Aussie Ken

Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Entries posted by Aussie Ken

  1. Aussie Ken
    Well my little mate Scruffy decided to take on a red belly black snake last week, unfortunately he got bitten twice but luckily we saw it happen so Kathy and the kids got him straight to the vet. They were able to give him some anti-venom and kept him overnight. The next day he was sore and sorry but was recuperating well, he has been very quite the last couple of days but is doing well.
    Even so we are not near bushland it my have came up through the drain system or down the road from the horse paddock up the road.
    We told the vet to give him a good telling off.
    He loves to chase the garden skinks and bees. But talk about patients we think he had the snake bailed up all afternoon. I
  2. Aussie Ken
    My darling wife was out the back and i had just finished my 1/2 hour stand and standing exercises when i thought i would walk down the hallway by myself and get back to my chair. as i approuched the kitchen door my daughter spotted me and called out to Kathy. so i got into trouble for walking by myself. I felt confinent in myself that i could do it. A lot of it is mind over matter.
    I'm sick of being so restricted and as my confidence builds my walking will improve.
  3. Aussie Ken
    Well i finally made 20m (about 60ft) by myself with Kathy walking behind me just in case i stumble, my balance is finally coming back but because i've still haven't got much feeling down the right hand side i still lean to my left a bit. Every time Kathy has me up and walking i try to get her to let go of me, so this is my best distance yet. So my goal now is to double this distance over the next week or so.
    I even have been doing some of my walking with out the cane.
    :happydance: :happydance:
  4. Aussie Ken
    Yesterday i had an intersting visit to the physio. Whilst she had me walking in bare feet she noticed that i was walking on the outside of my foot and that although the drop foot had improved i still had this problem and it's contibuting to my walking problems. She gave me a few sitting exercises were i use a strech band to get my foot flat again. This morning whist doing my daily stand i moved the wedge around so that the outside of my foot was on the slope and just the inde of the foot was flat. It gave me a totally different strech up through my ankle and calf. I will try this stretch for a week ofr so and see if it corrects the problem.
    She also gave me more hand exercise and was impressed with my wrist flexation.
    Hopefully if i can regain my balance i should be ready to start water exercises by the time summer comes around. I'm near an excellant hydrotherapy pool and the people i see bor physio run threopy lessons there.
    If anybody has any more tips to get my foot flat it would be greatly appreciated.
    Have a great week
    Aussie Ken
  5. Aussie Ken
    Hi everybody, unfortunately the puter decided to chuck a wobbly so we sent it off for a check-up. It's now running fine which is lucky because i have to finish of my Lions Club bulletin this week. We have out District Governer coming for a combined meeting with other clubs in our area.
    Generally i'm going well, just fed up with my shelf because at the moment i can't walk by myself but i will keep trying, it will come.
    Yesterday and today is extremely cold here in Sydney, since the stroke i'm finding the cold terrible give me the spring time as it's not too cold or hot.
    Also for somebody like me who loved to be out and about doing gardening, playing sport, going tothe gym etc being confirmed to a wheelchair is very hard but i will overcome it.
    have a good week
  6. Aussie Ken
    After a lot of rain over the past couple of weeks the sun has been shining for the past few days, but the ground is satuated, so there won't be any soccer for the kids again this week. That will be 3 games now they will have to make up. One good thing is at least i won't get bogged tring to get around the park so that i can watch them.
    After my visit to the rehab doctor the other week i will be seeing the Speech people this week. I find that i have impaired vocal range in that my voice is quite like a mouse or roaring like a bull, with not much in between. very frustrating.
    The walking has been coming on very slowly but at least the balance is a lot better and not leaning to my left as much.
    My physio has added some more excercises to my programme which i can do buy myself whist doing my daily stand.
    Have a great day and remember keep smiling that way people will wonder what you have been upto.
  7. Aussie Ken
    Yesterday i had a visit to the dentist for my half yearly check, just a a small repair job to 2 old fillings was all that was needed.
    So over the past month i have been to my local GP for flu shots, Cardio specialist for a heart echo, had some blood tests and another ECG, and a visit to my physio. Every thing was ok and they are all happy with me and the care i've been getting. :cheer:
    Now i feel like i have been fully serviced, all i need to do is get my suspension working and i will be a new man.
    As winter is almost upon us here in Australia i long for sping as i hate being cold, thankfully we don't get snow in SYDNEY. But it is still very dry and need heaps more rain, nothing flooding but the nice steady gentle stuff.
    On weekends my son's soccer team has been having a horrible year. My daughter hasn't played this year due to work and ankle problems.
    well thats about all my news
    take care
  8. Aussie Ken
    Hi everyybody, well it hasn't happened yet but i know it's not too far away that i will be walking unassisted. whilst doing my daily stands i have been doing some other exersises to get more flexability in my knee, various balance exercises etc.
    It's been so frustrating being stuck in this wheelchair, especially after being so active all my life.
    Some really great news is that my heart echo test i had the other week once again was clear and that no new blockages have occured, the blood test were also good and my diabetes is well under control.
    The foot drop is stiil causing me concern as when i'm walking i'm getting great heal strike most of the time but then suddenly it kicks in and i can't get the heal strike.
    Last week week i had my brother in law visiting from New Zealand and it's given me more incentive to get mobile again and return to New Zealand and visit my mother in law and all of my wifes family.
  9. Aussie Ken
    As my foot drop and balance is getting better i feel i'm almost at the point of no return. It is now mind over matter before i take of solo and start walking unassisted. during the past week my wife has been just walking behind me with a reassuring hand resting on me hip. Turning she may place both hands just in case i topple backwards. Whilst doing me daily stand, i use a slooping board under my affected foot for 20 minutes, then 10 minutes with the foot flat on the floor wth the good foot elevated and affected knee slightly bent. i then do other exercises like steppin forward then backwards moving my affected leg back first putting the weight on the affected side first. then just swinging the affected leg to and fro. I have felt the muscles releasing themselves in the right leg and i have even been able to touch my toes by stooping down with knees bent.
    i know once i can gain my independance and be able to walk around my confidence and self doubt will improve. My visit to the rehab doctor has been put back serveral weeks so it gives me a bit of time so that i can ditch the wheelchair and walk into the clinic.
    I see the cardio doctor on Friday for an echo and hope that it will be all clear again.
    have a good week and remember to keep smiling.
  10. Aussie Ken
    Were have the last 3 years gone. i finally got more feeling back into my right hand side and more strenght my walking is getting better and looking forward to walking independantly, i don't think it will be long before i take off, because the other day i was doing laps in the hall way when my wife let go of me and i just kept on walking till she said wait on i'm not ready. i reckon if she hadn't said anything i would have made the 20 feet no worries. So its more mind over matter at the moment.
    Well with easter upon us this weekend will be very quite as the kids are away at a scout camp so just my wife and myself to do what we want, we have a 4 day break, then the school holidays start for 2 weeks.
    So have a great easter everybody.
  11. Aussie Ken
    Hi there
    Been off air for a week or so because during an electrical storm our modem got cooked. Luckly we had pulled the electrical plug out of the wall sockets to protect the PC from surges, but as the telephone connection didn't have a surge filter the modem got zapped. So we have been waiting for our service provider to send us a new one. (thank god it was under warranty). so we are going to see the people at the electronics store and buy a suitable filter.
    Tomorrow we say goodbye to a great mate, unfortunately he lost his fight against lung cancer, at 64 thats too young to die. He was a great family man, grandfather, loved working in his community. Mike was our Lions Club Santa and loved being driven through the Cambridge Park and Werrington (Sydney) area every Christmas eve were us Lions would hand out lollies to the local kids. He will be missed.
    So i must get walking again so i can join in the fun and see the look on the kids faces as Santa calls out their names.
    now to have a good read of the blogs and see whats been happening.
  12. Aussie Ken
    What a crazy few weeks, first the washing machine decided to give up the ghost and we had to replace it, but at least it didn't owe us anything after 20 years of faultless service, then after the lack of rain for so long the tiled roof started to leak and we had to call in the emergency services to do some urgent repairs foretunately there was no internal damage. We were able to call in a tiler to repoint the roof ridge caps so after the heavy rain during the past few days we no longer leak. :Clap-Hands:
    Then last weekend my nephew in-law was in port with the New Zealand navy and he had weekend shore leave so we showd him around the Penrith area and took him out for tea to the Bowling club where my daughter is doing her trainee ship.
    My walking is having it's ups and downs, somedays i can walk without any problems then the next i'm all over the place. but i refuse to give in, there must be a reason to all this and why i survived. my new physio has added some new exercises to strenghen my leg muscles and balance.
  13. Aussie Ken
    After going one of those periods i've emerged from the gloom and ready and rearing to go.
    At a function just before christmas a friend mention that she had some Mason's apprearing on her family tree, well after getting home and going through some of the family records it appears that we may well be related, so over the next few weeks i will be talking and emailing my brothers and sisters to fill in a few of the missing peices. it just a pioty that i didn't get more info from my mum and dad before the passed away. At least i now have plenty of time to do the research necessary.
    As i approach my third anniversary my determination is still to walk independantly i my do it by mid March. My drop foot is easing and i'm getting the foot closer to the ground and the balance is improving.
    On Tuesday night i went top my childrens school presentation where my son got 2 firsts in form (metal technology and Geography) my daoughter received to sports awards.
    have a good week and stay warm as the weather reports for the us look dreadful.
