Aussie Ken

Stroke Survivor - male
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Everything posted by Aussie Ken

  1. With christmas just days away and the new year i still to walk independantly. i have managed to about 15meters without assistance 3 or 4 times now with my wife walking behind me. i've had no slip ups so it's a start. my goal now is to be able to stand up by myself and do the laps without assistance. so who needs christmas presents, if i can safely walk by myself that is all i won't. so i hope everybody has a wonderful christmas and new year and don't give up hope
  2. With christmas just around the corner life has been rather busy, last weekend was the first of the christmas parties with some friend i have meet through the old australian schoolfiends site. Although we are very diverse group and the friendships were formed through the Just for Fun message board we have become very close celebrating our triumps, sharing our disappointments etc. But one of the group asked the question "what have we all got in common" beside all going to school and joining the general chit chat i feel that we became close friends because we can be share our feelings with each other, we care about other people, and the list went on. Its like when we post our blogs on this board, we support each other and offer meaniful and positive advise. I don't know if many of you have met personally or not but in the new new i hope to meet a few of the Aussie people who live near Sydney :chat: .
  3. Talk about ups and downs, one moment i'm as happy as larry then the slightest of upsets i'm having a downer. Frustration of not being more independant is getting to me. All i can do is gain my confidence and convince myself that i'm not going to fall over when walking without assistance. My balance is getting real good now when doing sits to stands and step ups. self confidence is what i need to work on. Generally life in general is flowing along, my daughter has her high school formal tomorrow night and graduation on thursday. then the wait for the exam results. Next week i would have celebrated 36 years since i joined the work force i sure miss working and being independent. Well i must keep fighting and regain my life.
  4. Great news, keep up the good work. i'm not far from achieving my goal of being able to walk arouind without assistance. so your achievement gives me further encouragement. :Clap-Hands: :Clap-Hands: :Clap-Hands: :Clap-Hands:
  5. I would love to Sue, it's always great to meet new people. Ken
  6. Back from the South Coast of NSW after visiting my sister for her birthday. It was great to see her face as she had no idea that i was coming and the fact that i hadn't emailed or rang her the suprise was incedible and very emotional. One of my older brothers also traveled down from sydney. it was also great to catch up with my nieces and nephews and see how much they have grown. I travelled well with well planned stops and breaks. The road vibration also privided stimulation to my leg and foot, so more feeling is coming back. Although the weather was ordinary it wasn't to hot or cold for travelling. so i have gained more confidence it travelling.
  7. Next weekend i will be taking my first long road trip since having the stroke, we will be travelling south of Sydney to Shoalhaven Heads which is about 3 hours by road south of Sydney. It will be my older sisters 60th birthday so her daughter has organised a surprise birthday party for her. So we have checked out suitable places to stop that have disabled bathrooms and access. Unfortunately it will be just an overnight trip as my daughter still has her final HSC exam to go. but the break will do us all good. Yesterday after doing my physio programme, my walking was spot on, the balance was perfect the foot coming through no drop foot so i was very excited, so all the hard work is paying off. i just wish i had a safe area that i could do must of it by myself and my wife can get on with her jobs instead of tying her up while i go through the programme. Today is bright and sunny but a bit cool inside so i will go outside in the warmth when my wife gets home from dropping the kids off at Venturer scouts. so have a great week and never give up.
  8. The AFO is working, i'm finding that my foot drop is getting better, even when i don't use the AFO my foot is staying flat on the floor and not spring up like a well oiled spring, i'm even managing a few feet by myself without assistance, i just need to build up my self confidence and i will be away. The weather in Sydney is all over the place at the moment. On monday i was back in jumpers and long trousers then today back in shorts and t-shirt, very warm day. but we need rain baddly the poor garden is suffering as we have water restrictions which means that we can't use the hose except for sunday and wednesdays for about 3 hours. we use the washing machine water to put around the garden using buckets. not much else is happening, looking forward to heading 2hrs south of Sydney in a couple of weeks to my sisters 60th birthday, so it will be interesting to see how i travel in the car that for, plenty of stops i think so that i can get out and stretch.
  9. Hi Guys Well for the past week i have been trying an AFO, and it's been a success, i find i'm walking straighter, better balanced, and getting my affected leg through without scrapping the toes, my own GP could not understand why the hospital physio didn't get me one ages ago. I know that the hospital doctor had recommended one but it never eventuated, It has I still get drop foot went i don't use it but once it's on i find the drop foot does't happen. For safety my wife still walks behind me for safety but it won't be long before i'm up and away. With the warm whether now my affected leg is keeping a good temperature as during winter it was like a block of ice. i hope to go solo soon and get some of my independance back. and get back out in the garden and do some chores. So fingures crossed my New Year resolution will come true, Once i get the walking down pat i can concentrate on getting the arm working properly again. Well back to the grindstone and get my physio done.
  10. What a horrible day we just had, the day started of fine beautiful blue sky, gentle breeze, then about 11.00am the wind came in from the west, a howling gale the temp was about 90deg F, we were at a soccer picnic for our sons soccer team. the picnic ground had a great shelter protecting us from the sun but because there area was across the road from open fields we coped the full force of the wind. I was hoping to do some walking practice as it was nice flat terrain but because the wind was so strong i gave it a miss. I the thing i find difficult and frustrating is that all the times i suffered sprained ankles etc i was able to get around but since the stroke and the foot drop i just cannot master this walking business. So does the foot drop ever get better, after searching the web and reading some books and doing the excercises i just can't unlock the muscle stiffness, maybe my Podrist maybe able to unlock the muscles? i guess i just have to preserve and not give up
  11. Oh what a beautiful day, it's enough to make you burst out in song, but the local cats and dogs may object. Today it's a great 25 deg c, (i've fogotten the imperial scale maybe 70+ deg F) theres no wind. been to the garden centre this morning to get some soil mix and herbs, we have some potatoes in already. all the spring bulbs are flowing, rose buds getting fat and ready to burst out into flower, the lavenders, bottlebursh etc are not far from flowering. we also have a large gum tree in the backyard that is now flowering so during the night we can hear the fruit bats eating the nectar, at dawn the rainbow lorrikeets until about 10.00am, the the honey bees for the rest of the day. Gee i miss not being able to get out in the garden do my jobs, but i will get there. It's also causing havic to the sinses but it's a small price to pay. Looking forward to my sons soccer presentation tomorrow, the daughter is away again this weekend sailing on Sydney Harbour with the scouts, just hope she uses plenty of sunblock. :beer: cheers Ken
  12. Yipee :Clap-Hands: it's finally getting warmer here in Sydney. Although it's been a mild winter it's still gets quiet chilly, at least we don't get snow here. Sons soccer team won their comp so he's happy, Daughters team came mid comp but she had fun and the ladies took good care of her. She is busy studying for her final high school exams. My walking is getting better but i have it's moments. Foot drop is my main bug bear, one moment i'm walking well be next moment i'm walking loopsided. After all the time i had spained ankle i was able to get around reasonably well but since the stroke i still need assistance. the key i find is never give up and keep up the exercises, My goal is to be walking independantly by christmas, if i can get my foot to settle down i will investigate hydrotheripy soon. So stay strong never give up.
  13. I find that when it's cold parts of my affected leg are like icebergs especially under the calf muscle, sole of my foot. it's not till i'm in bed and warm before it warms up, i also find that i tense up, just wish that i could get more feeling in my leg. i also place a hot water bottle next to my calf when in watching TV of a night, it seams to help a little.
  14. A bit overcast today in Sydney today, we have one child away at a Venturer scout camp hiking in the Blue Mountains and the other visiting a mate before he plays in a soccer semi final tomorrow, they were minor premiers. My wife and i helped at a Lions club BBQ this morning, not that i can do much at the moment, but it gets me out for a while. have a good week Ken
  15. Just thought i would report in and see whats happening, it's still very cold hear in Sydney and i see that quiet a lot of the States are experiencing record high temperatures, bushfires etc. Although it has been cold the drought continues, On the recovery side of things most of the numbness i was experincing is almost gone, in the past few day the extreme coldness i was experincing in isolated parts of my lower leg is abating. the worst area was from the calf muscle to under the right heel. Now when i'm doing my stand i can really feel the calf stretching and have incorporated a few other exercises as well. Staying positive is the hardest challange and take ther good with the bad. A good network of family and friends are also a key element to recovery. :chat:
  16. Just been to the doctors and more good news, My blood pressure, Weight, and blood tests are all perfect, as i said my balance is getting better by the day and it won't be long before i'm walking solo, as i had to walk down the hallway by myself this moirning as our puppy was getting the way and being a pest, he just wanted to help. So it won't be long before i'm going solo.
  17. When i woke this morning i felt great, i breezed though my arm and leg exercises, and while working down to the kitchen i was walking straight and wasn't leaning on the cane to much. Then when i was having my shower i could actually feel the water pressure against my affected leg. This feeling has been coming back in sections but today it was all over. Even my morning stand felt better although when i got off the wedge it took a couple of minutes before the foot went right down. I only wish that this feeling came back when i was still in the formal physio programme. I guess if man would come to there senses and stop having these silly wars more time and money could be channelled into medical research, PT, OT, maybe we could all get better quicker. Well back to my home progamme i've rested long enough.
  18. Thanks, Like anything unless you try you will never no. We have 2 specialised water therpy pools near me and they are both heated, ever if i have to buy or hire a waterski type vest to keep me upright till i'm stronger. so i will invetigate it further as when my wife was working for school that had special needs kids and they loved the water and it was very benificial. I'm glad i have a very stubbon streak and refuse to give up.
  19. Just after Easter this year my balance was getting better, the numbness down the right hand side almost disappeared, my walking really improved, i finally felt happy within myself and decided to get on with life. Touch wood my memory is really good and i've been reflecting on my lifes achievements, disappointments, and were to from hear. The mine thing at the moment is to be able to walk independantly without my wife needing to hold my hips just in case i fall bakwards. All though my formal physio finished in January i still do my daily routine of sit to stands, stand against the wall and i've been increasing the time each month. plus my other exercises. I've added squates to the programme and standing without holding on to anything. Unfortunately the gym i use to go to is up a very steep fight of stairs wictch is a pity as i feel i'm almost ready to use the bike and some of the other equipment. When the weather starts to warm up i hope to be stable enough to do some water therapy. My physio was not in favour of this type of therpy because of the balance problem. I think because i've got a never give up attitude i will regain my independance, i'm not that concerned if i done drive again, walking is better any way and Sydney traffic is getting worse. So all i can add never give up hope as there is always someone else worse off. :beer:
  20. Well another weekend has just past, my daughters team lost 4-1 but she scored her first goal, so she is over the moon, she has been in playing for 7 years and loves every minute of it. She is in an All Aged ladies team and being the youngest all the ladies really look after her. She is so happy as all the girls in her old u16 team were boy happy and Kristine got sick of all the rubbish they talked about. She is not boy happy which is a blessing. My 16 yo son was at on a Venturer Scout campin the Blue mountains, very cold but he had fun, but he would have prefered to stay home and play his soccer game, but it was a camp he had to do. Well i'm still in the wheelchair but at least the numbness in the right hand side is all but gone. I breezed through my home physio programme this morning considering i didn't get to do any over the weekend. i was able to get a real good stretch through the hamstring muscle this morning and my walking is getting steadier and regaining my balance. So the more i can walk i don't get drop foot as often. I'm looking forward to gaining my independance without Kathy having to walk behind my incase the drop foot returns.
  21. :Clap-Hands: At long last i can finally feel my calf muscle whilst doing my daily stand using the wedge and also leaning forward in the sitting position with the affected leg elevated and leaning forward. Almost all the surface feeling in coming back down the right hand side. With winter upon us in the Australia i find my affected leg and sometimes the hand are like blocks of ice even with the fire on a blanket over the knees of a night but the daytimes have been warm i sit out in the sun on the back pourch for a while. Spring is my must favourite time as its not too hot or cold. At least we don't get snow in Sydney i don't think i could handle the snowy and icey conditions. have a good day Ken :beer:
  22. Hi Sue Like you spring can't come quick enough, as usual the rain is falling mainly on the coast, i feel the cold more since having the stroke, my affected leg feels like an iceberg, but the rest of the body is warm. have you tried mixing in some cement dust into your driveway gravel then gently hose the drive down it my just bind the gravel. also ask the people were you get the gravel from if the sell crushed concrete in lieu of gravel. take care and give Ray my regards.
  23. today whilst walking i was finally getting a bit of a pull in the achilles tendon and this after noon my heal went straight down when i was standing on the wedge and i was able to balance for about minute with out holding on. so all i can say is yipeeee :Clap-Hands:
  24. :cheer: :happybday: Happy birthday Sue glad you had a good family get together
  25. This morning whist doing my daily stretch againt the wall using a wedge i could finally feel my calf muscle stretching on my right hand side i've had little twinges whist walking for the past few days and my heel is striking the ground first. So fingers crossed the foot drop my be coming good. even whilst doing my excercises my balance is better especially the step ups and step downs hopefully i will try a few laps up and down the hallway unassisted today. the more confident i get i will achieve my goals. :happydance: