
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Comments posted by Budweiser

  1. Thank you so much and thank you from the emails/PM's.


    Bonnie, I have lawyers and going after the benefits. The problem is, we are going for that stuff (benefits) but I have to wait which means i'm losing my speech therapy now, not later. It actually hurts more for me to wait instead to continue speech. I'm paying other stuff out of my pocket right now but the speech is to expensive. Insurance don't care about you and only about the money.


    The past was yesterday and it helps to go on but for today and future, that doesn't help.


    Bud is doing great (from surgery) and looks normal now. He keeps my sanity!!! :bouncing_off_wall:



    Thanks again :)

  2. I got a call today and the second opinion from my side said I am catastrophic. I will get the 48 page result an dI should get it by Monday. Now it either agree mine or will want their side which meens we may have to go to a mediator. I won't know for about another month if the insurance agree or disagree because they just got my results.



  3. LOL Sue, Bud was reading your post :big_grin:


    Thank you all for everything. I'm not looking behind what i've lost but NOW being redding for the future. It's only about a week or so that i'm feeling abit happier. Maybe it's from my new independents (my car) to joining the aphasia group. (as well the strokenet hear for me in for over a year).


    Thanks to all, I think Bud wants a beer now!! :beer:




  4. OK...I'll keep looking for it. Maybe now with the spring thaw it will shine through!!! It's been almost a year since the house went on the market...I hope someone has an interest in it soon! :(


    My new girlfriend has a dog named Lola...she's adorable...I love having a dog around again!



    Good Luck with the house.


    "Lola", is that the song... :big_grin: I like the name and yes, it's empty without a dog. :blush:



    Type at you soon. :party:


    Bill...how's Bud??? How are you??? My house STILL hasn't sold...did you send your mojo my way???!!



    Bud and I are doing great :Clap-Hands:


    I sent my mojo but maybe it was frozen because of the cold in Canada!!!! :big_grin:



    Keep looking at, it should be there soon............ :giggle:

  6. Wow Amy


    As much as I could read your blog, it looks great. It looks like you are going to the right step. Be proud of your self. After having a stroke, I feel it makes you stronger than ever expectyually you want to educate others. Keep going Amy, I happy for you.




    Bill :beer:

  7. Hi Jean


    I printed it out, thanks.


    I have the strokenet board printed out so I can show the boards and what's on there. I'm telling them about the blogs, gallery, forum, live chat etc...I'll be giving them the links to the boards as well as my email if they have a problem getting there. I only have about 5-10 minutes so I want to get out the most.



    Thanks :blush:

  8. I'm going through a second opinion for this again as they feal there wasn't all the information was givin. This time i'm going throug another Psychiatrist and a Physiatrist. Instead of going through another OT, i'm going through a speech language therapist (should have had that before christmas but they didn't do that).


    I just saw a Psychiatrist yesterday and I was there for about 3 hours. before christmas they only saw me for 20 minutes. They feel they left too much stuff out. I want this to stop soon. I was supposed to see the Physiatrist today but I had to change it till next week as we are getting another storm (snow/frezzen rain). On monday I going to see a speech language therapist (not my therpist, another) for an assessment for about 3-5 hours.


    Bill :wacko: :out_of_here:

  9. Be sure to spost some pictures of the car! We will have to find some sunglasses for Bud so he can look like Mr. Hollywood riding along looking out the windows! My dogs love to go for car rides.


    LOL, i'll have to buy a digital camera. I hate having to scan and regular camera.







    What a great sense of freedom this will bring you, I am so pleased for you and Bud.





    More freedom the better. It makes me abit normal, then again, I was never normal :hahaha:



  10. I've had dogs growing up all the time. When I moved and bought a house it was so empty without a dog. It took 4 years for me to buy a dog. At the time my ex and I worked all the time so it wasn't fair for a dog. When me and my ex had different jobs I bought a dog called "Budweiser". When we separated I took Bud because i'm home all the time because I can't work. It worked out better for Bud to stay with me. My ex comes by to see Bud and he is happy.


    A dog takes out that empty fealing. They are the best friend ever.



    Bill :Clap-Hands: