Aussie Ken

Stroke Survivor - male
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About Aussie Ken

  • Birthday 01/07/1954

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  • Stroke Anniversary (first stroke)
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  • Interests
    Rugby League, Soccer, Cricket, gardening
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Associate Mentor (5/10)

  1. Happy Anniversary Aussie Ken!

  2. Happy Anniversary Aussie Ken!

  3. Happy Birthday Aussie Ken!

  4. Aussie Ken

    my family

    pic of my family
  5. I have been a member of the Lions Club for 30 years and when the manager of the programme mention she would like to get a set of bars i approached the Club for funding, in this picture from R-L we have Lion John Polland, Lion Bob Whalan, Karen Quinn (manage of Penrith PCYC Lion Ken and Simone Robinson (manager of the BRB programme)
  6. beautiful autum weather hear in Australia but not looking forward to the cold glad we don't get snow here in Sydney

  7. Just a few lines to wish everybody a Merry Christmas and a happy NEW Year. My christmas day was very quite as all my family (brothers and sister) no longer live handy and most of my friends had there own christmas festivities to attend too. i promise to give you a full update in the new year but just briefly i'm still loving my water therapy, walking on the treadmill, and will be trying to use a bike or pedal exerciser in the New Year. So take care enjoy the season and stay safe aftwer hearing the reports of the snowfalls. Christmas in Australia is hot but at least my wheelchair won't get bogged in snow drifts, :roflmao: bye
  8. it just keeps going round and round and round, at times i feel like i'm winning but lately i feel like i've gone backwards, when i first stoked i was so determined that i would be up and running by now but alass i'm still stuck in the wheelchair, wondering if i should just give up or keep on fighting. The worst part is that not long a go i was almost walking by myself the one thing ofter another my partner didn't have the time to go through my daily home physio programme but i really enjoy going to the pool for hydrotherapy and still do. my other form of physio was to walk on the treadmill which i can still do every fortnight, we were able to discuss with the physio any problems i was having but now it's there's the machine go for it. hopefully when i see my hosptal doctor next month i want to see if i can get back onto there programme. the other thing i would like to know if i can get into a research programme, whether it be stem cell, using a walkaide etc. well i must keep battling on, have a good week Ken
  9. Hi it looks like Walkaide has not reached Australia as yet plus being on a limited budget i doubt if we could afford it. sso will just keep on keeping on and hope something will come be found to fix this problem.
  10. but i have no excuses, i've pooped in a couple of times but nothing to report. Generally i'm well but get very down and bored with myself. At times feel like giving up but i've still got a lot to achieve and life to live. This months starts another month of being poked and proded by my doctors. I'm really loving my hydro therapy sessions because i can do must of the exercises myself, then fortnighty i've been doing a session on the treadmill and increasing my times each week. I know a lot of my troubles is mind over matter and i won't take risks as i don't want to break any bones. well thats my grizzel for now. Does anybody know if there is any Stem Cell research to help over come Drop Foot. that is my main bug bear. well must keep going have a wonderfull week
  11. Glad you both had a wonderful time Sue, looking forward to the warm weather
  12. from hospital. it's hard to believe that 5 years ago i was so excited about getting out of hospital and back into familiar surrounding. The first months after getting home i would found that the simple task of rolling over onto my side was like doing a 3 point turn but now no worries. I started twice weekly rehab sessions to try to get me back walking, i've almost got there on many occassions but i still needs assistance in case i fall backwards. This is were the frustration sets in. I was so active and had so much to look forward too. The past couple of months i have been feeling down because i really thought by now i would be more mobile. I find that my weekly Hydrotherapy sessions have given me a sence of freedom, and my fortnightly session on the treadmill is improving each time. I just wish i could get my confidence back to walk independently with out the fear of falling. because of the weekness in my right hand and arm i can't use a walker. But i will keep trying and trying till i reach my goals and instead off thrying to climb these mountains i will just go around them, as anything is possible.
  13. Yes Sue, since the cold weather has started my affected right leg is like ice, it doesn't matter how much i wrap it it's always the same, i put it down to circulation problems as once i get in the hydro pool it warms up and stays warm for ages. i might have to get it wired (Haha) summer time no worries
  14. have a good time Sue, i wish i could escape this winter cold with you