
Stroke Survivor - male
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Everything posted by Budweiser

  1. That makes me hungry. :big_grin: I'll see if my wife will try that. :out_of_here:
  2. Well here is my second blog here at stroke net. I've got another blog on the internet at a game area (i've been on this for about 3 years and know the same people) but noone writes anymore. I feel this blog is much better here for me as I can follow my recovery better (as much as I can get). I had speech this morning (Mondays and Fridays am) and I showed this place to her. She was so happy that I found this place. I gave here the website site so she can pass this to other people who has a stroke and need help. I don't feel this board is just for myself to get better but anyway I can help others as well. I don't want this to be "take" got to help "give" others. See, I lost my left hand in 1990 (went I was 20) at work. I was back working the same job in 4 months. I was asked by one of there prothetics to help someone that was having a hard time losing a hand, I said "anytime". I went there a few times helping a few other people. That makes me feel better. :yadayada: Anyway, i've got one hour until the "chat" at 4:00pm EST is started. This will my first for me. I hope I can help others also. There is too many people in this world who need help, if I can only help one person, it's one person better. :wub2: Bill
  3. Budweiser

    Another Day

    Hello Steph Welcome to your first blog. Keep it going! :happydance:
  4. Budweiser

    Heather Strong

    That happend to my cousin (40years/female) last February (2005). I had a stroke when I was 34 years(male/car accident). There is no age for a stroke, some people think it is for older people. I hope you are doing great!
  5. Well, this blog is a great way to help yourself get better. I found this stroke boards yesterday and I was like "WOW, this is a great place". I can write/chat etc.. with others that understand what I've gone through. Now I'm waiting for my eye's checked in April, i've been complaining since my accident and none of he neuro doctor would do a thing. I had to go to my family doctor to look after it. Maybe they wanted to wait for my brain to settle down. And I'm also waiting for a neuropsych test. Well, I get my wifes car tomorrow so I can go out and walk around the mall. It's too cold right now for me to walk outside. I can't wait for nice weather and go out walking with Bud. Oh ya, Budweiser is our dog (wife and I). I use his name cause he's always with me since my stroke. Anyway, type at ya's later! :gleam: Bill Reid
  6. Budweiser

    Bill Reid

    This day started on Tuesday March 29, 2005. I was 34 years at that time. I drive to work every morning at 5:30am. I am/was a Engineering Service Manager (special elevators). I bought a new truck 5 months ago (4 door Dakota V8). I was 10 minutes away from my house when a guy fell asleep driving and he swerved to my side and hit me headon. We was doing about 70km as I was going about 40km. I hit the airbag with my face. I had a little bit blood on my lip and I broke my right hand (I lost my left hand in 1990 at work). I could not see my left eye at all. At the hospital, I was feeling weird, I don't know what but I knew something was going to happen. I told the doctor I couldn't see my left eye but the doctor said it was fine and he will send me to x-ray for my right hand. While after my x-ray I turned paralyzed (for whole right side), I was looking to my left and I hear my wife (she wasn't in my truck) and doctor talking to me but I could say a word. It's the scariest feeling ever. The doctor sent me for a CT right away. After awhile, the doctor came back with a CT and he said I had blood in my left brain and they will send me to another hospital for a nuero area. After awhile I could move my right side and I could start to talk, but only say 1 or 2 words with alot of bad words. After alot of x-rays/MRI/MRA/CT etc...., they said I had a bilateral Carotid Dissection. The left artery's lining teared and let out the blood to my brain, then it caused an infarct (stroke). The neurosurgeon said it was a major stroke but no need for surgury as the blood as stopped. The doctor said not to many people life after a bilateral dissection. I was lucking. My doctor wants to see a doppler on my artery every year now as my left artery has a problem. It has enuogh blood for now, but not sure how long. I've done 10 months of physio (broke hand and stroke) and I still do speech therapy. My stroke was in the left brain and it caused my speech/language/comprehension etc... I get so frustrated cause you can't say the words you want. I'm near the one year stroke. I can drive again but I can't work...yet. Everyone, be happy everyday and be safe!!!
  7. Budweiser

    Me at work in 2004

    April 2004. I work(ed) at a elevator company (special elevators).