroke. Uh Ho, almost forgot. Thank you for letting me join in da family. God Bless, Hugs, Jan Believe In Miracles And SOAR
  15. Ok my buddy, Wes, yes it's me, Jan. First off, the only true "handicapped, disabled, or other name you want to call, person is: One with a bad attitude. That can be a person who stroked, or a person with a bad personality, but, heck, those type of people don't see themselves with any deficits. And then there are people like us, The "Strokers" and we hang to life, want it back so very badly. Also, I see you as: A Father, A Husband, A Brother, A Son, A Friend, etc. So, I think you have a lot going on. Most of all, I see you as a Son of GOD. GOD doesn't make junk. You can take that one to the bank. We all on a journey, some of us don't get it but eventually we do. No, our lives are not the same, and at times, we feel like what the heck? You were blessed early on by meeting your time frame and getting to experience some of the perks early. It is disappointing when all of a sudden, whoa, what the heck is going on. Why am I not still on the fast track of recovery. I think you have done amazingly well. Look at Lance Armstrong, he had life by the butt, then Mr. Cancer hit him big time. He kept forging on and look at all he accomplished. One thing I would like to share with you my friend, I had to do was get rid of "I Need A, "I Wanna A, "I Should Have".... my hubby was calling me "ANITA" I couldn't understand why and then I realized why, he was tired of hearing me always saying: I Need A this and that, OR I Should A, or I Wanna A. Finally, after months, a long amount of months, I let it go. Cuz, I hated hearing him always saying his "Husband Thing"..... He is a Saint, putting up with all my stuff. Sometmes, I do get upset with him, cuz I truly don't feel he can relate what hell I have been through. I know how hard it is on him. I hate the fact that I can't dress myself, cook, do all the wife things I did. This Brain Stem Stroke was not in the plan of our lives, We were only going in for a simple in and out procedure, a heart cath. I know our lives will never be the same ever again, so we are rebuilding on what we have left and just from a new start. Each morning I wake up is another chance at my life .... The decision is in my own hands, DO I want to start the day with the here and now I am at now or do I want to pull the crap of I Wanna A, I Need A, I Should Have, I am surprised Wayne isn't with it enough to say, Jan, what type of Cheese do you want with that "Whine." hehehe Important thing Wes, WE ARE STILL HERE, there is a reason for that. There are no races to win in this, just life to be met and the lessons you are sharing with your family, your children are learning life lessons, about never giving up, accepting choices and life lessons, learning family sticks together. In fact, you might never truly realize all that you are teaching others. It's right there in front of you, but, you don't realize it. We aren't perfect, we never were pre stroke, at least I wasn't, don't know about anyone else. Just be greatful for the recovery we have regained. I was in a coma and on life support and suppose to be in a vegatitive state for the rest of my life...... I'm here..... Through the grace of GOD. I want your Mom to adopt me, I need a Mom..... she is a woman with great wisdom, I lost mine 34 years ago and I sure miss her..... She got sick the 14th of January 1974 and died on the 19th of March of 1974. Two and a half months from Pancreatic Cancer. Going through life without her has been such a hard thing. That was harder than anything I have had to go through .... stroke or no stroke, losing my precious Mom tops all of that. I do have a Guardian Angel looking over me. She called me Pumpkin and when I got out of my Coma, I asked the male nurse, Paul, if he ever knew about people in coma's,he asked me why and I shared with him, I kept hearing the word Pumpkin and that is what my Mom called me. he said he would say to me, come on Pumpkin, wake come.... I knew that was my Mom. Anyway, Wes, stay in journey, we are on this together, we are a team. Some days are better than others. But, that is what life is all about. I bet if you sit and really think about it, pre stroke your life would have been the same in some respects. We all have good and somewhat good days and some crappy days. I know I did. Especially at work. Life is life, but I want to stay in the journey and march through it. I think if we are as happy as we can be for the day, stay in the here and now,cuz if I just thinking about days of before, it gets me in another part of my thought process. I can't compare myself to anyone else, cuz even thought we are in the race of recovery, we are not 100% alike, we share the stroke name of our journey, we are just people trying to remain in the game of life. And, if God sends us people, like yourself, to inspire us, Wes, don't you dare take that gift away from us. Don't make me have to come up there and bop you on the head.... hehehe We all need inspiration ... words he may give us to share. Whatever helps us make it through the day. It's been five years for me, some have been better, some have been average, etc. But, if I hadn't gotten out of the coma, to think of where I would have been now. La La Land for sure. DO I want more recovery, SURE I DO. But, I've had other strokes since then. I never know what the new day has in store for me, but I can't wait to take it on and unwrap the present God has so lovingly given me. Take care my friend. I care about you and am blessed to call you my friend. God Bless, Believe In Miracles And SOAR Hugs, Jan :friends: :whistling: :bicycle: Just keep whistling a happy tune and see what unfolds the next day for you, you have a whole lifetime. Share it with the world. My best to you and your family.
  16. What a week this has been, WOW, so many emotions I have felt and had to live through. Yesterday I broke my tooth. I went to the Dentist today to get it fixed. I hate to go to the Dentist. I hate hearing the buzzing of the drills, etc. I got into his chair, and he let the games begin. I try to be brave, unfortunately being at the Dentist he doesn't give you a lollipop if you are a good patient. (never any goodies.... heck he would get more business you would think, errrrr cavities?) You should get a new tooth brush and dental floss or even a lil tube of toothpaste that he is pushing these days. But, this Dentist doesn't do any of that. All my other Dentist's I have been to did that kind of thing. You know they get these freebies from the reps. Must be getting tough in that even with the way the economy. BUT, the one thing I got was from my own self as a gift to me. I am so excited I just had to share it with the world. So world, get a good seat and a cold drink and read on. As I stated, I hate going to the Dentist. But, I had no choice, my tooth broke. I said a few prayers. They always help... I had to take those four pills an hour before I get there. Due to the fact, I had quad bypass surgery. So, I was all set. Wayne brings me inside, me in my wheelchair, I wanted to do a wheelie and split. No way, I had to get this tooth fixed. Dr. Katz was waiting for me. I got in his chair. I felt like he was going to stap me in as he knows how this isn't my favorite place to be. The Shopping Mall is right down the street, that's where I would rather be. So he gets the party started. :cheer: He checks out my broken tooth. :yikes: He explains what he is going to do and he gets started. He kept saying to me, Jan, you doing okay? Why do they always do that? They have their hands and instruments in your mouth but yet they ask you questions and you are not suppose to shake your head yes or no, nor talk with all that in your mouth. This always cracks me up, can't even laugh. :yawn: All of a sudden, things were getting intense and this thought came into my mind, I am a Brain Stem Stroke Survivor, A Quad Bypass Survivor, TIA Survivor, the key word here is SURVIVOR, if Through God's help I could survive all of that, then certainly I can be a Survivor of a Broken Tooth. Once that empowerment entered my thinking pattern, I was fine, I was at peace, I just tthought about a lot of things and before you knew it , I was all done and I was able to just wheel on out of there. In fact, Dr. Katz wheeled me out, not even a Good Girl sticker he had. But, better than all the lollipop, sticker, floss, toothpaste, I had the winning ticket, A Good Dentist who is kind and truly cares about his patients. He is a kind person and for that I am truly greatful. So, thanks to you Dr. Katz for fixing my broken tooth. Positive thinking is the best way to go. So, after five years, something good came out of all this, when I have a hard task ahead of me, Just knowing I am a Survivor will be part of my thinking for the rest of my life. Now on to other exciting events of the week. My Dr's visit this week regarding my feet, wasn't so good. My Plantar Fasciitis is worse. He has decided to hold off with the surgery. He gave me Cortisone shots after doing the ultrasound to see how things were looking. I ended up getting four shots. WOW, what fun, I had seen him last in October and got the shots then .... they did a lot better then. This time I feel no improvement. He ordered me special shoes that are made for patients with Plantar Fasciitis and some special gel heel pads. I am doing the exercises like I am suppose to. But, I am in pain all the time with it. He was late getting to work that day, I was there at four pm. I didn't see him until around five. When he gets in, I was in for a shock.... He had a splint on ... I asked him if his girlfriend wrang his neck, we laughed and he explained he had surgery for a rotator cuff problem. Great, I have a Dr with his right shoulder in a sling, he is right handed. Oh. goodness, get the prayers going fast. I asked him if he was ok to work on me. We both laughed. Dr. Palmer and I are close, I have been his patient for over 20 years, In fact, when I was in rehab after my stroke and all, I had problems with my feet and he came out to the rehab three different times to take care of me and he didn't even charge me. He is a real sweetheart. It was neat watching the ultrasound. Only thing we needed was some popcorn. He was behind schedule because he was late getting there. So he was in a hurry. He numbed my feet first and after he gave me a lil time to make sure I was numb, he gave me the cortisone shot. Man, that did hurt. Let me tell you. He had put a little mark on both feet, however, he lost the mark and I don't think he got it in the right place. I have not gotten any relief. Miss Patience needs to work on that .... Patience... I went on Tuesday to see him and today is Friday. I think I will give him a call to let him know. He said to let him know. But, like I realized today at the Dentist I AM A SURVIVOR..... This too will pass. If it doesn't, I will just find a Dr. who could unscrew my belly botton and let my legs fall off and I will get the 2009 model. Feet that are feeling fine. You know before my surgery I never had any problem with my legs, feet. Once I got out of the coma, I always asked people to untie my feet, They always feel like they are bound. Tied together. It sure bugs the heck out of me. Oh well, enough about my feet. Our Washing Machine died. Wayne has to go out tomorrow and get a new one. It gave us a good life of wash, spin, , kept us looking good in our clean clothes. Goodbye Gabby, we will miss you. You are going to the place of cleaniness, Washing Machines of Heaven. :cloud9: You were special to us as you became part of our family right after we got married. Today Wayne had to go to his Dr because his Fibro is acting up. He had to get a cortisone shot for the inflamation in his Bursac Sack in his hip. I tell you, we could have a shingle hanging from our front door, We have so many things going on that we could share with the community. Save them money and talk to us and we can share our experience, strength and hope with them. Wayne has Fibro and RA. I feel bad for him because he is my Caregiver. I pray for him to feel better soon. Tell you what, wish we could add all our Dr's on our Income Taxes and deduct them as our children. hehehe Let's see, the highlight of my days is always our adorable Harley Boy. He gets his favorite toy and will shake his head back and forth and let it throw up in the air and catches it and throws it again. it's like his entertainment hour for us. We just sit there and he does his performance nightly for us, we just sit and laugh our butts off. He is so funny. He has his birthday coming up on March 7th. He is so precious, I still can't believe he was in a shelter and had four families before we ended up with him. It was a God thing when we were blessed with him. Our love just grows and grows more and more each minute of the day. Well, I guess that is it in a nutshell of our week. Life happens, some days are good, some days are so so, some days have lessons to be learned. But, above all, these are days we have in our lives, I for one, Appreciate each and every one. I fought long and hard to still be here and I will cherish each one. I think taking on challenges sorta guides me with my growth in life. "There's Nothing to it but to do it." Please keep in prayer: Lindy and her upcoming Liver Transplant, For a friend whose son died in a car accident, what is sad is he just got back from duty in Iraq. Sad, very sad. Pray for his Mom, Lynn. Pray that Allan will be back with us soon. Keep all are StrokeNet family in prayers. OH, BIG NEWS FLASH, NEWS FLASH...TO BE SHARED REGARDING OUR SECOND OLDEST GRANDSON, RYAN From a Proud Mom Mom sharing the following note from our oldest Daughter, Shelly, Rec'd this on Tuesday. Good morning! This evening Ryan and I have a meeting because he was chosen for a talent search by Johns Hopkins University. They picked kids who are academically gifted and are offering them additional education classes. We are very excited about it and after I get more details we will make our decision as to if he will attend
  17. jjohnson

    Dog Wars!!

    Bow Wow Bow Wow Bow Wow Bow Wow Bow Wow Bow Wow Hey Rudy, be nice to your Harley. I am Jan's Harley and she read me your Mommy's entry about you and Harley. Us Harley's have to stick together..... it's the Dog Law. So behave you hear me? BOW WOW Don't make me go there.... I'm worse than my Bark. My Name is HARLEY.... I'm a biker dog. Peace Brother. Peace ~ I will be asking my Mom to keep me informed. P.S. sktlwsk, Harley's have a good quality, we share, we don't take each others toys, I think Rudy is trying to pull a fast one on you. Honest. I will share a bone with him.
  18. Wes: :Clap-Hands: :cheer: :clap: :congrats: I am so happy you had a better day today. One day at a time.... You are such an inspiration to everyone. I know you sharing you day in your blog is touching many people. I am sorry about hearing about your friend passing away but this is his Homecoming and his precious Gail was waiting for him at the gates with two pool cue sticks and a big smile. You have a Guardian Angel looking down at you and Debbie. Keep up the good work and I look forward to reading your adventures. You have such a wonderful loving family. They are very supportive of you, that is a real Blessing. Take care my friend. Hugs, Jan Believe In Miracles And SOAR
  19. jjohnson

    I did it!

    Donna, You dreamed it and you achieved it for your precious fur babies. And it was a WOMAN who did it, a man must have thought of it. No man involved. All Donna Power and you did it. I am so proud of you my friend. I know how exciting it is each time your fur babies are resting there. You believed in Miracles and Those Fur Babies have Soared on their perches put together with love from their mommy. Their pics are precious. Congrats Love n Hugs, Jan Meow Meow to the babies Harley says bow bow Way To Go You know, your Steelers might want to recruit you as a Woman go gets things done. Maybe teach them a thing or two. What u think?
  20. Well, Girlfriend, I hope I can be on your Friends List. I know I would be blessed if I was. All my friends went their own way after I had my Brain Stem Stroke and TIA'S. But, hey, it's on them, I want true blue friends. I have my two faithful ones, Kathy and Debbie who I have a Bible Study With every Monday am at 10:00 We have such a great time. At Christmas they came and decorated our tree and came an took it down for us. They are very kind. I love them to pieces. They both have health issues and I think this helps them to feel better. So, they understand. Debbie has a grandson, Ethan, who is four now and he has a heart condition. When I got home from the REHAB, I instantly prayed that God would put a child with a Heart problem into my path. I have always worked with children with cancer or md, but, now that I am a BrainStem Stroke Survivor and quad bypass Survivor, my heart wanted to help a child. Well, God answered my prayers, not only answered them but almost put Ethan on my lap to hug and love. I live on the same street as him and he lives across the way. What an answer to prayer. When Debbie is visiting her family , she'll call me up and say someone want to come visit his Jan. Then she brings him over in his wagon. He is precious and his older sister Julianna, and now his younger Brother,Colton. I enjoy them so and Ethan is doing so much better. he's had a tough journey and they lost him so many times. I even got to make Christmas for them two years ago, They had so many needs that, since volunteerism is in my spirit and blood, I asked Debbie if I could do this for them, at first she felt funny having me do this, but then understood this is what my ministry is all about. God is the one working through me. I was able to get Ethan a brand new water condition as theirs didn't work any longer and since we are on well water, I felt it would be healthier to get them a new one, so I called the water people I have used for other wishes for my cancer families and they were more than happy to get Ethan one. I had contacted his Dr and he spoke with Bob from the water company and it was taken care of, I call them "It's A God Thing" always wanting to give him the glory for all of it. It hurt when my "so called friends" flew out the window, I guess it was too much for them, possibly them seeing their own mortality as a possibility for them. Who knows, maybe because I can no longer drive, five years now, am in a wheelchair, who knows. I miss them, but, hey I am on a new journey now and by being here with StrokeNet I am getting to know others. But, please put my name on your friends list cuz I am here for you 24/7 and the best part of my friendship I am a Prayer Warrior and I hope an encourager. Like you said I shared with you about starting a Blog. And look at you, you are doing a great job with it. I love hearing about your adventures and look forward to reading you next entry. God Bless, Hugs n Love, Jan Believe In Miracles And SOAR
  21. Hi there Wes: I have a few thoughts I would like to leave with you. When you shared how you had ridden your Bike and it was a major milestone and goal met, do you think you could have possibly over done it? I say this because besides me being a Brain Stem Stroke Survivor, I also battle with a form of Muscular Dystrophy. When I set my mind to doing something, I go for it and I feel if you can dream it, you can achieve it. When I am having a good day, I go and go and go and go. Because those days don't come to often, but, then I pay for it big time. I am not SuperWoman. Then you add in my Brain Stem Stroke, as I had the Muscular Dystrophy first and then the BSS in 2003 and two TIA's in 07and 08. I have fallen so many times I have lost count, One thing they don't teach you in REHAB how to get up. In order to get up, my dear hubby has to call 911. Thank God my sense of humor cracks them up and they just smile, I hear them say to my hubby where is she? I then yell out "Help I've Fallen And I Can't Get Up." Then they get me up and they are on their merry way. They get a good donation from us yearly. We are blessed to have them near by. It is embarrasing for me, I must admit. But, If I don't want to spend the rest of my years on the floor, they have to be called. Of course, My Harley loves when Mommy is down on the floor, he runs and brings me all his favorite toys to play with him. Bless his heart. My nickname around here is She's a weeble wobble, falls and can't get up. I have learned my limitations. Don't over do, rest when I feel tired. etc. etc. etc. I guess since I was a hundren per cent paralyzed and I have the capabilities to scratch my own nose now, and use my fingers to type, etc. the gifts God gave me back, I sometimes try to push the envelope. Just be careful and don't over do it. Maybe your bike rides and then that party you went to might have been a bit much. I am praying for you and I know you will keep catching that brass ring. You deserve all the happiness in the world and you have such an awesome family who loves you and supports you. What a good friend, take him up on it and go speak with him. Can't wait to read your next post. You are such an inspiration to all of us. In my book, last week you were the Number One Blog of the week. In reference to the coffee incident, have you thought about taking a thermos filled with coffee? It stays hot I believe. Do you have co-workers next to you that you could ask to bring you back some coffee? They all know about your stroke and I am sure they would be more than happy to assist you. Could you wear a backpack and then you would have your hands available to open a door. Or, better yet, does your work have accessible doors where you push that blue button that opens the door? Just a thought. Take care and know I keep you in my prayers. Hugs, Jan Believe In Miracles And SOAR
  22. Hi Mate, Just wanted to check in and let you know I am praying big time for you. Hope you are getting better and better, and those pretty nurses are taking really good care of my friend. Hurry back you are so missed at StrokeNet. Isn't the same without you. Believe In Miracles AND SOAR. God Bless, Love n Hugs, Jan

  23. Dear Kristen: I am blessed our paths crossed. I know for my Hubby he just doesn't get why I celebrate every milestone in my recovery. Is it because I was a professional clown? Always a reason for clown around. I think it is because I was on the death's doorstop and I rose like a Phoenix. or, maybe it makes me happy to celebrate how far I have come. I don't know, no rhyme or reason. Each Survivor knows where they cane from and know how they want to treat the day. Some may think days are one after another, or just numbers. All I know is I like to rejoice as I have no memory from all the time I was in the coma and on life support... I can only go on the days I am living.... I want more days to celebrate. I have daily reminders of what the Beast took from me, but, one thing he can't ever take, my hopes, dreams, my faith in God, and My ability to celebrate. I just keep Believing In Miracles And I Will Continue To SOAR, please give that man of your a big kiss and hug from me, his Stroke Survivor Sister. Love you, Hugs, Keeping you in my prayers. Jan