Aussie Ken

Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Comments posted by Aussie Ken

  1. Hi Sue,

    i can relate to what you are going throgh, and the frustration Ray feels by not being able to help you, there is so much i want to do but i've been locked into this broken body. It's hard to stay positive and keep on track. many a time i just wish i could go to sleep permenately, but as they say life was not ment to be easy, but why this hard.


    cheers Ken

  2. .


    Hi Sue,


    we don't have a meeting this week because our club hosted the region youth of the year night the other week, we meet on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month. the first being a Board meeting then a dinner meeting on the 4th. our next dinner meeting will fall on Anzac day i think it will be transferred to the first saturday in May as we have our Larkin of the Year night, i started it about 3 years ago as a fun raiser for the Scouts i was associated with. WE get about 4-5 neighbering clubs to select a club larikin or tail twister and put them through a similar format as the youth of the year, but we give each larikin an objuect IE a roll of toilet paper, a batter etc and they have to talk about the item for 2 minutes, then later on tjhey have to talk about any subuect of there choise. During the night each larikin has a campain manager and they canvas the audiance for bribes, the more bribes the more chance of winning. we also run auctions and raffles during the night. we have selected a local primary school this year. the winning club gets to host the contest next year. so if would like to know more i think we have a powerpoint presentation we could send to you, it's great way of getting clubs togther for a social night.


    cheers Ken