
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by jjohnson

  1. "Friends are angels

    who lift us to our feet

    when our wings have trouble

    remembering how to fly."

  2. Happy Birthday to you

    Happy Birthday to you

    Happy Birthday Deaaaaarrrrrr

    Graciela Happy Birthday to you

    Hugs, Jan

  3. Happy Birthday 2 U

    Happy Birthday 2 U

    Happy Birthday Dear Phoenix

    Happy Birthday 2 SPECIAL YOU!!

    Love n Hugs, Jan


  4. Keep me in your prayers please, my surgery is at 2:30pm. Thanks. God Bless you all, Love n Hugs,




  5. ~Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God~

  6. Our Lord is the ground from whom our prayer grows and in his

    love and grace he himself gives us our prayers.

  7. Our Lord is the ground from whom our prayer grows and in his

    love and grace he himself gives us our prayers.

  8. Our Lord is the ground from whom our prayer grows and in his

    love and grace he himself gives us our prayers.

  9. Thank you for such an awesome post, I have been reading it and rereading it for a few days. First off, :cheer: CONGRATS for getting that top off the medicine bottle. That was a great achievement for you, it's was right on time, as last night I had to get a pill and my hubby had just brought the rx's from the pharmacy home, BUT, God blessed me, they gave me a different kind of top and it was much easier to open. Finally, That was a big accomplishment for you and I think it's great you shared that. Your honesty is refreshing. For me, I have good days and at times I have inbetween days, and yes, a few bad days. I do try to keep a positive attitude as I think that is very important. I am my worst critic, I am very hard on myself. I wanted recovery so very much and I pushed myself. What I didn't know in the beginning of this journey is that it is a loooooooooooong journey. Also, I am in God's loving arms and it is all in HIS TIMING, not mine. Let his will not mine be done. I have a double wammy as I have a form of Muscular Dystrophy. Then I have had additional strokes which hit me hard. I have surgery this Friday, however, once I get better from that, I am starting back on my road to improvement and I am going to get right back on the POSITIVE ATTITUDE TRAIN. WHOOOOOOOOOOO WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ALL ABOARD :happydance: :Clap-Hands: I have always thought If you can dream it you can achieve it. What does help me is I have affirmations all over my house. I look at those and reflect on those. I love when in doubt look above. Each day I wake up it's a new canvas for me to work on a new picture. I want to get stronger, healthier. Thanks again for the post and thank you to those who shared your view point. God Bless, Hugs, Jan Believe in Miracles and SOAR
  10. Courage is being scared to death--and saddling up anyway.

    --John Wayne

    Hooray! Alleluia! Life is good – no matter what comes your way! So what if you're having a bad day? Celebrate your life!

    Believe in Miracles and SOAR

    God Bless,

    Hugs, Jan

  11. Fate: just stopped by to read more of your words of wisdom, plse keep em coming God Bless Believe in Miracles and SOAR

  12. Just wanted you to know I am praying for you and your wife. God Bless, Hugs, Jan


  13. 1 Cor 4:7 But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.

    As a follower of Christ, you are an exclamation point in a world of question marks.

  14. Believe in Miracles and SOAR

    Have a blessed day Fate. Loved your thoughts... thanks.



  15. Hi Jenny: Hope you have a Blessed day today. God Bless and Believe in Miracles and SOAR, Hugs, Jan

  16. oops, typo,

    There's nothing to it but just to do it

  17. I have the same type of quote:

    There's nothing to do but to just do it! I learned that from Cordell, one of the special cancer children I worked with. That helped with my recovery in a big way. Have a blessed day,

    Hugs, Jan

    Brain Stem Stroke Survivor

  18. Happy Birthday to you, Hope your day was as special as you are to all of us here at Strokenet. God Bless, keeping you in my prayers. Peace, Jan

  19. hope your birthday was as special as you are to us, your faithful Strokenet family. God Bless you .....

    Hugs, Jan

  20. Today's Quote

    We can never live in the past as if it were our true home…. And it is a good thing that God draws this veil over the past even without our asking. In so doing, He allows us to live today for tomorrow with just the few memories we need of what was.

  21. Today's Quote

    We can never live in the past as if it were our true home…. And it is a good thing that God draws this veil over the past even without our asking. In so doing, He allows us to live today for tomorrow with just the few memories we need of what was.

  22. Today's Quote

    We can never live in the past as if it were our true home…. And it is a good thing that God draws this veil over the past even without our asking. In so doing, He allows us to live today for tomorrow with just the few memories we need of what was.

  23. Today's Quote

    We can never live in the past as if it were our true home…. And it is a good thing that God draws this veil over the past even without our asking. In so doing, He allows us to live today for tomorrow with just the few memories we need of what was.

  24. Hi Montana:

    So glad to meet you, I am a Brain Stem Stroke Survivor, just take things a day at a time, sometimes a sec at a time, you are a work in progress, stay positive and Keep the hope alive, I will keep you in my prayers, God Bless, Believe in Miracles and SOAR, I have always wanted to get out to Montana. I lived in Phoenix, Arizona and loved it. Sedona was my favorite place, have a gre

  25. would you please leave me a message when you stop by, I would love to hear from you. Thanks. Hugs, Jan