
Stroke Survivor - male
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Everything posted by Budweiser

  1. Budweiser

    John Doole

    Welcome John Having a stroke is the worst fealing to have. I had a stroke almost 2 years ago at the age of 34. I had a bilateral dissection that was caused by a headon car accident. There is no age/colour/race for only strokes. That is what is scary. I hope we can help others to understand about strokes and at any age. As you will see, there is alot of people on this strokenet community are different ages. Take it easy and take it one day at a time. Bill :welcome:
  2. Welcome to the blogs adchill Keep at it!!! Bill :beer:
  3. . Thank you azrabbit, one more person is more than yesterday!! :beer: I've not heard from Walgreens. I need to get a digital camera instead of using a cheapy one and scan it. I'm nervous of buying one because i'll have to read too much (it's too hard for me). Bill :blush:
  4. Thank you and yes, i'm out on the open road now!!!!!!! :Clap-Hands:
  5. I need a digital camera. The pictures at Christmas was used by a disposal and I scanned it. Although I did wash it yesterday!!!! :Clap-Hands:
  6. Hi Jean I printed it out, thanks. I have the strokenet board printed out so I can show the boards and what's on there. I'm telling them about the blogs, gallery, forum, live chat etc...I'll be giving them the links to the boards as well as my email if they have a problem getting there. I only have about 5-10 minutes so I want to get out the most. Thanks :blush:
  7. Well, I'm working like crazy (for once :big_grin: ) now as i'm doing a Member Part tomorrow at the aphasia group that I joined the end of January. They told me it would take me a few months before I have to do this but now they asked. :blush: I'll be talking about the Strokenetwork as well as the strokenet boards. I hope a few of them will join here as well and maybe start blogging to. Okay, i'm off to finish this part so type at ya's later!!!!! :plane:
  8. I'm going through a second opinion for this again as they feal there wasn't all the information was givin. This time i'm going throug another Psychiatrist and a Physiatrist. Instead of going through another OT, i'm going through a speech language therapist (should have had that before christmas but they didn't do that). I just saw a Psychiatrist yesterday and I was there for about 3 hours. before christmas they only saw me for 20 minutes. They feel they left too much stuff out. I want this to stop soon. I was supposed to see the Physiatrist today but I had to change it till next week as we are getting another storm (snow/frezzen rain). On monday I going to see a speech language therapist (not my therpist, another) for an assessment for about 3-5 hours. Bill :out_of_here:
  9. Budweiser

    its over

    Sorry to hear that kimmie Bill
  10. LOL, i'll have to buy a digital camera. I hate having to scan and regular camera. :blush: More freedom the better. It makes me abit normal, then again, I was never normal :hahaha: thanks
  11. Thank you for all My brother just called me and picked up my car. They put all new brakes and tires (GM did it, off a lease). My brother said it is nice and looks like new. I will have it on Tuesday night. :cheer:
  12. I never did before leave my keys in there. We've had this the other day when someone took the car and they left a baby in there. That is scary. But yes, thank you for remembering for me. :blush:
  13. Thank you all!!! I will do that to the windows Bonnie. :beer:
  14. Budweiser

    Doggie Tails

    I've had dogs growing up all the time. When I moved and bought a house it was so empty without a dog. It took 4 years for me to buy a dog. At the time my ex and I worked all the time so it wasn't fair for a dog. When me and my ex had different jobs I bought a dog called "Budweiser". When we separated I took Bud because i'm home all the time because I can't work. It worked out better for Bud to stay with me. My ex comes by to see Bud and he is happy. A dog takes out that empty fealing. They are the best friend ever. Bill :Clap-Hands:
  15. In almost 2 years I finally bought a car (1.5 years able to drive). I wanted my truck back but for the money is too much right now. I used abit of my savings but I felt I was ready to move ahead one more to buy a car. I will be able to do stuff alone again. My brother wil be bringing it to me on Tuesday. :cheer: I bought a 2003 Pontia Grand Am SE. I bought it with 4 doors and light colour inside for the Bud (It's all about him :big_grin: ). My dad has been helping me driving me around everywhere but i'm ready to go abit more independants. I will buy another truck one day when I get more money. My insurance for this is great. I have a high star rading and I have a waiver on my claim (it's still open but it wasn't my fought). When the weather is better i'll be able to drive Bud down to the water to walk around (Lake Ontario). I will be able to drive to my doctor appointments alone 9special doctors). I can walk to my family doctors place and the aphasia goup as it is only a 5 minute walk there. I wil be able to get my groceries alone now and go when I want. I don't have to wait anymore. It makes me feel more normal soon as I don't have to have other prople to help me. I will still need help with doing stuff like special banking/insurance forms etc.. to make sure it is done right. I still get lost when I try to read forms and stuff but it will me one step forward for me. The car is white outside with grey inside, power all stuff and fog lights. My brother helped with me getting it from another cop that also gets thewm through auctions when they are off lease vehicles. I safed almost $6000 doing it this way so I don't pay it through a dealership. :party: Get your motor running...."Born to be Wild" :yukyukyuk: Bill
  16. Anatomy of the brain (not a real brain picture) http://www.theuniversityhospital.com/stroke/anatomy.htm
  17. Budweiser

    Sandy Anderson

    Wow, heart attack then a stroke. You got 2 in 1. I hope you are doing alot better. Bill ps: That's a large gong there. :big_grin: Bud has a smaller one and loves the cookies I put in there. :Clap-Hands:
  18. Budweiser

    Chat Room

    yay, another blog that was writen very short and I understood it. :Clap-Hands: The other thing, I need to get on the chat's again. I havent been on it since I moved back to Burlington. I've just been busy doing insurance stuff and it makes me to be alone. Bill :blush:
  19. Hello Phyllis I just wanted to say hi on your blog. I finally found a blog that is very short that I can read it and understand it. I'm looking at everyones blogs and they are too long for me to read it and understand. Bill :beer:
  20. Budweiser


    I live in Burlington (about a 50 minute drive from Toronto) and we are getting alot of snow. It has been snowing since this morning (started about 6 hours ago) but the storm asn't hit us yet. We are getting lake effects. They think we can get about 30cm or up till 55cm. :Clap-Hands: I just had Bud outside and he loves it. He was making doggy angles in the snow. :silly: :cloud9: The wind could get up till 50km windy and the snow will go till tomorrow. That bad side is, they think it could get up till +14c temperatures by the end of the month. We've been in about -20's with windchill since the week after New years. I hope the temperature will be nice. I don't like it when it goes up then down. That gets everyone sick. My aphasia group was cancelled this morning as the major storm is coming. At least we can all be safe in our homes. Let it snow let it snow let it snow :laughbounce: Bill
  21. I've been "googling" about aphasia. This one was interesting http://www.csuchico.edu/~pmccaff/syllabi/S...6/336unit8.html (I've been trying to read as much as I can but it hurts my brain) :head_hurts:
  22. I was thinking about that. Every week we have a MP. That is a "Member Part". Each week someone different gets up and "talks" about something in your life. You get up and discuss about 5-10 minutes of whatever you want. Maybe I could do that. That maybe something to think about. :Clap-Hands: Jean, I also would whish that everyone could go for that. You don't feel that you are the only one. Not alot of people know about aphasia. It also helps everyone. :chat:
  23. It's all about Bud!!!! :big_grin:
  24. Hello I'm near Toronto and we've been very cold since Satuday till today. We've been down to the -30c with wind. It is wierd when I go out today and it felt hot when it is -10c. LOL :big_grin: It is going to get colder again soon. They think it will be cold this all month. Bill :blush:
  25. Wernicke's aphasia is referred to as a 'fluent aphasia' That was a quote from Jean's "language" topic here. I've been looking and still trying to understand what has happened to me. I asked my speech therapy the other day to what type of aphasia I have. She said close to Wernicke's as i'm fairly "fluent" speech until I get tired in the brain. This helps me now because everyone thinks i'm "normal" because i'm fluent talking. This will also allow me to help others to understand over all types of aphasia and each one is different. This is not just to help other aphasia people but more for people that don't understand. I've also understand more of different types of aphasia the last 2 weeks as i'm in the aphasia group now. There is alont of different aphasia people there. Some can't talk at all to people like me that are "fluent" aphasia but get confused easy. The one thing that we all have the same is a language disorder (one way or another). We are all there to help each others and we all have a great time there. :chat: Bill :hug: