
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Comments posted by Budweiser

  1. The weather this year has been wierd. In Canada, we've had the warmest weather this year ever. :BashHead:



    I don't call it WEATHER anymore, it's more like WHATEVER. :uhm:



    My dog want's to go out and play snow angels but no snow! :yukyukyuk:









  2. I was no way offended. I was worried about you. I tried to get someone like a caregiver to get on to help. My wife said so sorry that she couldn't here and thought it was a wrong person on the phone. I hope you are feeling really better now. We are there for each others to help.



    Now turn your frown upside down. :wink:




    I'll see ya on the "Chat" room soon.




  3. That is close to mine, mine is this Wednesday 29, My one year. I think I look at this as a positive way. We have to look at the positive way, it helps us better. If I didn't go to work that day (2005), I wouldn't of had a stroke as mine was by a car accident. I can't look at it that way. I've always tried to look at positive ways. Since I had a stroke, it was changed mine and my wifes lives changed. It is hard but we have to live with it. This is the new "Bill", I was born March 29, 2005.



    If you ask if my glass is half full or half empty, I would say it's half full.


