Aussie Ken

Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Entries posted by Aussie Ken

  1. Aussie Ken
    Tomorrow i have visit to the rehab doctor, i will be asking what my next couse of action should be. Just before my term finished with the physio he mentioned about Botox injections but i'm a bit hesident about this precedure and what long term effects if any be. i would rather try massage or accupuncture or similar alternative therapies. Today i could feel the calf stretch during my home physio exercises, also when i have been walking i can feel the achillies tendon and calf muscle working. as i haven't been able to feel these muscles and tendons flexing and stretching for so long i hope it's a sign that body is finally repairing itself and things are starting to happen.
  2. Aussie Ken
    what a great weekend here in Sydney very brisk mornings and warming sunshine as we are in Autumn (fall), but we could do with some rain.
    On Saturday night we went to a Lions Club fundraiser fo a local Primary (junior) school we raised over $1500.00 dollars,
    then on Sunday i first when to watch my daughters soccer team, unfortunately the lost but they tried hard. then when that was finished we when to watch my sons soccer game they won and remained undefeated.
    Although the stroke has put a dampner on a lot of my activities, hopes and desirers it has made me more determined to get better.
  3. Aussie Ken
    Still waiting to hear how my niece is going but thank you for your comments. I think the word cancer instantly in stalls fear and conjures you the worst fears.
    It's like the word stroke i thought it was an old persons illness, it was not until i can onto this site, i was amazed at the ages of the victims, and that no 2 strokes or recovery is the same.
    I'm still confused as to what caused my stroke, was it the medication they gave me at the hospital to clear the blockage at the bottom of the heart or was i experiencing a minor stroke the day beforeafter the walk, all i can remember is that i was doing soccer training when i developed a massive throbing headarch and then six weeks later i came too from a coma. the day before the collapse i had gone for a walk at lunch time and when i got back to the office i felt light headed but didn't thing anything of it. I had been doing gym work at least 2-3 times a week with no side effects.
    Since then for the last 2 years i had numbness down my entire right side. Over the past 3 weeks i am finally getting more feeling in my affected side.
    the thing i would love to no was is was it the heart problem or the drugs the doctors they gave me in hospital. i guess i will never know, but staying positive i will get better and defeat this set back.
  4. Aussie Ken
    Finally things are starting to come good, the numbness is finally going from my affected right hand side, and my balance is getting better, since i don't seam to walking lopsided any more and i'm bring my right leg through easier. I will be glad when i can walk and stand up by myself and return the wheelchair. I had two flat tyres this week and it took 4 days before the hospital maintence guy to come to fix it. i'm really looking forward to returning it to the hospital. the other reason i'm looking forward to getting out of the chair is that on weekends i go to watch the kids soccor matches and it's hard work going over rough ground they need to produce a 4 wheel drive model for the rough ground.
  5. Aussie Ken
    At long last i can finally feel my calf muscle whilst doing my daily stand using the wedge and also leaning forward in the sitting position with the affected leg elevated and leaning forward. Almost all the surface feeling in coming back down the right hand side.
    With winter upon us in the Australia i find my affected leg and sometimes the hand are like blocks of ice even with the fire on a blanket over the knees of a night but the daytimes have been warm i sit out in the sun on the back pourch for a while. Spring is my must favourite time as its not too hot or cold. At least we don't get snow in Sydney i don't think i could handle the snowy and icey conditions.
    have a good day