
Stroke Survivor - male
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Everything posted by Budweiser

  1. Budweiser

    Beauty Parlour

    I'm so happy that Bud has been so good. We are both happy. That was the first time taking Bud to the "Dog Store" that lets you bring the animals here. My dad took me over as I don't have enough money to buy me a new truck/car. When I get another vehicle i'll take Bud over more often. We both had alot of fun today. :yukyukyuk:
  2. Budweiser

    Beauty Parlour

    I took Bud to PetsMart today and left him there for 3 hours in a Beauty Parlour :roflmao: . They gave him a shampoo, dry, clean his ears, cut his nails, did his teeth and put on a bandana. :yukyukyuk: He had so attention today he looked a kid in a candy store. :party: His hair is so fluffy and smelled nice. We came home and he went to sleep. :cloud9: I've had Bud back in the apartment for over a month now and he has been great living in an apartment. He dosn't bark with all the sounds around here (different sounds from living in a house). Since he's been so good I thought it would be nice to send him to the beauty parlour for a special day. Bill and Bud :groupwave:
  3. Budweiser

    Bill Reid

    I've heard alot of people that have problems by that (chiro). My neurosurgeon told me "don't let anyone touch your neck". I get tired easy but that is in my speech area. IfI do too much, I have a hard problem talking. I forget words and I get confused easly. I get so frustrated easly when I cant find the word or I say the wrong words. When I get tired I have to leave if anyone is around. The docs/therapies said that I had a stroke by the accident and a head injury as I hit so hard in my truck. I can drive now but the insurance pays me so low I can't pay for another car/truck. :Tantrum: I happy because alot of people said I shouldn't have lived through that car accident.
  4. Budweiser

    Dog Day Afternoon

    LMAO :big_grin: The dog(s) (like my dog) gets the best chair(s)!! :hahaha:
  5. Budweiser

    Happy Camper

    Nice wheels!! That looks umm... comfortable. :Clap-Hands: :Clap-Hands:
  6. I'm done :beer: :beer: I did 340 questions this morning. It took me 1.5 hours then I wait for them to call me to let me how the results are. The question are how you feel. ie: Do you get mad all the time? 1) never 2) some times 3) mostly times 4) all the time My eyes go everywhere while i'm trying to read. I got confused the way some of the qustions they ask. I'm not sure if I read it the wrong way. I can't wait to see the results and hopefully it can help me with some of my problems. I'm done....for now!!! :happydance: Bill :juggle:
  7. Hi Bonnie The last two sentences are what my family doctor say. He said if you push too much, it can actually hurt you more, you need to take a break. Thanks for reading Bill :beer:
  8. Well, after another 3 hours today he said there is one more question to do but it's in 300 parts. :yikes: I have to go other day there on Tuesday then i'm done. After 3 days i'm feeling abit better. No headache this time. He found that I have a problem doing solving. I got a solven done but it took way too long. He said there is more then my speech/language/comprehension etc.. He said it's in my head injury as I just didn't have a stroke, I also have a head injury by the car accident. WOW. The good side of that they found other problems so there is away to work at it. It took 16 months to finaly do this as the insurance waited for evey. The neuro's said I should have a test at 6 months and one at 2 years. WT*, it took 16 months and they just found these other problems now. Oh well, i'm not crying over spilled milk. But if I spilt my beer, then i'll cry. Another day in my life Bill :beer:
  9. Second day is over and I have to go back on day 3. He may think I can finish day 3. I'm tired and I have another headache. We did alot today (reading/writing etc...) I did better on the boston word names. I think maybe 80% but I've done those words 4 time already. He asked me in the most words that start with "F" (one minute). I can only say 8 words. He tried "a" and I got 4. He tried "s" and I got 4 words. Wow He had me to repeat with a small sentence (5 words). I couldn't do anymore more the 2 words. He stopped that fast to continue. I'm nothing to do tomorrow (exept laundry :hahaha: ) then back to day 3 on Wednesday. Well, Bud needs dinner now Bill :yadayada:
  10. Thanks Pan I say I "feel stupid" but I know i'm not stupid. The problem with me is that I had a stroke and a head injury. Thanks for saing that, it makes me feel good. Bill
  11. Wow, I started the neurophysc test yersterday and wow. I started about and hour of talking about my history and my car accident. I got tired already. I was talking about eating and I couldn't say the word "sandwhich", it took me 5 minutes to remember the word. I kept say"first is a bread, then it's salmon then another peice of bread" then I said "what's that word for it". He left me to say the word. I havn't had that problem for awile. I've been really good on my speech but wow I was lost. The first test stopped at 4:45pm, we started this at 1:20pm. I left with my dad and I couldn't talk to my dad until today. I got a very bad head ache after the test. I go back on Monday and another day if I can't finish. I still feel so stupid when I need him to tell me over and over before I understand :im stupid: . I know i'm not stupid, I just cant understand the diffrent english words, sole, soul...right, write etc.... After my headache left, I need a cold :beer: I felt better now :blush: Bill Another day in my life :juggle:
  12. Every year there is a new nosmoke thingy around. It will be 3 years this month for quit smoking. I smoked half my life smoking. I feel great now as I don't smoke and the money i've saved. Have a great vocation tomorrow. Bill :beer:
  13. Budweiser

    Hot day in July

    Would Bud have a "dog nap" also? LOL :hahaha: Thanks Bill
  14. Budweiser

    Hot day in July

    Well, i'm done unpacking in my new live. I live back in Burlington in a two bedroom. I live in the second floor and my parents live in the 7th floor. My wife brought Budweiser (Bud for short) to myself last sunday. I havn't blogged in awhile as the last few months have been really hard. I've got my cablem hooked up last sunday so i'm back online. I see my family doctor tomorrow and my neurophycs start new week. They said it will take 6 hours over 2-3 days in Hamilton. Anyway, type at ya's later. Bill
  15. Budweiser


    WOW That's amazing!!
  16. Budweiser

    130 lb pack

    That's great. Keep it up. :beer:
  17. I thought your #1 was; 1) When are my groceries getting home :big_grin: Bill :giggle:
  18. Budweiser

    100th blog

    Happy 100th Blog!!!! Keep them coming. :cheer: :cheer: Bill :Clap-Hands:
  19. From the album: Bill's Album

    I think he wants a bigger pool.
  20. Budweiser

    The day after

    No problem Fred. And yes, those racoons are smart! mmm groceries.....what groceries? :happydance:
  21. You can call me anything as long as you bring out my dinner!!! ps. I was told if your on a airplane and know a friend named "Jack". DON'T say "hi JACK" :nuhuh: :roflmao:
  22. I love opening the windows with that "smell" in the air. I like waking in the morning and hear the birds "chirpping". :silly: I've got my garden waiting as I cleaned them yesterday as Bud looked at me. We both were getting ready. Bill :Thats-Funneh:
  23. Budweiser

    The day after

    I think you are talking about Simon. :big_grin:
  24. Budweiser

    The day after

    Well, what can I do other than a laff. My wife came home after work so I took here car out for a drive. I didn't get far (not even out of my drive way). The car wouldn't start. :yikes: I talked to my wife and say that it was better that the car died in the driveway instead of me out somewhere. We just laffed. So my wife and I walked over to the bar and had a couple of good cold beer. :Cheers: I got up this morning and seen that the racoons tried to get in my attic through the vent. They ripped the vent out now I have to get on my roof to fix it. :Doh: My neighbour came over and we caught the car to start. He folled me to leave the car to be fixed. The good thing is now i'm busy to do some stuff. :onto: Now I cleaned the front deck (I build that 3 years ago) and Bud and I can sit there in this great nice day (+16c). I'll do a bbq tonight as well. Anyway, another day in my life. Bill :sleazy:
  25. Today is my first anniversary. What a year, scary/frustration etc.. but I made it. I started the morning by walking to timmy's for a coffee. I use to buy one every morning on my way to get a coffee going to work, but I didn't make it that day. I went there (my first one in a year on my self) with my sweater that I wore during my accident. I didn't were my coat also because there is still blood on it as well it is nice out :big_grin: . After that, I walked over to loafers lake (5 minute walk from my house) to walk around the lake (more like a pond ). Bud loves it there but I want it to get cleaning better (rocks/dirty) from the winter. I thought the geese were going to attack me :yikes: . Then I walked home. The rest of the day, i'm not sure what i'm going to do. Maybe do some outside stuff around my house. I'll add to this if I do anything fun. :giggle: Anyway...... Bill :cloud9: