
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by jjohnson

  1. Happy Birthday to you

    Happy Birthday

    to you

    Happy Birthday

    Dear Dwight

    Happy Birthday to you

    Have a blessed day,

    Hugs, Jan

  2. Welcome to StrokeNet So glad to have you here. Hugs,

    Believe in Miracles and Soar

  3. congrats on your five years ENJOY

  4. Five years!!! whooo hooooo

    Congrats... ENJOY LIFE, one second at a time.Believe in Miracles and SOAR, that you sure have done. I am so happy for you my friend. Hug, :)

  5. Congrats.... FIVE years today.... WHOO HOOOOOO

    ENJOY the rest of your life one day at a time...

    Believe in miracles and SOAR... that you have done.

    I'm so happy for you friend


  6. Bon Voyage... Happy Trails..... whatever the term you know, just have a wonderful and Blessed vacation Can't wait to read all about it in your BLOG... hehehe

    Will be praying for you. Love n Hugs, Jan

  7. jjohnson

    My New House

    Bill, Congrats, your home looks beautiful and I wish for nothing but lots of good health, good friend, lots of love and nothing but good things for you. I am so happy for you. You deserve it. Bud is top dog for sure. CONGRATS Believe in Miracles and SOAR... SOAR you did.
  8. Susie keep up the good work and making those strides... You have lots of things to do and people to see...

    Believe in Miracles and SOAR

    Cathy, you are awesome.....






  10. Hey Susie and Cathy: GREAT DAY TODAY... Believe in Miracles and SOAR.... she is SOARING that is for sure. Keep up the good work. Love n Hugs, Jan xoxo

  11. jjohnson

    Poor Bud

    Hi Bill: My prayers go out to your lil son, Bud, I know my Harley Boy is my life and Wayne and I had to go through his surgery a lil over a year ago and it was something let me tell you. You have a heads up since he had this done before, that is a good thing. He knows you will get him through this. Harley , Wayne and I will keep you both in our prayers. Please let us know how it goes. He will be playing with you in no time. He is a very handsome lil guy. I will keep you in prayer also regarding your house hunting. Have a great week.
  12. Donna, I know deep down Kristi adores you. She is just going through her "thing".... I am happy you posted as this is a very healing place for you to "dump" .... just remember to flush so you can get rid of it. You are such a special person and you are respected, loved and admired here. You are a very loving Mom and you have done all this as a single mom, with your resources. You have had to sacrifice for her sake. You put her before youself. There is not one selfish bone in your body. Please take time to reflect on your good qualities and realize she is just a teen and with that goes a whole lot of stuff. Just that stuff. She doesn't have a good group of friends, that is one thing she needs. You are so caring, the Birthday cake you made for her was beautiful and made with love. The gifts you got her were so thoughtful, you went out of your way for her. She will realize one day how blessed she was that you were her Mom. The grass isn't always greener on the other side. Deep down inside I know she knows your worth. I am keeping you both in my prayers. Love n Hugs, Jan
  13. Lenny, I mentor a Stroke Survivor as well. I know the excitement you are getting by helping them. It is a very rewarding feeling.... I feel most alive when I am giving back to others. I can't imagine my life not volunteering. Paying it forward has been my message for years. Keep up the good work. Take Care and keep us posted on how you are doing.
  14. jjohnson


    You will meet Sunrise The Clown along with some of her special Sunrise children she has helped through the years. (cancer patients) Some are picture of wishes she has granted for them.
  15. Donna you go Girl..... Good to see you Blogged, GPS extraordinare....
  16. Hey girl, you are going to be in my state, I hope you find Maryland a nice time. Can't wait to hear all about your trip, praying for traveling mercies for you. Enjoy, you deserve it. Hugs, Jan


  18. jjohnson

    gypsy the harlot

    Well Kimmie, you brought her home from Texas, I bet her number one song was: "All my ex's lives in Texas" She must have left many a "Dawg" there. Little Hussy. If anyone can help her out, it is you with your Love. Harley Boy says she can come here for healing and a change of pace. bow wow bow wow woof woof You need to send pics of her. She's in a good home now and she has a good "Adoptive Mom" I'm sure she will turn around soon. Bless her lil heart.
  19. hope you have a wonderful time Lenny, you deserve it. Sounds like a lot of fun. :beer: Can't wait to hear all abou it. Congrats on your first Blog entry, hope to see many more.
  20. Happy Birthday to you

    Happy Birthday to you

    Happy Birthday Dear Denny

    Happy Birthday to you

    Hope your day is awesome

    Hugs, Jan

  21. Believe in Miracles and SOAR

    Hugs, Jan

  22. Leny, Keeping you and your Brother In Law in my prayers.

    Know God loves you and I am here for you...

    Hugs, Jan