  14. Aussie Ken
    Since being home i have plenty of time to think and reflect on my life, before the stroke i was very active being the main breadwinner for the family, taking time to give myself me time such as going to the Gym, working within the community as i have been in the the Lions organisation for 26 years, fundraising for my childrens scout group so they could go to jamboree, and the list goes on.
    But post stroke i spend a lot of my time just sitting and watch the world go by. because of mobility problems i can't get outside and enjoy the sunshine, garden, general household jobs etc.
    But i haven't given up hope of one day returning to my favourite passions. i know that somedays i go to bed of a night and wishing that this is the last time, but then when i wake i think to my self that there is a lot of people worst of and that i must get over this setback and prove the medicos wrong.
    I have read the links about Walkaide, and botox but the seam to be only tempory. One good thing is that my foot is getting closer to the ground and i'm getting better heel strike and more flexablity in my foot. Balance has been a major problem but i will overcome it and its getting better.
    i have managed to walk shore distances without assistance but too far, i know that it's more mind over matter.
    so never give up hope.
  15. Aussie Ken
    Well i received a great doctors report this week, i had my 3 monthly health check up and the BP is spot on, weight ideal, and drop foot is almost down (about an 1'' to go).
    i've started doing squts to help build up muscle strenght and more balance work, hopefully either tomorrow or early next week i will try to walk up the driveway using the cane. it's a good flat surface so there won't be any hurdles.
    Tomorrow is Australia day, nothing planned just relax and do my home physio etc.
    The best thing this week is that more of my memory is returning. I was at a Lions dinner on Tuesday night and a friend who is involved with the Girl Guide movement was enquiring about fundraising activites that i was involed with the scouts, so i was able to share ideas on how to raise fund for her group. it was a good memory jogger.
  16. Aussie Ken
    At long last my walking is still improving as the weather has become unbearably hot here in Sydney i haven't been using the AFO as much as i should but at least i'm not ripping the toe nails off like i use too, so at least my gait is getting better and slowy i'm getting better heal strike. It's funny, i feel the muscles are untangling themselves and loosing their tightness and stiffness as well. The other great thing is that my balance is getting better, i'm not leaning to the left as much. so hopefully i can get over this drop foot problem.
    Then i can overcome this fear of falling and breaking bones.
    Today my daughter starts her first job as a trainee at a local bowling club learning chef work, bar work, admin, gaming, and reception. she hopes to become a chef eventually.
  17. Aussie Ken
    Well the heat has arrived, today we expect to hit over 100deg so the ceiling fans will get a workout today. Unfortunatuately i didn't reach my goal of walking independantly by new years day but it's only a minor setback. the good news is that i'm getting better and more consistant heel strike on my affected side. this drop foot is really getting me down but it is almost down. I see the physio and doctor next week so i will talk to them.
    Some really good news is that my daughter was successful with her job application so she is tickled pink.
    Well time to find somewhere cool for the rest of the day as at is only 10.30 am and it's about 90deg
  18. Aussie Ken
    Just a quick one to wish everybody a happy new year, although i didn't quite make my goal of walking indipendantly by the close of 2006, i haven't given up, i will do it soon. i can shuffle around but i just have to beleave in myself that i won't fall over. so have a great NEW YEAR everybody.
  19. Aussie Ken
    With christmas just days away and the new year i still to walk independantly. i have managed to about 15meters without assistance 3 or 4 times now with my wife walking behind me. i've had no slip ups so it's a start. my goal now is to be able to stand up by myself and do the laps without assistance. so who needs christmas presents, if i can safely walk by myself that is all i won't.
    so i hope everybody has a wonderful christmas and new year and don't give up hope
  20. Aussie Ken
    With christmas just around the corner life has been rather busy, last weekend was the first of the christmas parties with some friend i have meet through the old australian schoolfiends site. Although we are very diverse group and the friendships were formed through the Just for Fun message board we have become very close celebrating our triumps, sharing our disappointments etc. But one of the group asked the question "what have we all got in common" beside all going to school and joining the general chit chat i feel that we became close friends because we can be share our feelings with each other, we care about other people, and the list went on. Its like when we post our blogs on this board, we support each other and offer meaniful and positive advise.
    I don't know if many of you have met personally or not but in the new new i hope to meet a few of the Aussie people who live near Sydney :chat: .
  21. Aussie Ken
    Talk about ups and downs, one moment i'm as happy as larry then the slightest of upsets i'm having a downer. Frustration of not being more independant is getting to me. All i can do is gain my confidence and convince myself that i'm not going to fall over when walking without assistance. My balance is getting real good now when doing sits to stands and step ups. self confidence is what i need to work on.
    Generally life in general is flowing along, my daughter has her high school formal tomorrow night and graduation on thursday. then the wait for the exam results.
    Next week i would have celebrated 36 years since i joined the work force i sure miss working and being independent.
    Well i must keep fighting and regain my life.