
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Entries posted by Budweiser

  1. Budweiser
    Hello all, happy new year . Been engaged for awhile now but we have a date now. Got a hall so we are getting married this year. New years eve 2016.
    :thumbs up: :laughbounce:
  2. Budweiser
    Hello all
    Haven't been on for awhile for here's my latest. I'm engaged and live together now with her 2 kids. Downside I had to put my Budweiser down in May 2014. Hardest thing I ever had to do but was thinking for him and not myself. I will try to get back on more here.

  3. Budweiser
    I haven't blogged in a lot time. Since Feb 2012 I met an amazing women with 2 kids and a dog. Now we live together and got engaged last month. No plans yet but will start planning a date. Her kids love me and they are great. We camp now and got a house with a pool. Now Bud has a new best friend "Bishop". A 5 year old dog. I just wanted to let you know. A few here that know me on facebook knows about my life now.
  4. Budweiser
    Hello, i'm still here lol. Here to let you all know what's going on (all good). Bud turned 10 on Nov 11 and still acts like a 3 year old but it's great!! I met a great gal last week and wow, havn't felt like this since highschool. We are very happy now and look forward will us together. Well I just wanted to chat and to let you all here i'm still here and around.
    Keep smiling!!!!

  5. Budweiser
    I'm still around. i'm ready for the spring and had my convertable car out a few times. I have to take him for surgery again next week. He is 9.5 years now but great. He had his annual yesterday and found a cracked molar so better to take it out. I don't want him to be in pain for his tooth. Well he's a trouper like me...lol. i'm still single and still dating so all is good. Talk soon!!!
    Bill and Bud
  6. Budweiser
    I love the snow. We're getting some good snow here. I bought a snowblower in Novenber and i'm using it alot. Except the deck, i have to shovel the snow so I can get to the hot tub and Bud to play in the backyard. He loves the snow too. Well i'm single again (well 3 weeks) but it's ok. it's getting easier now to meet new people. I'm still meeting or not talking anymore to me but ther ae too many shallow people out there. They talk etc.. until I tell them about my past (accidents - lost hand and stroke) then ignore me. Oh well
    Have a great winter

  7. Budweiser
    Well happy new year to all!!. I had a quiet but nice christmas and holidays. I've been dating again and ended a few. I actually met a very nice lady just before christmas. She is actually 9 years older then me but everything is going great!! She has similar issues that I have and I haven't had that before with other dates/ladies. It's been over 2 weeks and great. I told her about my issues and she couldn't even tell because my speech is fluent now. I still have issues but she is ok about that. :laughbounce:
    Hope all is well and doing great!!!
  8. Budweiser
    Hello all
    I'm back on on this site. I had to replace a hard drive and was busy working on my new house. A busy but fun summer. I finished my backyard for a new fence, deck, custom shed and a hot tub. Now Bud can play in his new backyard. It was awhile for him but I'm done so he can play now and I can soak in my new hot tub. I had dating all summer but nothing worked out. I dated a girl for a 2 weeks then she lost it on me and called me a handi-cap. I told her next time you call someone a handicap look into a mirror. I couldn't beleive how sick people are out there. Today I went out on a date and it went well. She says I'm so nice even I told her about my stroke and my left hard (no left hand). She didn't care. We are getting together tomorrow and thursday. I'm taking her to Red Lobster because we love seafood. Well i've finally added this website so i'll be back on more regually.
    Keep smiling!!!!

    ps: I also had a tattoo on my right shoulder of Bud. My best friend!
  9. Budweiser
    I met a lady another day on the computer (same place I met with the other relationship). She asked me to get together so I said lets get a coffee and talk and see if there is any connection. 7 hours later we are going to get together again. I told her about my issues and she said I was really good and said everyone has their own faults/issues. I felt so great. She lives a lot closer than 2.5 to 5 hours away...lol. We are only about 15 minutes away. She said before I left that we both felt a connection and like each other and go with the flow. I'm so happy.
  10. Budweiser
    Hi all
    I've been single since January after a near 2 year relationship. I met a lady and everything with my issues were great. I went to her place a visit (2 hour drive) with Bud and she had a young dog. It was great. The main issue is the distance. It was hard for me over the 2 year relationship but I really liked her and she did to. She said she understood my issues but over the first week after I left she was slappy at me. I don't thing she really unferstands me because I look great and my speech is awsome but my problems is understanding. We argued all week and she wells at me and says I dont listen. I told her thats my problem. I listen but dont understand. Well we are not even friends now. I tried meeting new ladies on the computer and it was great but once I explain my stroke, they never talk back to me. Am I wrong if I dont tell them? I'm too honest to people but it hurts me. It's very hard even though I look physically great. Many women want a very good conversation, it's hard for me though. I'm not giving up though!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Budweiser
    It's been crazy for me since June after my insurance is over. I bought a new house and moved it in October then 2 weeks ago I ended my relationship after a 1.5 year relationship. I guess it wasn't ment. Well now I met a new lady and been talking alot the last 1.5 weeks. I told her my issues and it doesn't matter. We are getting together next weekend to meet in person. I've settled in my house with Bud so it's great but she lives 2 hours away . Oh well but we are going to meet to see how it goes and Bud gets to meet her 8 month old puppy so I'm happy.
    Bill aka Budweiser
  12. Budweiser
    Well, It's about 3 weeks since I moved in to my new house. I'm settling in then today Leons came by for my new furniture for my basement and my new bedroom set. More boxes!!!!!! lol. . Well this keeps me busy as I have 3600 sq/ft for Bud and I (1800 sqft each floor). I didn't realize the size of this house. Oh well, now Bud and I can get lost in this place. I got my new bbq hooked up to my natural gas because I love bbqing and don't worry about running out of gas (unless I don't pay the bills ). Some pics after I cleaned up on the main floor. Not bad for a guy's taste.
    Now off to cleanup the basement

  13. Budweiser
    My life is moving on in a great way. My insurance is done and the lawsiut is final as of yesterday and I get the keys tomorrow for my new house. My new life started today, not 4.5 years ago from my stroke because i'm moving on in every way. But, i'll always be myself in anyway. My past is the past now and can move on by my choice!!! . What's I get settled, i'll get into hobbies and or volunteering. I am myself now.
    :yadayada: :yadayada:
  14. Budweiser
    I bought a new model home in Cobourg Ontario. It's a 2 bedroom bungalow the 3 bathrooms and a huge basement. Sprinkler system with AC, HRV systems and Air Vac. I cant believe I got it. I get it October 2, 2009. Cobourg has one of the nicest beachs in lake ontario. Population 17,500. I love it. Bud will love it. It's been along time in an apartment (4.5 years). I'll be closer to my girlfriend.
  15. Budweiser
    I had to take Bud (my best friend dog) to the vet today because he was limping had. His right rear leg torn his legiment in his knee. He did this 2 years ago on his left side but I have to go through this again. Surgery next thursday for him as i'm house hunting. This is hard again but I can do it!!!! Bud will be 8 this November but still ac like a 2 year old. I hope all works out for him.

  16. Budweiser
    After almost 4.5 years, it's over (well almost but great now). My insurance is out of my life now and now i'm in control of my life. All of my specialists are over or well on my choice now. Now I'm only see my family doctor abour 1-2 times a year. I have my life in my control now. I'm still with my girlfriend that we met over a year ago. I'm buying a truck now and looking for a house. I'm now retired now at the age of 39. I will settle in my new house (when I get it) then i'll do some type of volunteering, hope in the same area (stroke/aphasia).

  17. Budweiser
    After about 5 months talking and 5 months being together as ended today. The distance is too hard for us. Its hard to visit as she has kids up there and hates missing them. I hate it......
  18. Budweiser
    I'm still here. I check here every few days. I'm still dealing with the insureance and stuff but I still try go forward. I've found a great lady and stuff is great with us. She visites all the time and its great. We've done alot of walking through Royal Botanical Gardens in Burlington/Hamilton. She loves it. We feed the chipmuncks/squirells and birds here. :Clap-Hands: . I want to let you all know i'm still here.
    keep smiling :happydance:
  19. Budweiser
    I've been loving all the snow we've gotten this somer. We haven't had alot of snow in awhile. Bud's been so happy with the snow. :i_did_it!:
    Today is my 3 year stroke/accident. It's so long ago then again feels like yesterday. 3 years and i'm still going through speech therapy, Aphasia group, doctor appointments and still dealing with my insurance. I still dont know what i'll be doing in my future. :blah_blah: I'm sure allot feel the same way. I'll be 38 in June.
    The beggining of March I put my divorce papers in and it will be complete in 60 days (watch out ladies :yukyukyuk: ). That is another thing behind me to go forward.
    Hope we have a great spring.
    :happy new yea:
  20. Budweiser
    I'm still here looking around but still not messaging/blogging that much. I went through another neurophysc testing in October and the results didn't show much increase. The results show about my stroke but also shows other areas of damage from for car accident (front of the brain). Now I have to go through another assessment (OT) by my insurance. This will be about the 7th time for the OT come to my place. But the wierd thing is they stopped paying attendant care last March!!!!! They are wasting money and time for nothing. This is so frustrating about the system. Well, I do this next week but at least Bud will be happy because i'll have company...
    Sorry about being so quiet since the late summer. Too much stuff going on again right now with this stuff.

  21. Budweiser
    I haven't blog'd in awhile. I've been doing to much the last few months. My mom was put in a hospice in August 1, 2007 (they gave her weeks to live) and passed away September 27. She has been fighting lung cancer the last 2 years. Within 2 weeks after that 2 friends of mine died. That was 3 in under 3 weeks. In the mean time i've had to go again neuro-pscych testing (last time was summer 2006). They are doing even more testing as the first one. I've done 8 hours over 4 assessments and I have to go another 2 more tests (minumum). I'm getting tierd about all of this. My insurance stopped paying my benefits so I had to stop speech therapy at the moment. My headaches have come back because i'm doing too much now. I'm 2.5 years now after my accident.
    I hope i'll get on more now but wanted to let ya's know while i've been quiet for awhile.
    I try to go forward and not to look back...................
    Keep smile