
Stroke Survivor - male
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Everything posted by Budweiser

  1. Budweiser


    Thank you all!!!
  2. Budweiser


    My life is moving on in a great way. My insurance is done and the lawsiut is final as of yesterday and I get the keys tomorrow for my new house. My new life started today, not 4.5 years ago from my stroke because i'm moving on in every way. But, i'll always be myself in anyway. My past is the past now and can move on by my choice!!! . What's I get settled, i'll get into hobbies and or volunteering. I am myself now. :yadayada: :yadayada: Bill
  3. Budweiser

    My New House

    Everything went through and they put on the SOLD sign on it. It's official mine!! . I'm so happy now tht my life is going on by me only. Oct 2 I get the keys. Woohoo
  4. Budweiser

    My New House

    Thank you. Ruth, the pictures was from the realator.
  5. Budweiser

    My New House

    lol, yes lots of room. Summer time is really hot here.
  6. Budweiser


    From the album: My New House

    Basement also has a game room and a bathroom
  7. Budweiser

    My New House

    Bungalow with finish basement Take it over Oct 2, 2009 Brand New
  8. Budweiser

    My New House

    I bought a new model home in Cobourg Ontario. It's a 2 bedroom bungalow the 3 bathrooms and a huge basement. Sprinkler system with AC, HRV systems and Air Vac. I cant believe I got it. I get it October 2, 2009. Cobourg has one of the nicest beachs in lake ontario. Population 17,500. I love it. Bud will love it. It's been along time in an apartment (4.5 years). I'll be closer to my girlfriend. :D
  9. Budweiser


    From the album: My New House

    Office in the basement
  10. Budweiser

    Living Room

    From the album: My New House

    Open concept with hardwood floors
  11. Budweiser


    From the album: My New House

    Comes with all stainless steel appliances and granite countertops
  12. Budweiser


    From the album: My New House

  13. Budweiser

    Poor Bud

    Thank you all. I got a present for Bud. A BRAND NEW HOUSE. i GOT IT!!! I get it Oct 2 so more room for Bud and i. A backyard for Bud and a Bungalow house. Bud will be happy with the room now (me too).
  14. Budweiser

    Poor Bud

    I had to take Bud (my best friend dog) to the vet today because he was limping had. His right rear leg torn his legiment in his knee. He did this 2 years ago on his left side but I have to go through this again. Surgery next thursday for him as i'm house hunting. This is hard again but I can do it!!!! Bud will be 8 this November but still ac like a 2 year old. I hope all works out for him.
  15. Bud is doing great. He loves the country while we visit at my girlfriends house. Mary Ann says hi Asha. Thanks everyone
  16. After almost 4.5 years, it's over (well almost but great now). My insurance is out of my life now and now i'm in control of my life. All of my specialists are over or well on my choice now. Now I'm only see my family doctor abour 1-2 times a year. I have my life in my control now. I'm still with my girlfriend that we met over a year ago. I'm buying a truck now and looking for a house. I'm now retired now at the age of 39. I will settle in my new house (when I get it) then i'll do some type of volunteering, hope in the same area (stroke/aphasia).
  17. Budweiser

    I hate it!!!!

    Thanks all My g/f and I have been working at it and we are going to try this. So i'm happy now.
  18. Budweiser

    I hate it!!!!

    After about 5 months talking and 5 months being together as ended today. The distance is too hard for us. Its hard to visit as she has kids up there and hates missing them. I hate it...... :Tantrum:
  19. Budweiser

    Summer time

    LOL We met on the computer (not a dating place). She lives about 4 hours away. We talked for awhile and liked each other. I told her about myself at the start and she didn't care about that. She took the train here in May to visit and stated here for a week and a half. She went home for another 1.5 weeks then came back to be with me. She sayed for another 2 weeks then went home. She could only stay home for 1 week and came back :Clap-Hands: . She stayed for 3 weeks and will come back next week. It feels its going into a serious relationship. We are happing together. She is about 2.5 years older then me. :bouncing_off_wall: She has so patience with me. She said my speech is really good (likes my voice :laughbounce: ) and tries to help with my understanding better. :happydance: