
Stroke Survivor - male
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Everything posted by Budweiser

  1. I took Bud to see the specialist and to do a rehab there for an hour. They took Bud's staples out (there was 7, not 6 of them LOL :head_hurts: ). They put Bud in the water treadmill. He was having soooo fun there. There girls love him (again, Bud won't share :bop: ). They say he is doing great and come back in a month check-up. I'll do abit more walking and around uneven floors (lawn) for him. He is laying there sleeping bacause he is sooo tierd now. :Clap-Hands: :hug:
  2. He laughs at me everytime I get my hair cut!! It's pay back. :hahaha: He acutually like's a short hair cut to make him cooler. :big_grin:
  3. I took Bud today to get his stitches out. They took them out put he is still open area's. They said it's hard heal when it's around the knee. He put staples :head_hurts: (6 of them) on him and he didn't do anything. He is tuff like his master. :Clap-Hands: Today they where going to do a rehab there as well as in water treartment (swimming) put he will have to wait till in 2 weeks. He is back on anti-infection for two more weeks until he heals. They said they are happy with his recovery and i'm doing a great job looking after him. :big_grin: Bud was so happy to see all the ladies there and thinks they are all for him. I told Bud he is supposed to share with the ladies with me!!!!! :bop: Overall Bud is doing great. :cheer: Bill P.S. Don't tell Bud but his hair cut is still funny!!!!! :hahaha:
  4. Budweiser

    Bud's Surgery

    Bud had surgery on May 2, 2007 for his ruptured ligament in his knee. There are pictures of the last week (May 3 - 10, 2007). His leg/knee looks really sore (it was/is) but right now he is looking good. The swollen has come down and the colour is looking great (no red/blue/bruse). He is looking for like him self. He is walking with a limp but they say it could be 3-5 months of recovery. I just need to walk him very slow and with a short leashe. This week he will get the stitches pull out and more x-rays by the end of this month (check it over). Bud is one tuff cookie. Bill :beer:
  5. Budweiser

    Bud's surgery - May 2, 2007

    Week of May 3 - 10, 2007
  6. From the album: Bud's surgery - May 2, 2007

    He actually smilled for the camera. I told him his knee is looking good. :Clap-Hands:
  7. From the album: Bud's surgery - May 2, 2007

    3-4 times a day for ice
  8. Budweiser

    Bud's spot

    From the album: Bud's surgery - May 2, 2007

  9. From the album: Bud's surgery - May 2, 2007

    It looks like he has socks on
  10. From the album: Bud's surgery - May 2, 2007

    Poor Bud, Every time I get the ice for his leg, he puts his head into the ground like a ostrich, :blush:
  11. Budweiser


    That is so nice. :blush:
  12. I got a call today and the second opinion from my side said I am catastrophic. I will get the 48 page result an dI should get it by Monday. Now it either agree mine or will want their side which meens we may have to go to a mediator. I won't know for about another month if the insurance agree or disagree because they just got my results. :Clap-Hands:
  13. Way to go at the 3 years and many more to follow!!! Bill :beer:
  14. Prayers from me. Keep strong. Bill
  15. LOL Sue, Bud was reading your post :big_grin: Thank you all for everything. I'm not looking behind what i've lost but NOW being redding for the future. It's only about a week or so that i'm feeling abit happier. Maybe it's from my new independents (my car) to joining the aphasia group. (as well the strokenet hear for me in for over a year). Thanks to all, I think Bud wants a beer now!! :beer: Bill
  16. Good Luck with the house. "Lola", is that the song... :big_grin: I like the name and yes, it's empty without a dog. :blush: Type at you soon. :party:
  17. Bud and I are doing great :Clap-Hands: I sent my mojo but maybe it was frozen because of the cold in Canada!!!! :big_grin: Keep looking at, it should be there soon............ :giggle:
  18. Well, I made it to 2 years post stroke today. I've lost alot in the last 2 years but that's life. I went from a house, career, new truck, trailer (cottage), marriage etc... and now I live in an apartment, no career, no trailer, no marriage, no house, have a car now but not my truck. I still don't think i've still acceptted the accident. Maybe it's because of my age or what i've lost (I know allot have lost). I'm trying to be happier as I now i'm doing most off things alone now. That makes me stronger. I know i've come so far since my accident but I still have more to go. Well, tomorrow is a new day. :party: Now, i'm off to do dental work but I don't understand why I picked today for that!!! :Dr_Evil: Be safe to all and keep smiling :blush: Bill :beer:
  19. Hi Robyn How are things going? Bill :beer:
  20. Wow Amy As much as I could read your blog, it looks great. It looks like you are going to the right step. Be proud of your self. After having a stroke, I feel it makes you stronger than ever expectyually you want to educate others. Keep going Amy, I happy for you. Bill :beer:
  21. Budweiser

    1st blog!!

    Welcome to the blog world Enjoy Bill :beer: (root beer for you :big_grin: )
  22. Welcome to the blog world Bill :beer: