
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Comments posted by Budweiser

  1. How's Bud doing?


    He is doing great. He has lost alot of "fat" since we moved. His weight looks alot better. At one time he was up till 100lbs. The vet wanted him to be down to under 90lbs. I feel he is about 85lbs now. He looks healthy.




    Bill and Bud

    :beer: :beer:

  2. Hi, Bill! Sorry to hear the deal fell thru. I used to sell Real Estate and like they say "it ain't a done deal till the checks in your hand" So many things can happen between the signing of the papers to buy and the closing.

    I've lost a few houses during my lifetime also so I know how bad it hurts when you are counting on that perfect house and can't get it. Hopefully your Realtor will bring along another client, pre approved and ready to rock and roll.

    I'll have a beer w/ you in about 2 hours. How's Bud? I have to ask: does he like his beer, too?



    ty, it was 2 of them fall down in 3 weeks. The person will take the house when/if they can sell their house first so it isn't that bad. We will just have to mait that's all.


    Bud is great, and you think Bud likes Beer? Does a bear go **** in the woods?







    OK Robyn, I'll keep it until the house is closed then I'll send it back!! :hahaha: :hahaha:




    WOW, what happened?


    My person that bought our house has sold his house. The condition is if his house was good by the bank on the other person. My first house the lady had no money. I had a feeling that she wasn't getting the money from the bank, that wasn't a surprize on me.

  4. Thanks all


    Yes, I know I have to wait till the "closing". I had one go down 2 weeks ago as the other person couldn't get the bank. The other person agreed my counter offer. They are waiting (one week) for their house to be agreed by the bank. It's the usual but my wife/ex are happy that we are getting the offer that we want. The good think is that my wife/ex and I are in hury so it feels better that we can take our time.







  5. Sorry that I can't read everything as it's too hard with my eyes and brain (eye's move faster to read then my brain can understand, I get confused).


    I'm soo sorry about what happened. I'm going through this right now after 8 years marriage and together total 15 years together. Take it easy and maybe Jane just needs some time along (from you). My wife and I all always will be good friends though.



    All the best




  6. The neuropsych test really helped. It was so hard for me to explain my problems but now it is out there that my friends and family can read the assessment and they can understand it. They thought my problem was my speech and my speech has come back really good. I really good talking just for talk "bla bla". It has been 16 months and they understand now and I can read it and I don't feel like i'm going nuts. I can now just go out and try to live my life to be better.



    Thanks all




  7. After having a stroke, we go through a change in our behaviour. I've done/doing to my family and friends. I'm going for a psyscologist to help me get over my "brain problems" that they said it can be fished. The "stroker", we feel we are all alone and nobody understands. I know over the time I need help my friends and family. I hope your partner gets that over it and understand she needs you. You need each other. My wife and I separated nut we are still great friends. I know she is there if I need her help.



    Take it easy Robyn, turn your frown upside down :)




  8. I'm so happy that Bud has been so good. We are both happy. That was the first time taking Bud to the "Dog Store" that lets you bring the animals here. My dad took me over as I don't have enough money to buy me a new truck/car. When I get another vehicle i'll take Bud over more often. We both had alot of fun today.




  9. Chalk it up to brain damage and poor eyesight. Hopefully, I'm getting better, little by little.


    Anyway watch those racoons, you know they wash everything they eat. They may leave your water running in the sink.


    No problem Fred. And yes, those racoons are smart!








    WHAT A LAFF!!!! at least you have a great sense of humor!!! sounds like your wife does too. i get it now, ***** you took MY groceries home for your bbq!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol lol lol lol lol







    mmm groceries.....what groceries?


