
Stroke Survivor - male
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Everything posted by Budweiser

  1. Budweiser


    I got the groceries. Try to enjoy each and every day. Get up in the morning with a smile and get to sleep at night with a smile. :thankyou: Bill :gleam:
  2. Budweiser


    Your new man, I thought it was me! All the best, just be happy. Bill :happydance:
  3. Budweiser

    Anniversary Eve

    Well I the day before of mt stroke. It is so far but yet, so soon before that happened. The different is, I'm a year older and the weather is so nice out. What one of happened if I didn't go to work that day? How would I feel about right now? I'll never know. I was with my boss the other day doing some errands so I went along (not like have anything to do :giggle: ). I talking to him and I said that I really not sure if i've really accepted my stroke. I really don't know. I lost my left hand in 1990 at work and I was back doing the same job in less then 4 months. That is so easy compared to a stroke. I keep thinking if that 18 year old that hit me lived or does he think how i'm doing after that accident? My neighbour saw that accident and thought noone lived. Who never knows. It wasn't my time I guess. The way I feel, tomorrow is my new birthday. Anyway, today is to :cleaning: and tomorrow is to :Gulp: Bill
  4. What a nice Monday March 27, 2006. I'm about 15 minute drive from Toronto and the weather is sunny with a +11c outside. It's going to be like this till wednesday then up to +14c on thursday.......then back down to +6c . In a couple of weeks it will all be here...I hope!! I get this morning waking myself up at 5:30am but the birds chirpping this morning. I loked over and Bud is looking at the window. I think he wanted to go out and play. :giggle: . After looking at the window, I set NOT. I will not make through my speech therapy at 9:30am. Well I made it till 7:30am. :happydance: Well, that's all that happened for now. **hi**
  5. Budweiser

    My Truck

    From the album: Bill's Album

    This accident caused my stroke
  6. Budweiser

    My Truck

    From the album: Bill's Album

    This accident caused my stroke
  7. From the album: Bill's Album

    This accident caused my stroke
  8. The weather this year has been wierd. In Canada, we've had the warmest weather this year ever. :BashHead: I don't call it WEATHER anymore, it's more like WHATEVER. :uhm: My dog want's to go out and play snow angels but no snow! :yukyukyuk: Bill :wub2:
  9. Budweiser


    Welcome to the blog's I love your name SIMPLEMAN. That's great. :happydance:
  10. Budweiser

    What a day!

    Well yesturday was a great (but very tired) day. My wife left me the car yesturday so I can go out on my self (I've done before but it's scary). I've been trying this that last few weeks going on my own (as the neurologist said I should do some stuff alone). Since my accident/stroke, it was always me and my wife (my caregiver) going out to do stuff. Well, it's time for me to start being the most normal as I can. I can do almost everything now, it's just my talking now. Okay, I left my house (let Bud so he can nap :big_grin: ) and went to the mall, the the one near my house but the mall that was about 30 minute drive away. I need to push myself (but safley). I walked around the mall about 2 hours and felt hungry. I looked over what I wanted but I have to wait until i'm ready (rehearse myself). I went over and said "number 1 with a pepsi". I did it, that is so scary but I did it. I left the mall and I felt to see the owner at my work. It's hard to talk there about work stuff (to me it sounds chinese to me). The guys talked but nothing about work, just about how things are doing. My owner had to do some errands (I was going to do that before my accident, I was taking over stuff for the owner so ge could take it easy). He went out for about an hour and took me for a coffee. I was so tired adter that but I needed it. I went home after that. Now, who do I go and see next? Maybe soon to see my parents but that's about 1 hour drive each way. I will work on that so I can go myself. Push Push Push, I can do it one day. :gleam: sorry if noone understands it, sometimes i'm in my own world.
  11. Budweiser

    Hank Rotzal

    That fish is bigger than me!
  12. I was no way offended. I was worried about you. I tried to get someone like a caregiver to get on to help. My wife said so sorry that she couldn't here and thought it was a wrong person on the phone. I hope you are feeling really better now. We are there for each others to help. Now turn your frown upside down. I'll see ya on the "Chat" room soon. :happydance:
  13. Budweiser

    The Countdown...

    That is close to mine, mine is this Wednesday 29, My one year. I think I look at this as a positive way. We have to look at the positive way, it helps us better. If I didn't go to work that day (2005), I wouldn't of had a stroke as mine was by a car accident. I can't look at it that way. I've always tried to look at positive ways. Since I had a stroke, it was changed mine and my wifes lives changed. It is hard but we have to live with it. This is the new "Bill", I was born March 29, 2005. If you ask if my glass is half full or half empty, I would say it's half full. :silly:
  14. That's a great job on your blog. You will be a pro soon! You could right your blog on your recovery and you plus's that you've done. Down the road you can look back to see your changes. Keep it up! Bill
  15. Budweiser


    If I understand the lyrics, i've been so confused. I listen music in my own world now, that way I like it now!
  16. Welcome to Spring :hahaha: It was -8c over night and -1c now as I write at 10:00am. Oh yell, we've had a warm winter here in Toronto (overall). Bud missed the snow, he loves making snowangels, he is so funny. Well, it's Monday the 20, 2006. My speech therapy called me this morning as she is sick today. It's the wiierd weather. Why do we call this WEATHER, it's more think WHATEVER. Last Sunday we were at +16c, what a day. I can't wait. I think i've got PND (post nasal drip). I've had a problem with my breathing since my car accident. My family doctor (took over from the neuro's for other stuff) sent me to a Ear, Nose and throast surgeon. On when on December 23/05 I got an early present from the surgeon, A SCOPE DOWN MY NOSE. :yikes: :fighter: He said I had a cracked septum (cause from the airbag). He said no surgery at the time so he gave me 3 months of nasonex for the cost of $140. Well, I stopped the nasonex as it cause me blood in my nose. Now i've got problem with this PND (I think). I will see my doctor the next month so i'll ask him about that problem. It's not realy bad but it's just one thing or another. Anyway, another day in my life. :thumbs up: Bill
  17. Budweiser

    April 23, 2005

    From the album: Bill's Album

    This was about 3 weeks post stroke. My wife and I went to our dart banquet.
  18. Budweiser

    Cold front!

    I've got this in my computer at work. My wife found this and she emailed me. I love that picture.
  19. From the album: Bill's Album

    After the rain left.
  20. From the album: Bill's Album

    Alot of rain that storm
  21. From the album: Bill's Album

    What a mess :yikes:
  22. From the album: Bill's Album

    I forgot my hand in the picture. :yikes:
  23. From the album: Bill's Album

    This is Budweiser at 3 years old (2004) :happydance:
  24. Budweiser

    My Old Boat

    From the album: Bill's Album

    My wife and I sold this and bought a trailer to use this for holidays in the summer.