
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by azrabbit

  1. azrabbit

    Denny's Journey

    Photos of my husband's stroke journey
  2. azrabbit

    130 lb pack

    :cheer: WOW - THAT IS SO GREAT!!! I can't wait to show my husband - he is going to be so encouraged.
  3. From the album: Denny's Journey

    Being in the pool was Denny's favorite part of in patient rehab
  4. From the album: Denny's Journey

    Denny was the first patient at his rehab facility to use the AutoAmbulator. The first time on the machine he "walked" 1789 feet.
  5. From the album: Denny's Journey

    Denny after completing the Heart / Stroke Walk - walked 1/2 mile! :happydance:
  6. You have put into words what I have been feeling since my husband's stroke. I went online last night because I was so lonely and thank God there were some survivors in the chat room. They helped me get out of my funk, but I still left feeling guilty for wanting more from our lives. Sunday was so hard. We used to have lazy mornings, hubby would bring me coffee in bed, we would read the paper, talk about our week, books ...whatever. Now we get up when he needs to get up to go to the bathroom, I make the coffee, help him dress, fix breakfast, then get myself cleaned up and dressed. I wanted to sit down and read the paper but by then, he was ready to start pointing out all the things that needed done around the house. I miss him so much. When do you stop grieving? I have faced loss in my life before also, but this feeling of emptyness just won't go away. Thanks for letting me tag onto your blog... :juggle: