Aussie Ken

Stroke Survivor - male
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Everything posted by Aussie Ken

  1. Hi guys i still having a few puter problems so i will type up an update on my progress and copy paste so bear with me. this is also a test.
  2. Aussie Ken

    Feeling Crappy

    i've decided to not put a time limit on my recovery, i now just think that it will come to those who wait. but please see your doctor to find out whats happening. we are getting the heat here in aussie so i know how the weather messes you arond. thake care ken
  3. Aussie Ken


    I also love my dog, a little jack russell he loves lots of cuddles and is a joy to have around. he also knoews when i'm feeling down and hangs around to make sure i'm ok. so enjoy your big mate. Ken
  4. Aussie Ken

    Treadmill Study

    thats great news, my pyhsio decided to put me on the treadmill last visit and i think the experience trigged the brain cell as i have got more feeling in my affected leg and i'm looking forward to the visit next week. hope you go well in the study. Ken
  5. Well the same old same old, after running into an old friend last week I didn
  6. Well my little mate Scruffy decided to take on a red belly black snake last week, unfortunately he got bitten twice but luckily we saw it happen so Kathy and the kids got him straight to the vet. They were able to give him some anti-venom and kept him overnight. The next day he was sore and sorry but was recuperating well, he has been very quite the last couple of days but is doing well. Even so we are not near bushland it my have came up through the drain system or down the road from the horse paddock up the road. We told the vet to give him a good telling off. He loves to chase the garden skinks and bees. But talk about patients we think he had the snake bailed up all afternoon. I
  7. One step forward and more backwards, I
  8. Aussie Ken

    How Far Can I Go????

    Great blog, and i agree, i also cheated death mine was because of St Pats day, the perly gates were closed because the place was in party mode to celebrate St Pats day, and hell was also closed fot the holiday. :laughbounce: :happydance:
  9. Glad the see that you had a great time, i've only been to cains once but that was back in the early 80's such a lovely place.
  10. Well what a busy time, but the best part is that the weather is finally starting to warm up hear in Sydney. Well I
  11. Well done i love my exercises i just wish i could do more and get my old healthy live style back, i just wish i hadn't abused my body when i was younger. Keep up the good work Ken
  12. Aussie Ken

    Just Tooling Around

    fantastic news to be free, i'm still dreaming of the day when i'm released from this torment and get my life back. :Clap-Hands: :Clap-Hands: :Clap-Hands:
  13. Welcome back Sue, glad Ray had a good birthday he got spoilt rotten here is a big HUG to you all
  14. Aussie Ken


    :Clap-Hands: fantastic news to hear that things are working out :happydance: Ken
  15. Never give up hope, my whole life has been turned upside down since the stroke, i've gone from a very independant person to one who lost a lot of confidence. but i no i can win and overcome most of the obsticals that have been forced upond me. so never give in or up stick to your guns Cheers Ken
  16. My darling wife was out the back and i had just finished my 1/2 hour stand and standing exercises when i thought i would walk down the hallway by myself and get back to my chair. as i approuched the kitchen door my daughter spotted me and called out to Kathy. so i got into trouble for walking by myself. I felt confinent in myself that i could do it. A lot of it is mind over matter. I'm sick of being so restricted and as my confidence builds my walking will improve.
  17. Well i finally made 20m (about 60ft) by myself with Kathy walking behind me just in case i stumble, my balance is finally coming back but because i've still haven't got much feeling down the right hand side i still lean to my left a bit. Every time Kathy has me up and walking i try to get her to let go of me, so this is my best distance yet. So my goal now is to double this distance over the next week or so. I even have been doing some of my walking with out the cane. :happydance: :happydance:
  18. Congradulations, i hope mum and bub are well and that dad is recovering
  19. Yesterday i had an intersting visit to the physio. Whilst she had me walking in bare feet she noticed that i was walking on the outside of my foot and that although the drop foot had improved i still had this problem and it's contibuting to my walking problems. She gave me a few sitting exercises were i use a strech band to get my foot flat again. This morning whist doing my daily stand i moved the wedge around so that the outside of my foot was on the slope and just the inde of the foot was flat. It gave me a totally different strech up through my ankle and calf. I will try this stretch for a week ofr so and see if it corrects the problem. She also gave me more hand exercise and was impressed with my wrist flexation. Hopefully if i can regain my balance i should be ready to start water exercises by the time summer comes around. I'm near an excellant hydrotherapy pool and the people i see bor physio run threopy lessons there. If anybody has any more tips to get my foot flat it would be greatly appreciated. Have a great week Aussie Ken
  20. Hi everybody, unfortunately the puter decided to chuck a wobbly so we sent it off for a check-up. It's now running fine which is lucky because i have to finish of my Lions Club bulletin this week. We have out District Governer coming for a combined meeting with other clubs in our area. Generally i'm going well, just fed up with my shelf because at the moment i can't walk by myself but i will keep trying, it will come. Yesterday and today is extremely cold here in Sydney, since the stroke i'm finding the cold terrible give me the spring time as it's not too cold or hot. Also for somebody like me who loved to be out and about doing gardening, playing sport, going tothe gym etc being confirmed to a wheelchair is very hard but i will overcome it. have a good week Ken
  21. After a lot of rain over the past couple of weeks the sun has been shining for the past few days, but the ground is satuated, so there won't be any soccer for the kids again this week. That will be 3 games now they will have to make up. One good thing is at least i won't get bogged tring to get around the park so that i can watch them. After my visit to the rehab doctor the other week i will be seeing the Speech people this week. I find that i have impaired vocal range in that my voice is quite like a mouse or roaring like a bull, with not much in between. very frustrating. The walking has been coming on very slowly but at least the balance is a lot better and not leaning to my left as much. My physio has added some more excercises to my programme which i can do buy myself whist doing my daily stand. Have a great day and remember keep smiling that way people will wonder what you have been upto. :party:
  22. Hi Sue was thinking about you guys up there on the centrl coast. in my part of Sydney wasn't to bad but we were glad the driveway is not a well conceted area although planty of pine needles covering the area. Take care as it's pouring again in Sydney today (saturday 16th). cheers Ken
  23. Aussie Ken

    quiet day

    Glad you had a quite day Sue, i think we all agree that life is getting too fast and people are just not taking the time to smell the roses and enjoy life. i wish i had taken more time and slowed down. cheers Ken
  24. Happy Birthday Sue, i really hope you have a good day :happybday: your a great lady
  25. Yesterday i had a visit to the dentist for my half yearly check, just a a small repair job to 2 old fillings was all that was needed. So over the past month i have been to my local GP for flu shots, Cardio specialist for a heart echo, had some blood tests and another ECG, and a visit to my physio. Every thing was ok and they are all happy with me and the care i've been getting. :cheer: Now i feel like i have been fully serviced, all i need to do is get my suspension working and i will be a new man. As winter is almost upon us here in Australia i long for sping as i hate being cold, thankfully we don't get snow in SYDNEY. But it is still very dry and need heaps more rain, nothing flooding but the nice steady gentle stuff. On weekends my son's soccer team has been having a horrible year. My daughter hasn't played this year due to work and ankle problems. well thats about all my news take care Ken