
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Comments posted by Budweiser

  1. yay, another blog that was writen very short and I understood it. :Clap-Hands:


    The other thing, I need to get on the chat's again. I havent been on it since I moved back to Burlington. I've just been busy doing insurance stuff and it makes me to be alone.



    Bill :blush:


    Have you asked/suggested you bring Bud?





    I was thinking about that. Every week we have a MP. That is a "Member Part". Each week someone different gets up and "talks" about something in your life. You get up and discuss about 5-10 minutes of whatever you want. Maybe I could do that.


    That maybe something to think about. :Clap-Hands:





    I also would whish that everyone could go for that. You don't feel that you are the only one. Not alot of people know about aphasia. It also helps everyone.



  3. Hi kimmie


    The problem with this is that you have to be patient. I know about frunstarateion. I'm near 2 years and I finially go to litigation to start but that is in the end of September 2007. I will then have to wait a few more months after that then see if we go to court or settlement.


    Take it easy



  4. Bill, do you have any recourse against the person that caused your accident? Have you asked your speech therapist if there is a speech software you can try? At least that way you can work on your computer a little each day building your speech and vocabulary skills.


    It is ok to get angry, sometimes fighting the system just wears you out. You should be proud of how much you are accomplishing yourself. You are doing all the right things.




    I never hated the guy the fell alseep and hit me, I just said he has to be responsible though. I'm just getting tired of dealing with the insurance because this accident has taken it over of my life. I try to go forward until the insurance wants some more off me.


    As for the speech, I do alot of computer stuff that helps me so much. I also just joined (2 weeks now) an aphasia group. I like it now. I've enjoyed beeing there even though i'm the youngest one there. They ask me if i'm a stutent :blush: . This aphasia group is what I needed (similar as the strokenet but I see the people). This group is another step for me.


    thanks for reading :beer:

  5. Hi kimmie


    After my car accident, they rushed me to the hospital by ambulance. While I was there, the ER doctor came in. He looked me over and asked if i'm sore. I said was but I can't see out of my left eye. He looked and said it's fine and sent me to an x-ray because my hand was broken. 4 hours later I stroked in the ER room. The reason that my left was that I couldn't see was the blood was filling up me brain through my arteries (dissection). I feel I would have stroked anyway BUT, if it was checked sooner, it may have been abit lesser. Sometimes they think when your young you are superman.


    Good luck with your lawsuit. I'm near 2 years and I start the ligitation in September 2007. It takes a long time but stick to it.



  6. Thanks Ann


    I'm in Canada so we go through the CPP (disabilty pension). I applied and I was arroved in 6 weeks. They gave me money for the last year BUT I have to give all of it to insurance. I've been paid by insurance to a max (works out about $7/hour). The insurance pay's me the difference so I don't make any more money. Tha Canadian way for car insurance is really bad. The catastrofic would give more benefits. The only benefits I wanted was to look after my speech therapy. I am dependant, I can drive, cook etc..I just can't work.


    I'm between a hard rock and another rock (sorry, I can't remember that saying).



  7. Hey Bill,


    I just looked at this posting and saw your Siamese kitten!!! How are he and Bud getting along? He didn't look real thrilled with Bud in the one picture I saw of him. I think I've posted a picture of our cats someplace in the gallery. We have a very underfed Siamese named Roy - He weighs in at around 22 lbs. We inherited my mom's Himalayan when she passed away - Couda (like You Da with a C) looks bigger than he is, but he's gained some lbs too!


    Have a great day!



    Bud is doing great. He loves everyone. He just don't like pictures LOL. Everytime I pull out the camera he starts barking. To do a picture, yu have to sneak up and take a picture really fast.



    Wow, 22lbs cat. That's a full size cat. :blush:


    Thanks Jean


    Yes, I have very happy and lucky about living alone, I do now. I am allowed to drive and i'm getting a car soon. (I need it). But that problem is the money. That's all I wanted from the insurance is to help with my speech, that it. I have a few lawyers (had to because insurance is to hard) that will go after that for my speech but how long, I don't know. I think i'll be ok in the future but the problem is now. My aphasia will be $60/month, i'll go there every Tuesdays for 4 hours. The problem is everything goes up (costs) but I still have no raise or nothing.


    I still have to go through psychologist as I still have problems with the accident. I know alot of people here have alot of problems also.


    Thanks for reading



  9. They are trying but I have lawyers do deal with it for me. I couldn't do that for me alone. I was somebosed to be done at 6 months and 2 years. The insurance waited it for the last minute. This test and the doctors that month, the insurance keep asking with they can stop the speech and go back to work. This test and the one last month say noway. It's to hard for me as the language is so hard.


    This test for them were to see to stop me, to me this was the way to help me.


    I am lossing my medical benefits soon so my lawyers are going after them too. They look at the money side but this is my life and the rest of my life. I will lose my speech/aphasia group/attendant care etc...I will have to pay that myself soon (about by March). I will blog that later as I finished that castacrphic examination I did last month.




    That is funny :big_grin:


    Yes I know about to many people fraud. It hurts for people that really need the help. I've everything the insurances ask me to do. If they say "jump", I say "how high". It's not the doctors problem so I keep going with a smile.


    In 1990 while I lost my hand, I was on WSIB (work comp). After about 6 months WSIB sent me a letter saying I was cutting off (benefits) because I was fully recoverd. I called the WSIB and said "do you have new water or new seeds", they said "why?", I said "I can't get my hand grow back so can they help". The WSIB is don't worry, they will throw out that letter and put me back on benefits.


    What really bugs me, the insurance knows after 10 months my strength is back and it's mostly in my speech/languagenow. I can walk/drive/cook/cleaning etc...so they send a silent surveillance tape on me. WTF is that? They spend the money in the wrong areas.



  11. I'm in the Canadian system (system off what? noone knows :hahaha: ). After I did the neuropsych tests, he say's i'm pretty much done with most of the recovery. They said I can't work anymore but maybe volunteer in the future. Once the insurance read that, they said I have to join onto C.P.P. Disability. They said any money I get, I have to give it all to them. It's realy rude how they ask/tell you. The neuropsych says i've stroke and head injury by a bad hit by the van that hit me.


    Well, at least I lived through that and i'm trying to do as much as I can. Insurance (throught car insurance) loves you until you need help. They can kiss my bum!!




  12. I realy like my family doctor. I've been seeing him since 1986 as my other doctor retired (had him since I wa boen). He s smart and haves the time for me anytime. After my accident I complained my neuro docts about my eues and my nose (cracked septum by airbag), they said nothing. My family doctor looked and sent me two diffrerent speialist doctors.



    Bill :)

  13. Fred, have a great Christmas and New Years and your family's.


    Yes, another year is almost over. I hope I have a better year than this one. My year was the worst in many years from my separation and a hard time dealing with my insurance. I need to keep looking ahead and not behind.





    Bill and Bud :beer: :Clap-Hands:

  14. I can only read abit of that but i'll try.



    That kind of BS makes me sick. I saw so many doctors/physio/OT/Speech, 2 MRI's, 3 CT's, 3 dopplers etc....They all wrote all down of me that my phisically very great now, I don't really any help. It's all in my speech/language. My insurance said I have to go to a DAC Assessment. Well, that's fine so after about few months I had to go to this DAC, once I was there, they show me a syrveillance tape on me. I was so sick to my stomich. IT WAS A SILENT TAPE. What a waste of time.


    The only problem is that your are a number and they dobn't want to give you money to life with it. They would be better to spend wasted money to other stuff.



    I'm so sorry that you have to go thriugh that. You feel that you take 2 steps forard until they come in and make you go 4 steps back.


