
Stroke Survivor - female
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Blog Entries posted by jjohnson

  1. jjohnson
    Pets are Therapeutic
    Many stroke survivors and families have discovered that pets can play an important role in recovery. The two poems in this section are about dogs. In the first, a dog who provides unconditional love is saluted. In the second is about a dog who is nearing the end of his life.
    Paw Prints
    By Jan Johnson
    In life you meet lots of different people
    Some are trustworthy, Some are kind and sincere
    Some have no hidden agenda
    While others may have different plans
    I have found in my life there is one Four legged fellow
    who is so special from all the rest
    All he has to do is look into my eyes
    and there I find it
    Unconditional love, forever love and devotion
    The way he tilts his head and moves his ears
    to listen to every word I share with him
    He looks into my eyes and can see
    down to my soul
    It is times like that I feel additional
    Harley Paw Prints being put on my heart
    These Paw Prints will last a lifetime
    With each one given to me, our bond
    just gets stronger and stronger
    He is there when I shed tears
    He is there when I share laughter with him
    He is there just because he wants to be
    He knows I am different from the rest
    He sees me in my wheelchair and with
    my walker or cane
    He knows I must sit in my Lift Chair
    None of this matters to him, he could care less
    that I am a Brain Stem Stroke Survivor
    All he cares about is the love I share with him
    There is no greater love than that
    Harley is my blessing from Heaven
    For you see God sent him to me
    Backwards is the word DOG
    This is the message sent to me
    He was sent from GOD for if I hadn't gone through
    this journey, there would be no Harley
  2. jjohnson
    It's Official, the doors are open, the curtains are hung, and the buffet table is filled with goodies.
    Come on in and sit a while. Hope you enjoy your visit. I would like to invite you to my first "Official Chat Host Debut."
    I am really looking forward to it. Have a great day and remember to Believe In Miracles And Soar.
  3. jjohnson
    All Because of you
    For the past few months, My loving owners have done all they can
    to help me, they have brought me to Vets to try their magic on me.
    Out of no where, my eyes were starting to fade. they were cloudy and I found seeing harder everyday.
    My owners started to realize I wasn't acting the same, I
    wouldn't respond how I always had.
    The one constant trait that never changed until a week ago,
    my tail always wagged, I love my owners with all my heart.
    I felt sick, I couldn't understand why.
    Mommy and Daddy did everything the Vets told them to do.
    I never once had bad care.
    The day came when they found a wonderful surgeon
    who was going to fix my eyes.
    Being close to blind was not fun,
    but my Mommy and Daddy never left me alone.
    They made sure I was always well taken care of.
  4. jjohnson
    [color="#000000]I was thinking about this, if I state my thoughts on this site, some individuals feel they are being pushed "religion" ..... I don't feel I am as I am only sharing something that might have been sent to me and if I take the time to post it ... I do so in hopes it might help in some way. I never post it to cause a stir. But, I feel I will share such posts here in my BLOG. This is where I can share my innermost feelings. I feel it is my mission to share what I do because when I should not be still here, God saved me for a purpose.
    I thought about this and this is my statement for each day now:
    One day at a time is how I shall live my life, When in doubt, I shall look up and know there is HOPE, Believe in Miracles and SOAR
    Since my Brain Stem Stroke, I have had a mixed bag of emotions. There has only been ONE person who has been there, who truly understands and who will never leave me nor foresake me, only ONE person who constantly loves me and only wants the best for me.
    I have such a passion for life and I have only the best intentions for everyone.
    My New Year's ended up with me being so sick. I had a fever of 102.3 and chills, I couldn't stop shaking, it was horrible. I felt so bad .... I thought I should call 911, however, when I had my last two strokes it was during this time of year and I just couldn't bring myself to calling 911. I knew it was bad when my hubby even said to call them. I was being pig headed. Now, after getting over the worst of it, I should have called them. I will not be so ignorant again. Anyway, my stomach was red as though it was sunburned and it hurt to the touch. I had tried to get in to see my Dr. however he was booked solid. I finally did get him to call me and we discussed my case over the phone in a conference call. He said you know what I want you to do and I told him I couldn't go to the hospital. I just don't have a good experience with them I asked him if he could call something in for me, he finally decided he would and so the medicine begins. He told me he would call something in if only I would promise him if I didn't seem better the next day I would go to the hospital. Well what he called in was a miracle drug and it started to turn my situation around. I know it was God who turned things around. I also realize if I had gone to the hospital maybe my suffering would not have been near as bad. I can't play around with my life like I had did. Come to find out I had an infection under my skin. My DR explained to Wayne and I .... I could have died. That statement stung in my mind. So, what have I learned from this? To listen to my Dr. He knows best and I did apologize to him. He helped me because he knew if he didn't I might not be here. He put himself on the line to help me. He is such a wonderful person. He is my friend, someone I can trust. He understands all about my Brain Stem Stroke disaster. He understands and gets the reason I have such a phobia about hospitals. If only the Dr in 2003 hadn't told me over and over again, in November 2003 YOU are only going in for an in and out procedure. a heart cath, only an in and out procedure, I go in November and don't come home until the end of March 2004. I lost my trust in the medical community. Well, this is 2009, I believe it is time I try to march onward and try to start believing again. My statement is BELIEVE IN MIRACLES AND SOAR..... well, I want to continue to SOAR... but that only will happen if I keep Believing.
    I see growth because I can admit to myself I had made a wrong choice, I should have called 911. Besides, I have a voice now and I can be my own advocate. I need to give others a chance to provide for me when and if I have to go back into the hospital. So, I will do things differently next time. I need to face fear in the face and not give it the power to control me. I want only the best for myself. I have to nuture myself. I hope by being totally honest here in my Blog that maybe it might help others. It is not meant for others to judge me, but, hey if you have to judge me, then go right ahead, at least maybe my words might be affecting you because they are hitting home to you. That is all I have wanted to do in my life, help others. I have done volunteering all my life, it has been my mission, so maybe I can do that somehow in my Blog.
    On another note, Patrick Swayze, is helping me by sharing his walk with Pancreatic Cancer. How far the medical community has come with that.... My precious Mom was diagnosed January 14, 1974 and died March 19,1974. Following his story has been very healing to me. I have been a fan of his forever n a day. I remember in Ghost when he had to leave Molly and he stated, Molly, it is so awesome, I am leaving with all the love, that is what life is .... loving those on earth and taking all that love when I go. My Mom loved me and nutured me and she is still loving me even now. I find whenever I get so sick now, I always cling to her. I miss her so much. It has been hard being out here on my own for 34 years. I know there is someone who has been there 24/7 and he carries me when I find it too hard to do it on my own. He puts special people in my path to go along life's paths with me. I am so greatful he led me here to Strokenet. The only thing I can do is me byself, what you see is what you get. I am what I am. I will not compromise my faith for anyone. I will not speak about it on the boards, but I will speak my thoughts about it in my Blog. My Blog is where I can share my innermost thoughts. I know this week on Oprah she had a whole day about Spirituality. It was very interesting. I know or I would think people had some thoughts about something higher in their being/their life to help them when life gets to troublesome for them. That would be such a sad thought if they had no one. I am blessed I have someone for me.
    This New Year 2009, I have hope, there is something within that has been turned on and I look forward to each day.... as each day is a day I truly should not have had according to the medical profession in 2003.
    Prayers go out to Nancy Farrell and her family on their daily journey .... May they feel peace, joy and happiness. along with Kevin, Amy's boyfriend, Prayers for continued healing to Fate's family, Cathy and Holly. I pray their financial burdens will get taken care of. May my fundraising experience help Cathy. I am blessed I have had this journey in my prestroke life and I can still use it now. Prayers for Allen, Let him feel healing and the power of prayers and positive energy from his StrokeNet family. Healing for Kimmie's Dad, Charles. Let a way become available so Kimmie can get to see her Dad and her Grandson, Baby Jake.
    I know how many prayers I say in the course of a year and I see the answer to prayer in a BIG way. I think this world need to see what is truly important in life. People. That is the answer, our families and friends. I always hated the bumber sticker, he who has the most toys wins, what do they win? to me it is a shallow life. Oh, well, I respect others opinions. I can not judge others, that is only a job for God. I have also found in life when we don't like something someone is doing, is it a mirror reflection of something going on in our lives? Either now or in the past? hmmmmmm......
    I have been doing an awful lot of thinking these days. My recovery..... I want more, I am keeping the HOPE alive, I am trying to stay in the here and now, not go off in the future, but sticking to the here and now. When I am off in the future, I am missing out on the here and now. Each day comes and I don't want to miss a single moment of it. It is a precious precious gift. I love life, Thank you God for another day..... how am I going to make good use of it? By staying in the here and now, By staying positive, I know when one is positive their immune system is up and endorfins work and they are more powerful than morphine. Isn't it amazing what a fine tuned body we are given? why do so many of us mess it up? It is my goal in 2009 to show mine more love and respect. My name is top of the list. I am taking care of me. Should have done it years ago. But, I was too busy working with my cancer and muscular dystrophy children. Well, it is never too late. I am in class 101 of taking care of Jan. I am even working on when to call 911 and when not to. I am taking my life one second at a time.
    One day at a time time,
    Sweet Jesus,
    That is all I can ask of you, One day at a time....
    Thank your for those seconds God.
    I need to remember where I came from, from possible be in a vegetative state for the rest of my life to TODAY. I am getting 24 hours each day I awake, how am I going to use them? I choose to be happy, to be positive and to love life and experience each day ....
    My best to all, take time to enjoy your twenty four hours.
    Believe in Miracles and SOAR[/color]
  5. jjohnson
    Welcome to the latest thoughts on my Blog. I wanted to share what some of my journeys have been in hopes maybe I can help someone who might be traveling a rough patch in their recovery. Before my Brain Stem Stroke and all that I have had to go through since 2003, I was just your normal person going through their daily life. I was a very happy person enjoying a job I loved and doing my volunteer work which was such a passion of mine. I did my clowning and adored it. In the early years, I noticed things but just felt I was always busy and it was just a lack of rest. But, as the years passed, I noticed things weren't right. I will share more in my next blog.
    This poem I became familiar with when my diagnosis was given to me .... Those words the Specialist while I was laying on the hospital bed stung my ears and my hubbys.
    "Your tests were positive, you have Myasthenia Gravis" and there is no cure.
    NO CURE? How could a Professional Specialists be so bold as to say that to us? No tact, no bedside manner. just THERE IS NO CURE. Well, he didn't know who he was dealing with. I will research the subject matter, I will find something, I will fight the good fight.
    There and then my journey has taken a twist in the road it was traveling. More later.
    Here is the poem which I found so helpful.
    Beatitudes For People With Disabilities
    Blessed are those who take time to listen to the defective speech,
    for you help us to know that if we persevere we can be understood.
    Blessed are those who walk with us in public places and ignore
    the stares of strangers for in your companionship we have found
    havens of relaxation.
    Blessed are those who never bid us "hurry up" and more blessed are
    you that do not snatch out tasks from our hands to do them for us,
    for often we need time rather than help.
    Blessed are those who stand beside us as we enter new ventures, for
    our failures will be outweighed by the times we surprise ourselves
    and you.
    Blessed are those that ask for our help, for our greatest need
    is to be needed.
    Blessed are those when by all these things you assure us that the thing
    that makes us individuals is not our peculiar muscles, nor our
    wounded nervous systems, but it is the God-given self that no
    infirmity can confine.
    Blessed are those who realize that we are human and don't expect us to be saintly just because we have a disability.
    Blessed are those that pick things up without being asked.
    Blessed are those who understand that sometimes I am not weak
    and not just lazy.
    Blessed are those who forget the disability of my body and see the
    shape of my soul.
    Blessed are those who see me as a whole person, unique and
    complete and not as one of God's mistakes.
    Blessed are those who love me just as I am without wondering
    what I would've been like.
    Blessed are my friends upon who I depend, for they are the
    substance and joy of my life!!!
    By Marjorie Chappell
    Be Blessed and enjoy your view of your life.
    Hugs, Jan
  6. jjohnson
    Hi and welcome to my Blog. There was a wonderful movie I have watched numerous times and I love it more each time I watch it. The world would be such a better place if everyone could learn the true meaning of living a Purpose Driven Life,Rick Warren. My Bible Study is on this book and it is a great read. Anyway, learning the true meaning of life and giving was demonstrated by this young boy.
    I rec'd the following e-mail from a friend and I truly feel these awesome individuals did the ultimate sacrifice by Paying It forward.
    Date: Thursday, December 4, 2008, 7:06 AM
    Luke AFB is west of Phoenix and is rapidly being surrounded by civilization that complains about the noise from the base and its planes, forgetting that it was there long before they were. A certain lieutenant colonel at Luke AFB deserves a big pat on the back. Apparently, an individual who lives somewhere near Luke AFB wrote the local paper complaining about a group of F-16s that disturbed his/her day at the mall..
    When that individual read the response from a Luke AFB officer, it must have stung quite a bit.
    The complaint:
    'Question of the day for Luke Air Force Base:
    Whom do we thank for the morning air show? Last Wednesday, at precisely 9:11 A.M, a tight formation of four F-16 jets made a low pass over Arrowhead Mall, continuing west over Bell Road at approximately 500 feet. Imagine our good fortune! Do the Tom Cruise-wannabes feel we need this wake-up call, or were they trying to impress the cashiers at Mervyns early bird special?
    Any response would be appreciated.'
    The response:
    'Regarding 'A wake-up call from Luke's jets' On June 15, at precisely 9:12 a.m., a perfectly timed four- ship fly-by of F-16s from the 63rd Fighter Squadron at Luke Air Force Base flew over the grave of Capt. Jeremy Fresques. Capt. Fresques was an Air Force officer who was previously stationed at Luke Air Force Base and was killed in Iraq on May 30, Memorial Day.
    At 9 a.. m. on June 15, his family and friends gathered at SunlandMemorial Park in Sun City to mourn the loss of a husband, son and friend. Based on the letter writer's recount of the fly-by, and because of the jet noise, I'm sure you didn't hear the 21-gun salute, the playing of taps, or my words to the widow and parents of Capt. Fresques as I gave them their son's flag on behalf of the President of the United States and all those veterans and servicemen and women who understand the sacrifices they have endured.
    A four-ship fly by is a display of respect the Air Force gives to those who give their lives in defense of freedom. We are professional aviators and take our jobs seriously, and on June 15 what the letter writer witnessed was four officers lining up to pay their ultimate respects.
    The letter writer asks, 'Whom do we thank for the morning air show? The 56th Fighter Wing will make the call for you, and forward your thanks to the widow and parents of Capt. Fresques, and thank them for you, for it was in their honor that my pilots flew the most honorable formation of their lives.
    Only 2 defining forces have ever offered to die for you....Jesus Christ and the American Soldier. One died for your soul, the other for your freedom.
    Lt. Col. Grant L. Rosensteel, Jr.
    Sure gives one a lot to reflect on doesn't it? Believe In Miracles And SOAR
    God Bless America
    Hugs, Jan
  7. jjohnson
    What is A StrokeNet Chat?
    A StrokeNet Chat is a place where friends gather
    A safe haven where feelings can be shared
    Stroke Survivor situations can be discussed
    Opening up like never before
    knowing things will be kept there
    A place where you can belong
    A place where laughter can start
    to enter and heal your life where sadness
    and doubt had appeared.
    Stroke can take the good times away
    and replace it with Dr's appts, hard work
    stress and so much more
    Entering a StrokeNet Chat
    can be just what the Dr ordered
    Why not give it a try?
    The door is always open
    There is no fee
    and you will leave with
    such a good feeling inside
    So why not stop by and
    say Hi?
    Come on now, Give us a try.
    Written with Love,
    Jan Johnson
    Believe In Miracles And SOAR
  8. jjohnson
    My Special Valentine
    People come and people go,
    In and out of our lives and so,
    We soon will see changes in our new way of life
    A Life after Stroke has occurred
    and we have become a "Stroke Survivor"
    When one shines bright among the rest,
    And is there when needed, we are truly blessed.
    That is how I see you, StrokeNet friend of mine,
    And why I
  9. jjohnson
    There are two ways to look at every situation in life:
    Is the cup half empty? Or is the cup half full?
    It is amazing how our perception
    can be changed by our attitude.
    For example,
    think about God and then look at these letters.
    You can assume that God is NO WHERE.
    Or you can believe that
    God is NOW HERE!
    Follow this advice and you can improve your life:
    Always remember that you are loved,
    even when it doesn't seem like it.
    Believe in yourself and your values.
    Don't sell out when things go wrong.
    Don't let anything get you down;
    always bounce back up.
    Set goals for your future
    and never settle for anything less.
    Realize that there are others in the world
    with much bigger problems than you.
    Appreciate the good things in your life, and
    be thankful for the time you have with your loved ones.
    Spend more time with your family and friends.
    Appreciate the simple things in life,
    and don't get caught up in material things.
    If you follow that advice you can't go wrong!
    So the next time you're looking at a situation in your life:
    Is the cup half empty? Or is the cup half full?
    Be an optimist and see the cup as being half full.
    Before long, your attitude will rub off on others.
    You can make the world a better place
    by simply making yourself a happier person.
    If you see someone without a smile,
    give them one of yours.
    Here's one to get you started.

    Have A Terrific Day!
    Hugs, Jan
    Believe In Miracles And SOAR
  10. jjohnson
    When I created the heavens and the earth, I spoke them into being. When I created man, I formed him and breathed life into his nostrils. But you, woman, I fashioned after I breathed the breath of life into man because your nostrils are too delicate. I allowed a deep sleep to come over him so I could patiently and perfectly fashion you. Man was put to sleep so that he could not interfere with the creativity. From one bone, I fashioned you. I chose the bone that protects man's life. I chose the rib, which protects his heart and lungs and supports him, as you are meant to do. Around this one bone, I shaped you..... I modeled you. I created you perfectly and beautifully. Your characteristics are as the rib, strong yet delicate and fragile. You provide protection for the most delicate organ in man, his heart. His heart is the center of his being; his lungs hold the breath of life. The rib cage will allow itself to be broken before it will allow damage to the heart. Support man as the rib cage supports the body. You were not taken from his feet, to be under him, nor were you taken from his head, to be above him. You were taken from his side, to stand beside him and be held close to his side. You are my perfect angel.....You are my beautiful little girl. You have grown to be a splendid woman of excellence, and my eyes fill when I see the virtues in your heart. Your eyes......don't change them. Your lips -- how lovely when they part in prayer. Your nose, so perfect in form. Your hands so gentle to touch. I've caressed your face in your deepest sleep. I've held your heart close to mine. Of all that lives and breathes, you are most like me. Adam walked with me in the cool of the day, yet he was lonely. He could not see me or touch me. He could only feel me. So everything I wanted Adam to share and experience with me, I fashioned in you; my holiness, my strength, my purity, my love, my protection and support. You are special because you are an extension of me. Man represents my image, woman my emotions. Together, you re present the totality of God. So man......treat women well. Love her, respect her, for she is fragile.
    This is such a touching and true image of how God views and created women. We as men need to see our wives as God intended us to see her and work together as God intended.