
Stroke Survivor - male
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Everything posted by Budweiser

  1. Budweiser

    It's the DAY

    I received an email from my wife/ex today. The lawyers called and say the cheques are ready to pick it up and the house is closed. It makes me sad but I need to go forward now. My wife/ex will be coming tomorrow wit hmy cheque and to see the BUDSTER!!!!! Bud is going to be so happy (I don't know how Bud can get eaven happier than he is :big_grin: ). I was on Wedsneday to sign my side for the house (final signing). That is one chapter of my accident to put me behind. I can mail Robyn's luck by Monday so she can use it for her. :Clap-Hands: I hope 2007 can be better for me as 2005/2006 has been the worse for me. Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and the best holiday for everyone here at StrokeNet. You've helped alot for me over the last 10-11 months. :hug: Bill
  2. LMAO That is funny :big_grin: Yes I know about to many people fraud. It hurts for people that really need the help. I've everything the insurances ask me to do. If they say "jump", I say "how high". It's not the doctors problem so I keep going with a smile. In 1990 while I lost my hand, I was on WSIB (work comp). After about 6 months WSIB sent me a letter saying I was cutting off (benefits) because I was fully recoverd. I called the WSIB and said "do you have new water or new seeds", they said "why?", I said "I can't get my hand grow back so can they help". The WSIB is don't worry, they will throw out that letter and put me back on benefits. What really bugs me, the insurance knows after 10 months my strength is back and it's mostly in my speech/languagenow. I can walk/drive/cook/cleaning etc...so they send a silent surveillance tape on me. WTF is that? They spend the money in the wrong areas. :2cents:
  3. Hello mud I get things like this also. I get impatient, anxiety etc...I'm that way because of my speech/language by my stroke. I also feel stupid at times because I say the wrong words. I met with a pscycologist and he is doing a treatment for 16 sessions to start. I was told if I don't get help I will getting worse. I was ok at the start but over time and dealing with my insurance I lost it (mentally). I try to take it easy but it can be hard. I feel (try) to go slowly because i'm in no rush. I try to take it easy every day and try to smile. As kimmie say's, you may need to change/increase/decrease your meds. Talk to your doctor becuase there is no way to do this alone. Take it easy mud Bill
  4. Budweiser

    Didja' miss me???!!!

    Yes I sold the house. Closing date is December 8th. I've saved something for you but you cant have it till the 8th. :wub2: It's in my blog for you!!!!
  5. I'm in the Canadian system (system off what? noone knows :hahaha: ). After I did the neuropsych tests, he say's i'm pretty much done with most of the recovery. They said I can't work anymore but maybe volunteer in the future. Once the insurance read that, they said I have to join onto C.P.P. Disability. They said any money I get, I have to give it all to them. It's realy rude how they ask/tell you. The neuropsych says i've stroke and head injury by a bad hit by the van that hit me. Well, at least I lived through that and i'm trying to do as much as I can. Insurance (throught car insurance) loves you until you need help. They can kiss my bum!! :big_grin:
  6. This is in Canada and i'm involed with car accident insurance. My insurance say that my medical money has used over 60% of it. Which means (BS ) that I may loose in the near future for my speech therapy, psychologist etc...They sent me a form for my family doctor to check out if I may be have a catastrophic impairment (at the time I wasn't anove) has i'm 19ish months now and my speech/language is very hard. My family doctor filled it out and say's yes, i'm have a catastrophic impairment which meens I may get more medical help (longer time, more money medically etc...). After my insurance looked at it, now they say I have to go more tests for a Independant Medical Evaluation Catastrophic Impairment Determination. WTF, OMG. Will this ever end? I now have to go through tests in the middle of December to see a Occupational Therapy Assessment, Neurosurgeon, Psychiatrist and a Physiatrist. Over the last year and a half, i've have done (through my accident); 3 CT's 2 MRI/MRA 3 Dopplers 3 X-rays 6 Sessions/treatments (and going) of Speech therapy (One seesion is about 3 months) 5 Assessents/treatments (and going) Occupational Therapy 1 Neuropscych testing 16 sessions to start coming up - Pscycologist Every 2 months family doctor 1 Neurosurgeon 2 Neurologist Surveillance tape (silent, no talking) :Tantrum: ENT Doctor (craked septum) scoped down my nose :head_hurts: opthalmologist and eye field test 10 months physio Orthopedic Doctor (broken hand) etc....................if I forgot one or two of other doctors Once I feel i've down one step forrow, the insurance get in here and I go 3 steps backwards. Will this ever end? I'm trying to be go forward but the insurance fulls me back. :whack: Well, it's another day in my life!!!!! :juggle:
  7. I realy like my family doctor. I've been seeing him since 1986 as my other doctor retired (had him since I wa boen). He s smart and haves the time for me anytime. After my accident I complained my neuro docts about my eues and my nose (cracked septum by airbag), they said nothing. My family doctor looked and sent me two diffrerent speialist doctors. Bill
  8. Budweiser

    Didja' miss me???!!!

    Welcome back Good luck with your exams Bill :beer:
  9. Hi Bob We all get those days, if you don't get enough sleep or something is bugging you, we are normal. So if your tierd, relax and enjoy your easy day. Bill :party:
  10. Fred, have a great Christmas and New Years and your family's. Yes, another year is almost over. I hope I have a better year than this one. My year was the worst in many years from my separation and a hard time dealing with my insurance. I need to keep looking ahead and not behind. Bill and Bud :beer: :Clap-Hands:
  11. Over the weekend Bud and I put all our christmas stuff up and put up new outdoor lights. It was so nice out, up to +14c :yikes: . I bought a new tree (4.5ft) and a new star for my new apartment. It was so wired that Bud was so good with all that stuff. I use to lock Bud in another room so I could do the christmas stuff. He wants to get into everything. I know he is tying to help with it. :big_grin: I think i'm going to afto start my christmas presents :bouncing_off_wall: We are supposed to be nice weather until Friday. We have be lucky with the nice weather. I never call it "weather", but instead I call it "whatever". I'm hungry now, I think i'm going to eat my ribs...mmm ribs :cloud9: Bill :beer:
  12. This is my first christmas without my wife (separated). I felt sad but why should I ruin it wit heveryone else. So I went out the other day and bought a new tree (small one) and put stuff out yesterday. Bud was so good just looking at me while I was doing it. Every year I had to put Bud in another room so I could get the christmas stuff on. Today, I thought, it is so nice out I'll buy outdoor lights to put on my balcony. I just finished and Bud just laid down on the balcony and he watched me put the lights on. I needed that, I don't want to make other people to be sad. I'm always trying to be happy so why should I change. Everyday happy makes it easier then try to be sad. Try to be happy I would say "turn that frown upside down" Bill :cloud9:
  13. LMAO able to peel potatoes = Good hubby now knows = bad :big_grin: That is great, keep up the work, but 10 lbs :yikes: Bill :beer:
  14. Budweiser

    mental exam

    I can only read abit of that but i'll try. That kind of BS makes me sick. I saw so many doctors/physio/OT/Speech, 2 MRI's, 3 CT's, 3 dopplers etc....They all wrote all down of me that my phisically very great now, I don't really any help. It's all in my speech/language. My insurance said I have to go to a DAC Assessment. Well, that's fine so after about few months I had to go to this DAC, once I was there, they show me a syrveillance tape on me. I was so sick to my stomich. IT WAS A SILENT TAPE. What a waste of time. The only problem is that your are a number and they dobn't want to give you money to life with it. They would be better to spend wasted money to other stuff. I'm so sorry that you have to go thriugh that. You feel that you take 2 steps forard until they come in and make you go 4 steps back. Bill
  15. Budweiser

    Bud 2003

    He is "singing" there because he doesn't like pictures. :big_grin:
  16. Budweiser

    Bud 2003

    From the album: Bill's Album

    I was up north on holidays at my trailer. I had to sell it last year after my accident. Bud loved being up north.
  17. That is great!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep up to it Bill :beer: :beer: :beer: ( a beer for me, Bud and you) :blush:
  18. Bud say's thanks to all. Bud said everyday is like a birthday. :Clap-Hands:
  19. I had to close, sold the house
  20. Today is Bud's birthday. He is 5 years young. This is his real birthday, I came him own December 23rd, 2001. I took him last week to get his nails done at the petsmart, that's where he gets his bueaty parlour. LOL I did it early for him because his nails were getting long. Go Bud Go :cheer: :happybday: :cheer: Bill :beer: :beer:
  21. Budweiser

    The Cabin

    That place looks so nice :beer:
  22. yes I had my accident at the end of March 29/05. My wife (at that time) stayed home because she was so scared, so was I . She went back part time in July/05 put would email me every 30 minutes. She only went part time the days that speech was here so someone was home. She also knew my neighbour was retireded so he was home all day. My wife didn't go back working full time till January/06. We worked together so we were comfortable. It takes time for all to get threw this. It's a new life for all. My ex still emails all the time to see how are i'm doing. Good luck Ken. Take is easy. Bill
  23. He is doing great. He has lost alot of "fat" since we moved. His weight looks alot better. At one time he was up till 100lbs. The vet wanted him to be down to under 90lbs. I feel he is about 85lbs now. He looks healthy. thanks Bill and Bud :beer: :beer:
  24. The banking for the house was done. Now it's just the lawyers and stuff to do. One less thing none. :beer:
  25. My ex and I sold our house again last Monday. We agreed the money and we were happy. The guy had the bank pre-approved so it loks really good this time. No conditions etc.....We had the inspector done last night and the guy was happy about that. We should know the finally banking by tomorrow. The closing with be December 8th. I know it's offer only by the closing day. By up to know, everything thing is better. We did had offers but we said noway for the offer. First person - Only had $2000 and the bank said NO :juggle: Second person - Had the money/banking but conditional on their house. That guy couldn't get the back because he had bad credit. :Tantrum: Third person - Put an offer and has the bank pre-approved. We coutered back and forth. By the end, we were happy wit hthe offer. We are all happy now. :Clap-Hands: I'm keeping my fingers crossed and hole this is closed before christmas. If all is good, I'll past my luck to Robyn for christmas. :hug: Bill :cheer: