
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Entries posted by Budweiser

  1. Budweiser
    I had Bud to the specialist last night for his 3 month checkup from the surgery. They said i'm doing great for him and said he is walking normal and looks great. We don't have to go back now as she said it's 3 months now and it feels healed now. He may have a limp abit when he's tired for the rest of his life but he is looking happy and not in pain anymore.
    Go Bud Go!!!
    :Clap-Hands: :Clap-Hands:
  2. Budweiser
    I took Bud for his checkup with the specialist after surgery 2 months ago (May 3, 2007). They said he is doing great and now i'm adding stairway walking (one landing) for him (strength). He are still walking (15 minutes max.) with him 3x day.
    Now we do this for the next 6 weeks then we go back for another checkup. This could take it up till 3-5 months for recovering. I also got him a few pounds down off him and they are happy for that. He was never fat but after winter and surgery and had a "few" pounds on him. He is looking good!!!
  3. Budweiser
    I took Bud to see the specialist and to do a rehab there for an hour. They took Bud's staples out (there was 7, not 6 of them LOL :head_hurts: ). They put Bud in the water treadmill. He was having soooo fun there. There girls love him (again, Bud won't share :bop: ). They say he is doing great and come back in a month check-up. I'll do abit more walking and around uneven floors (lawn) for him. He is laying there sleeping bacause he is sooo tierd now. :Clap-Hands:
  4. Budweiser
    I took Bud today to get his stitches out. They took them out put he is still open area's. They said it's hard heal when it's around the knee. He put staples :head_hurts: (6 of them) on him and he didn't do anything. He is tuff like his master. :Clap-Hands: Today they where going to do a rehab there as well as in water treartment (swimming) put he will have to wait till in 2 weeks. He is back on anti-infection for two more weeks until he heals. They said they are happy with his recovery and i'm doing a great job looking after him. :big_grin:
    Bud was so happy to see all the ladies there and thinks they are all for him. I told Bud he is supposed to share with the ladies with me!!!!! :bop:
    Overall Bud is doing great. :cheer:
    P.S. Don't tell Bud but his hair cut is still funny!!!!! :hahaha:
  5. Budweiser
    Bud had surgery on May 2, 2007 for his ruptured ligament in his knee. There are pictures of the last week (May 3 - 10, 2007). His leg/knee looks really sore (it was/is) but right now he is looking good. The swollen has come down and the colour is looking great (no red/blue/bruse). He is looking for like him self. He is walking with a limp but they say it could be 3-5 months of recovery. I just need to walk him very slow and with a short leashe. This week he will get the stitches pull out and more x-rays by the end of this month (check it over).
    Bud is one tuff cookie.
    Bill :beer:
  6. Budweiser
    Hello you blog friends :Clap-Hands:
    (I try to read you people but the long storys are too hard for me to understand).
    I received a opinion that I was in December by a few more doctors on me. I had to go through about (onerall) 2 full day of tests (very bad headaches from that). I saw a Occupational Therapist, Neurosurgeon, Psychiatrist and a Physiatrist.
    "In his specific circumstances, he has clearly suffered a trauma induced brain impairment that is resulting in significant disability, including an inability to return to work. However, he clearly does retained the ability to live independant without assistance from others. Thus, his Glasgow Outcome Scale score is 4.
    As he does not meet criteria for a GOS score of 3 or less, the threshold criteria are not met for subclause (e)(ii)."
    If I got that, I would have had more benefits for me but now, I will lose or pay myself for my speech therapy and aphasia group. I know I can do do alot more by myself but I get very little money so I can pay for that. I don't need people cooking/vacuumming etc..I can do that by myself. They clearly see I can't work but I will not get more benefits.
    I will have only about 3 months left for medical money then I on my own. This is like a two sided sword. I stopped house caregiving last year as I'm ok to do stuff now but I still need my speech/language. I hate this, I did nothing to do this. I just went to work and now i'm like this because a kid can't keep awake.
    Insurance don't care about anyone but to save/make more money. My speech causes so much money but what do I do now? I approved and got money for disabilty but the insurance already took that money off me. I haven't made a raise in two years...Even my laundry went up yesterday. Do the insurance pay my raise?...NO. :Tantrum:
    All i've done was try to everything by myself and try to live as much as I can.
    Too many people out there have too much fraud and that hurts people like me who need the help. You can't win anymore. The rich get richer and the rest...ummm they don't care.

  7. Budweiser
    Well, I made it to 2 years post stroke today. I've lost alot in the last 2 years but that's life. I went from a house, career, new truck, trailer (cottage), marriage etc... and now I live in an apartment, no career, no trailer, no marriage, no house, have a car now but not my truck.
    I still don't think i've still acceptted the accident. Maybe it's because of my age or what i've lost (I know allot have lost). I'm trying to be happier as I now i'm doing most off things alone now. That makes me stronger. I know i've come so far since my accident but I still have more to go. Well, tomorrow is a new day. :party:
    Now, i'm off to do dental work but I don't understand why I picked today for that!!! :Dr_Evil:
    Be safe to all and keep smiling :blush:
    Bill :beer:
  8. Budweiser
    Well, I'm working like crazy (for once :big_grin: ) now as i'm doing a Member Part tomorrow at the aphasia group that I joined the end of January. They told me it would take me a few months before I have to do this but now they asked. :blush:
    I'll be talking about the Strokenetwork as well as the strokenet boards. I hope a few of them will join here as well and maybe start blogging to.
    Okay, i'm off to finish this part so type at ya's later!!!!! :plane:
  9. Budweiser
    In almost 2 years I finally bought a car (1.5 years able to drive). I wanted my truck back but for the money is too much right now. I used abit of my savings but I felt I was ready to move ahead one more to buy a car. I will be able to do stuff alone again. My brother wil be bringing it to me on Tuesday. :cheer:
    I bought a 2003 Pontia Grand Am SE. I bought it with 4 doors and light colour inside for the Bud (It's all about him :big_grin: ). My dad has been helping me driving me around everywhere but i'm ready to go abit more independants. I will buy another truck one day when I get more money. My insurance for this is great. I have a high star rading and I have a waiver on my claim (it's still open but it wasn't my fought). When the weather is better i'll be able to drive Bud down to the water to walk around (Lake Ontario).
    I will be able to drive to my doctor appointments alone 9special doctors). I can walk to my family doctors place and the aphasia goup as it is only a 5 minute walk there. I wil be able to get my groceries alone now and go when I want. I don't have to wait anymore. It makes me feel more normal soon as I don't have to have other prople to help me. I will still need help with doing stuff like special banking/insurance forms etc.. to make sure it is done right. I still get lost when I try to read forms and stuff but it will me one step forward for me.
    The car is white outside with grey inside, power all stuff and fog lights. My brother helped with me getting it from another cop that also gets thewm through auctions when they are off lease vehicles. I safed almost $6000 doing it this way so I don't pay it through a dealership. :party:
    Get your motor running...."Born to be Wild" :yukyukyuk:
  10. Budweiser
    Wernicke's aphasia is referred to as a 'fluent aphasia'
    That was a quote from Jean's "language" topic here. I've been looking and still trying to understand what has happened to me. I asked my speech therapy the other day to what type of aphasia I have. She said close to Wernicke's as i'm fairly "fluent" speech until I get tired in the brain.
    This helps me now because everyone thinks i'm "normal" because i'm fluent talking. This will also allow me to help others to understand over all types of aphasia and each one is different. This is not just to help other aphasia people but more for people that don't understand.
    I've also understand more of different types of aphasia the last 2 weeks as i'm in the aphasia group now. There is alont of different aphasia people there. Some can't talk at all to people like me that are "fluent" aphasia but get confused easy. The one thing that we all have the same is a language disorder (one way or another). We are all there to help each others and we all have a great time there. :chat:
    Bill :hug:
  11. Budweiser
    I live in Burlington (about a 50 minute drive from Toronto) and we are getting alot of snow. It has been snowing since this morning (started about 6 hours ago) but the storm asn't hit us yet. We are getting lake effects. They think we can get about 30cm or up till 55cm. :Clap-Hands:
    I just had Bud outside and he loves it. He was making doggy angles in the snow. :silly: :cloud9:
    The wind could get up till 50km windy and the snow will go till tomorrow.
    That bad side is, they think it could get up till +14c temperatures by the end of the month. We've been in about -20's with windchill since the week after New years.
    I hope the temperature will be nice. I don't like it when it goes up then down. That gets everyone sick.
    My aphasia group was cancelled this morning as the major storm is coming. At least we can all be safe in our homes.
    Let it snow let it snow let it snow :laughbounce:
  12. Budweiser
    I spent the new year at my brothers place. He picked Bud and I up and went to his place (1.5 hour away). We were going on tro his hottub but it rained so much. We had a great time.
    My album is my new apartment that I moved in July 2006 (6 months ago). There are pics from New Years Day (after my brother drove me back).
    Well, here goes 2007
  13. Budweiser
    If this helps anyone that are looking into nueropsych testings, this is the test that was done on me. If they want to look into the different test that I went into, this is it (Im sure there are more and different tests also). Any questions they can PM me anytime. This took me 11 hours over 4 days (due to my resceptive language) and another day of 2 hours for the last test (Personality Assessment Inventory).
    Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (III)
    Monroe Sherman Paragraph Comprehension Test
    Logical Memory Test
    Family Pictures Test
    Spatial Span Test
    Wide Range Achievement Test (III)
    Rey Osterreith Complex Figure Test
    Iverson Franzen Memory Test
    Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test
    Test of Memory Malingering
    Boston Naming Test
    Sentence Memory Test
    Word Fluency Test
    Action Fluency Test
    Aphasia Screening Test
    Speech Sounds Perception Test
    Seashore Rhythm Test
    Grip Strength Test
    Finger Tapping Test
    Grooved Pegboard Test
    Trail Making Tests
    Stereognosis Testing
    Sensory-Perceptual Examination
    Brief Symptom Survery
    Beck Depression Inventory
    Beck Anxiety Inventory
    Personality Assessment Inventory
    I hope I don't have to do that tests again but I was happy that I did it at least once.
  14. Budweiser
    I received an email from my wife/ex today. The lawyers called and say the cheques are ready to pick it up and the house is closed. It makes me sad but I need to go forward now. My wife/ex will be coming tomorrow wit hmy cheque and to see the BUDSTER!!!!! Bud is going to be so happy (I don't know how Bud can get eaven happier than he is :big_grin: ). I was on Wedsneday to sign my side for the house (final signing). That is one chapter of my accident to put me behind.
    I can mail Robyn's luck by Monday so she can use it for her. :Clap-Hands:
    I hope 2007 can be better for me as 2005/2006 has been the worse for me.
    Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and the best holiday for everyone here at StrokeNet. You've helped alot for me over the last 10-11 months. :hug:
  15. Budweiser
    This is in Canada and i'm involed with car accident insurance. My insurance say that my medical money has used over 60% of it. Which means (BS ) that I may loose in the near future for my speech therapy, psychologist etc...They sent me a form for my family doctor to check out if I may be have a catastrophic impairment (at the time I wasn't anove) has i'm 19ish months now and my speech/language is very hard. My family doctor filled it out and say's yes, i'm have a catastrophic impairment which meens I may get more medical help (longer time, more money medically etc...).
    After my insurance looked at it, now they say I have to go more tests for a Independant Medical Evaluation Catastrophic Impairment Determination. WTF, OMG. Will this ever end? I now have to go through tests in the middle of December to see a Occupational Therapy Assessment, Neurosurgeon, Psychiatrist and a Physiatrist.
    Over the last year and a half, i've have done (through my accident);
    3 CT's
    2 MRI/MRA
    3 Dopplers
    3 X-rays
    6 Sessions/treatments (and going) of Speech therapy (One seesion is about 3 months)
    5 Assessents/treatments (and going) Occupational Therapy
    1 Neuropscych testing
    16 sessions to start coming up - Pscycologist
    Every 2 months family doctor
    1 Neurosurgeon
    2 Neurologist
    Surveillance tape (silent, no talking) :Tantrum:
    ENT Doctor (craked septum) scoped down my nose :head_hurts:
    opthalmologist and eye field test
    10 months physio
    Orthopedic Doctor (broken hand)
    etc....................if I forgot one or two of other doctors
    Once I feel i've down one step forrow, the insurance get in here and I go 3 steps backwards.
    Will this ever end? I'm trying to be go forward but the insurance fulls me back. :whack:
    Well, it's another day in my life!!!!! :juggle:
  16. Budweiser
    Today is Bud's birthday. He is 5 years young. This is his real birthday, I came him own December 23rd, 2001. I took him last week to get his nails done at the petsmart, that's where he gets his bueaty parlour. LOL
    I did it early for him because his nails were getting long.
    Go Bud Go
    :cheer: :happybday: :cheer:
    :beer: :beer:
  17. Budweiser
    My ex and I sold our house again last Monday. We agreed the money and we were happy. The guy had the bank pre-approved so it loks really good this time. No conditions etc.....We had the inspector done last night and the guy was happy about that. We should know the finally banking by tomorrow. The closing with be December 8th. I know it's offer only by the closing day. By up to know, everything thing is better. We did had offers but we said noway for the offer.
    First person - Only had $2000 and the bank said NO :juggle:
    Second person - Had the money/banking but conditional on their house. That guy couldn't get the back because he had bad credit. :Tantrum:
    Third person - Put an offer and has the bank pre-approved. We coutered back and forth. By the end, we were happy wit hthe offer. We are all happy now. :Clap-Hands:
    I'm keeping my fingers crossed and hole this is closed before christmas. If all is good, I'll past my luck to Robyn for christmas. :hug:
  18. Budweiser
    Nooooooooooooooooooooo (I had a call last night).
    The house is back on.
    The person that's want's this house is so mad. They wanted my house but the person buying their house can't get the bank money. Why do people go through this to buy a house but have bad credit. We are mad, our agent is mad, the other person is mad and their agent is mad. They have kids that go to school down the road from my house. Their kids cuold walk to school. If they sell their house again they will be back for our house but we can't wait forever. First come first gets it.
    I need a beer now

    I think I gave my luck to Robyn too early. :hahaha:
  19. Budweiser
    We got an offer last night and we counter offered and we like it. The angents think they will sign it tonight. We all happy here. Of course conditional as they have to get their house aggreed also (bank). It could be all over Nov 30. We will know in 5 days if it's all good (banks). That will be one more "close" of my old "Bill". That will be good for money offer christmas and I can save for another house (for Bud and I).
  20. Budweiser
    Well, I got a call today with my wife (separated) and we got a offer for our house. It was lower than wath we were asking but the realtor took the commision lower from 5% to 3% so buy the end we are still getting the money we wanted. We were so happy that we are agreeing the offer and the end of it will be the last of October. I'm happy that I don't have to deal with the house and the new apartment but at the same time i'm sad as it was our first house. I did so much for that house (fence/deck/basement etc...).
    I'm going to buy another house one day for me and Bud.
    There is some pics of my house (I put it in my album). The front (deck and flowers I did it all) and the basement I did all except the bar.
    Not bad with a one arm bandit.
  21. Budweiser
    Well, I received my assessment today (met last Monday about it). I have a name for my stroke/head injury now.
    Dementia Due to Head Trauma DSM IV code 294.1 (traumatic brain injury with cerebral vascular involvement)
    We now know the areas of problems that I have and now I can work on it harder now. It's not really news about me but just a name. I can now close one chapter about my accident and that is "what happened to me".
    My speech therapy say's that the dead area of my brain will go to another area of my brain to learn. I told the my speech therapy that i'm so smart that there is no free area of my brain anymore. :big_grin: She laff. :hahaha:
    The doc's said now I can forget about working and for me to work on being as normal as I can (living). I told them i've never been normal. :BashHead: :roflmao:
    I'm 36 now and I still have alot to get out in my life. :party:
    Bill :beer:
    Another day in my life
  22. Budweiser
    I took Bud to PetsMart today and left him there for 3 hours in a Beauty Parlour :roflmao: . They gave him a shampoo, dry, clean his ears, cut his nails, did his teeth and put on a bandana. :yukyukyuk: He had so attention today he looked a kid in a candy store. :party: His hair is so fluffy and smelled nice. We came home and he went to sleep. :cloud9: I've had Bud back in the apartment for over a month now and he has been great living in an apartment. He dosn't bark with all the sounds around here (different sounds from living in a house). Since he's been so good I thought it would be nice to send him to the beauty parlour for a special day.
    Bill and Bud
  23. Budweiser
    I'm done :beer: :beer:
    I did 340 questions this morning. It took me 1.5 hours then I wait for them to call me to let me how the results are. The question are how you feel.
    Do you get mad all the time?
    1) never
    2) some times
    3) mostly times
    4) all the time
    My eyes go everywhere while i'm trying to read. I got confused the way some of the qustions they ask. I'm not sure if I read it the wrong way. I can't wait to see the results and hopefully it can help me with some of my problems.
    I'm done....for now!!!
  24. Budweiser
    Well, after another 3 hours today he said there is one more question to do but it's in 300 parts. :yikes:
    I have to go other day there on Tuesday then i'm done.
    After 3 days i'm feeling abit better. No headache this time. He found that I have a problem doing solving. I got a solven done but it took way too long. He said there is more then my speech/language/comprehension etc.. He said it's in my head injury as I just didn't have a stroke, I also have a head injury by the car accident. WOW. The good side of that they found other problems so there is away to work at it. It took 16 months to finaly do this as the insurance waited for evey. The neuro's said I should have a test at 6 months and one at 2 years. WT*, it took 16 months and they just found these other problems now.
    Oh well, i'm not crying over spilled milk. But if I spilt my beer, then i'll cry.
    Another day in my life
  25. Budweiser
    Second day is over and I have to go back on day 3. He may think I can finish day 3. I'm tired and I have another headache.
    We did alot today (reading/writing etc...)
    I did better on the boston word names. I think maybe 80% but I've done those words 4 time already.
    He asked me in the most words that start with "F" (one minute). I can only say 8 words. He tried "a" and I got 4. He tried "s" and I got 4 words. Wow
    He had me to repeat with a small sentence (5 words). I couldn't do anymore more the 2 words. He stopped that fast to continue.
    I'm nothing to do tomorrow (exept laundry :hahaha: ) then back to day 3 on Wednesday.
    Well, Bud needs dinner now