
Stroke Survivor - male
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Everything posted by Budweiser

  1. Budweiser

    the er dr.

    Hi kimmie The problem with this is that you have to be patient. I know about frunstarateion. I'm near 2 years and I finially go to litigation to start but that is in the end of September 2007. I will then have to wait a few more months after that then see if we go to court or settlement. Take it easy Bill
  2. Hey I never hated the guy the fell alseep and hit me, I just said he has to be responsible though. I'm just getting tired of dealing with the insurance because this accident has taken it over of my life. I try to go forward until the insurance wants some more off me. As for the speech, I do alot of computer stuff that helps me so much. I also just joined (2 weeks now) an aphasia group. I like it now. I've enjoyed beeing there even though i'm the youngest one there. They ask me if i'm a stutent :blush: . This aphasia group is what I needed (similar as the strokenet but I see the people). This group is another step for me. thanks for reading :beer:
  3. Budweiser

    my lawsuit

    Hi kimmie After my car accident, they rushed me to the hospital by ambulance. While I was there, the ER doctor came in. He looked me over and asked if i'm sore. I said was but I can't see out of my left eye. He looked and said it's fine and sent me to an x-ray because my hand was broken. 4 hours later I stroked in the ER room. The reason that my left was that I couldn't see was the blood was filling up me brain through my arteries (dissection). I feel I would have stroked anyway BUT, if it was checked sooner, it may have been abit lesser. Sometimes they think when your young you are superman. Good luck with your lawsuit. I'm near 2 years and I start the ligitation in September 2007. It takes a long time but stick to it. Bill
  4. Budweiser

    New Years Eve

    From the album: Bill's Album

    Bud was happy and ready to party!!! :Clap-Hands:
  5. Thanks Ann I'm in Canada so we go through the CPP (disabilty pension). I applied and I was arroved in 6 weeks. They gave me money for the last year BUT I have to give all of it to insurance. I've been paid by insurance to a max (works out about $7/hour). The insurance pay's me the difference so I don't make any more money. Tha Canadian way for car insurance is really bad. The catastrofic would give more benefits. The only benefits I wanted was to look after my speech therapy. I am dependant, I can drive, cook etc..I just can't work. I'm between a hard rock and another rock (sorry, I can't remember that saying).
  6. Bud is doing great. He loves everyone. He just don't like pictures LOL. Everytime I pull out the camera he starts barking. To do a picture, yu have to sneak up and take a picture really fast. Wow, 22lbs cat. That's a full size cat. :blush:
  7. Budweiser


    I am Burlington, Ontario, Canada (60km from Toronto) Bill
  8. That sounds great. Keep at it. Bill :Clap-Hands:
  9. Thanks Jean Yes, I have very happy and lucky about living alone, I do now. I am allowed to drive and i'm getting a car soon. (I need it). But that problem is the money. That's all I wanted from the insurance is to help with my speech, that it. I have a few lawyers (had to because insurance is to hard) that will go after that for my speech but how long, I don't know. I think i'll be ok in the future but the problem is now. My aphasia will be $60/month, i'll go there every Tuesdays for 4 hours. The problem is everything goes up (costs) but I still have no raise or nothing. I still have to go through psychologist as I still have problems with the accident. I know alot of people here have alot of problems also. Thanks for reading
  10. Hello you blog friends :Clap-Hands: (I try to read you people but the long storys are too hard for me to understand). I received a opinion that I was in December by a few more doctors on me. I had to go through about (onerall) 2 full day of tests (very bad headaches from that). I saw a Occupational Therapist, Neurosurgeon, Psychiatrist and a Physiatrist. Overall "In his specific circumstances, he has clearly suffered a trauma induced brain impairment that is resulting in significant disability, including an inability to return to work. However, he clearly does retained the ability to live independant without assistance from others. Thus, his Glasgow Outcome Scale score is 4. As he does not meet criteria for a GOS score of 3 or less, the threshold criteria are not met for subclause (e)(ii)." If I got that, I would have had more benefits for me but now, I will lose or pay myself for my speech therapy and aphasia group. I know I can do do alot more by myself but I get very little money so I can pay for that. I don't need people cooking/vacuumming etc..I can do that by myself. They clearly see I can't work but I will not get more benefits. I will have only about 3 months left for medical money then I on my own. This is like a two sided sword. I stopped house caregiving last year as I'm ok to do stuff now but I still need my speech/language. I hate this, I did nothing to do this. I just went to work and now i'm like this because a kid can't keep awake. Insurance don't care about anyone but to save/make more money. My speech causes so much money but what do I do now? I approved and got money for disabilty but the insurance already took that money off me. I haven't made a raise in two years...Even my laundry went up yesterday. Do the insurance pay my raise?...NO. :Tantrum: All i've done was try to everything by myself and try to live as much as I can. Too many people out there have too much fraud and that hurts people like me who need the help. You can't win anymore. The rich get richer and the rest...ummm they don't care.
  11. They are trying but I have lawyers do deal with it for me. I couldn't do that for me alone. I was somebosed to be done at 6 months and 2 years. The insurance waited it for the last minute. This test and the doctors that month, the insurance keep asking with they can stop the speech and go back to work. This test and the one last month say noway. It's to hard for me as the language is so hard. This test for them were to see to stop me, to me this was the way to help me. I am lossing my medical benefits soon so my lawyers are going after them too. They look at the money side but this is my life and the rest of my life. I will lose my speech/aphasia group/attendant care etc...I will have to pay that myself soon (about by March). I will blog that later as I finished that castacrphic examination I did last month.
  12. Yes, it was long but the problem was that I had a headon car accident as well. That caused me to stroke. I hit my head really hard in the air bag. They say the results are from a stroke and a head injury. I get the 2 in one charge. There was paid by insurance by a car accident.
  13. If this helps anyone that are looking into nueropsych testings, this is the test that was done on me. If they want to look into the different test that I went into, this is it (Im sure there are more and different tests also). Any questions they can PM me anytime. This took me 11 hours over 4 days (due to my resceptive language) and another day of 2 hours for the last test (Personality Assessment Inventory). Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (III) Monroe Sherman Paragraph Comprehension Test Logical Memory Test Family Pictures Test Spatial Span Test Wide Range Achievement Test (III) Rey Osterreith Complex Figure Test Iverson Franzen Memory Test Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test Test of Memory Malingering Boston Naming Test Sentence Memory Test Word Fluency Test Action Fluency Test Aphasia Screening Test Speech Sounds Perception Test Seashore Rhythm Test Grip Strength Test Finger Tapping Test Grooved Pegboard Test Trail Making Tests Stereognosis Testing Sensory-Perceptual Examination Brief Symptom Survery Beck Depression Inventory Beck Anxiety Inventory Personality Assessment Inventory I hope I don't have to do that tests again but I was happy that I did it at least once. :2cents:
  14. I spent the new year at my brothers place. He picked Bud and I up and went to his place (1.5 hour away). We were going on tro his hottub but it rained so much. We had a great time. My album is my new apartment that I moved in July 2006 (6 months ago). There are pics from New Years Day (after my brother drove me back). Well, here goes 2007 Bill
  15. Budweiser

    New Years Day - 2007

    My New Apartment
  16. From the album: New Years Day - 2007

    That is Bud's couch in our office. He loves that room :Clap-Hands:
  17. Budweiser

    My Dining Room

    From the album: New Years Day - 2007

    The door beside goes out to my balcony
  18. Budweiser

    My living Room

    From the album: New Years Day - 2007

    I had alot of fish in my aquarium until I moved
  19. From the album: New Years Day - 2007

    Bud always laying down :beer:
  20. From the album: New Years Day - 2007

    Bud likes it :blush:
  21. Budweiser

    My Tree

    From the album: New Years Day - 2007

    It was a 4.5ft tree so Bud won't hit it :big_grin:
  22. Budweiser

    Done cooking

    From the album: New Years Day - 2007

    My kitchen :blush:
  23. Budweiser

    My Apartment

    From the album: New Years Day - 2007

    Bud is everywhere :Clap-Hands:
  24. From the album: New Years Day - 2007

    I was watching UFC fighting, I swear..
  25. Budweiser

    Happy New Year

    From the album: Bill's Album

    This was Bud and I at my Brothers house for New Years Eve 2006.