Aussie Ken

Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Comments posted by Aussie Ken

  1. Yes Sue, since the cold weather has started my affected right leg is like ice, it doesn't matter how much i wrap it it's always the same, i put it down to circulation problems as once i get in the hydro pool it warms up and stays warm for ages. i might have to get it wired (Haha) summer time no worries

  2. Thank you everbody, those articles were very interesting dstraugh i will print them off and give them to my physio, it my also help other clients of her's as they help a lot of clients with sports etc rehab like most of us the cost of things can be terrible when on a limited income. i'm at the point now were i will do anything to get mobile again as i'm bored witless i would even become a test dummy if it would get me walking.



  3. Is there anyway to get medicare to pay for the Wii system? I am on SSDI and cannot afford to purchase it on my income. Any response is greatly appreciated. Thanks, Hawaii Survivor



    I'm not sure about that, something you could ask or enquire on line with your provider. i haven't done so here in Australia but i will be making enquiries with both Medicare and my private health cover people.


    good luck with your enquries,


  4. Hi Sue

    Sorry i haven't been on the site for a couple of weeks, i hope christmas will be special this year and as you say life is so precious and too short, what i can't work out is why so many good people get struck down in there prime and yet so many people who don't deserve to walk this earth have no health problems, have a lovely christmas and we are all thinking of you.



  5. hi Super Sue


    i'm not being smart, for some reason people seem to forget that you need time for yourself and the more you want to help the more people seem to want.

    so Sue my simpe advice is you and Ray are the most inportant thing in your life. Since i had my stroke my lions club is still surviving, the house is still functioning, so in all look after yourselves so that your health dosen't suffer.


    take care



  6. i've decided to not put a time limit on my recovery, i now just think that it will come to those who wait. but please see your doctor to find out whats happening. we are getting the heat here in aussie so i know how the weather messes you arond. thake care



  7. thats great news, my pyhsio decided to put me on the treadmill last visit and i think the experience trigged the brain cell as i have got more feeling in my affected leg and i'm looking forward to the visit next week. hope you go well in the study.

