
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Comments posted by Budweiser

  1. Bill, I was thinking about you this morning with the weather being so cold where you are up there... How have you been my friend?? Merry Christmas to you and Bud!! Did you ever get married as you had planned awhile back??

    I hope so and things are going great for you... I know for me it's very hard sleeping and being in a big home by myself... Companionship is the way to go in my mind!!!

    Not married yet. Both been married before so we are not in a rush. We do live together (1.5 yrs). I had to put Bud down last May. He wasn't doing well as his age caught up to him. Hardest thing I had to do. Happy New Year!!!

  2. Hi Bill:

    So happy to see you again. I guess you aren't living near the Legion anymore. Where are you, how are you? I'm good. I have seizures on occassion but copeing. I talk to Marlyn from the Aphasia Center often. Allot of people have come and gone.




    Hi Christine


    I'm great. I bought a new house in Cobourg in Oct 2009. I started a new life but loving it. Say hi for me from the aphasia group.



  3. I have coutless questions





    We met on the computer (not a dating place). She lives about 4 hours away. We talked for awhile and liked each other. I told her about myself at the start and she didn't care about that. She took the train here in May to visit and stated here for a week and a half. She went home for another 1.5 weeks then came back to be with me. She sayed for another 2 weeks then went home. She could only stay home for 1 week and came back :Clap-Hands: . She stayed for 3 weeks and will come back next week. It feels its going into a serious relationship. We are happing together. She is about 2.5 years older then me. :bouncing_off_wall: She has so patience with me. She said my speech is really good (likes my voice :laughbounce: ) and tries to help with my understanding better.

