
Stroke Survivor - male
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Everything posted by Budweiser

  1. Budweiser

    No Luck?

    ty, it was 2 of them fall down in 3 weeks. The person will take the house when/if they can sell their house first so it isn't that bad. We will just have to mait that's all. Bud is great, and you think Bud likes Beer? Does a bear go **** in the woods? :big_grin: :hahaha: OK Robyn, I'll keep it until the house is closed then I'll send it back!! :hahaha: :hahaha:
  2. Budweiser

    No Luck?

    Nooooooooooooooooooooo (I had a call last night). The house is back on. The person that's want's this house is so mad. They wanted my house but the person buying their house can't get the bank money. Why do people go through this to buy a house but have bad credit. We are mad, our agent is mad, the other person is mad and their agent is mad. They have kids that go to school down the road from my house. Their kids cuold walk to school. If they sell their house again they will be back for our house but we can't wait forever. First come first gets it. I need a beer now I think I gave my luck to Robyn too early. :hahaha:
  3. np hehe :Clap-Hands: :beer:
  4. Budweiser

    Happy but Sad

    WOW, what happened? My person that bought our house has sold his house. The condition is if his house was good by the bank on the other person. My first house the lady had no money. I had a feeling that she wasn't getting the money from the bank, that wasn't a surprize on me.
  5. Budweiser

    Happy but Sad

    ty Mel My next blog say's I sold it again. I should know all of it in a few days. Banks/inspection ya da ya da It looks that it wasn't ment for it on that one. :beer:
  6. Robyn I sent it already, no need to wait!! The other person signed on my/wifes counter offer. Now it's just on the banks side. I'll know for sure in one week if all is good. It looks good though but i'll keep one of my toes crossed over. :Clap-Hands:
  7. Thanks all Yes, I know I have to wait till the "closing". I had one go down 2 weeks ago as the other person couldn't get the bank. The other person agreed my counter offer. They are waiting (one week) for their house to be agreed by the bank. It's the usual but my wife/ex are happy that we are getting the offer that we want. The good think is that my wife/ex and I are in hury so it feels better that we can take our time. :beer: Bill
  8. My marriage failed, not my caregiver failed. We are still the best friends. We separated because she didn't love me anymore. She would still be will us if I needed her to help me. We still talk and said if anyone of us need help, call. It is hard for me to stay together to just be helpers and not lovers. We will ever be the best friends, we don't need enemies. I called her the other day to talk to her cause see needed help. We are happier better this way. I just say to all people that help others, THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bill
  9. We got an offer last night and we counter offered and we like it. The angents think they will sign it tonight. We all happy here. Of course conditional as they have to get their house aggreed also (bank). It could be all over Nov 30. We will know in 5 days if it's all good (banks). That will be one more "close" of my old "Bill". That will be good for money offer christmas and I can save for another house (for Bud and I). :Clap-Hands: Bill :beer:
  10. Sorry that I can't read everything as it's too hard with my eyes and brain (eye's move faster to read then my brain can understand, I get confused). I'm soo sorry about what happened. I'm going through this right now after 8 years marriage and together total 15 years together. Take it easy and maybe Jane just needs some time along (from you). My wife and I all always will be good friends though. All the best Bill :forgive_me?:
  11. My stroke is in my left brain in the area of speech/language. After a person has a stroke, you have a behavioral (sp?) change. I get so frustrated easly and get mad at people when they talk to me. I just got separated but before my wife when to see a pyscologist. I'm going to see one next week. It took me time to feel that I do need help. They told me if I don't get help now it will get worse. Write down all the problems you/him have and talk to you doctor/neurologist. A stroke hurts all and not only the person who had the stroke. Take it one day at a time. Bill
  12. Welcome aboard It's nice to meet you. Tell us abit of your self and insues that you have. We are all here to listen and to talk weith you. I'm 36 now and had a stroke by a car accident about 16 months ago. It is so scary at the first but you need to take it one day at a time. You life was turned up side down. We have "chat" rooms and we get on there and talk to each others. There is for all/survivors/caregivers. Try looking in that as it can help you alot. PM anytime you need to talk. Bill :welcome:
  13. BUDDY!! Sweet friends there. My Golden Retreiver is "Bud" for short "Budweiser". They are sooooo smart. :happydance:
  14. Budweiser

    Happy but Sad

    The house is back up. The lady didn't have the money for the house. The bank for her said no!!! oh well, it wasn't ment to be!!!
  15. Budweiser

    My first House

    I had to sell it
  16. Budweiser

    Happy but Sad

    Well, I got a call today with my wife (separated) and we got a offer for our house. It was lower than wath we were asking but the realtor took the commision lower from 5% to 3% so buy the end we are still getting the money we wanted. We were so happy that we are agreeing the offer and the end of it will be the last of October. I'm happy that I don't have to deal with the house and the new apartment but at the same time i'm sad as it was our first house. I did so much for that house (fence/deck/basement etc...). I'm going to buy another house one day for me and Bud. There is some pics of my house (I put it in my album). The front (deck and flowers I did it all) and the basement I did all except the bar. Not bad with a one arm bandit. :giggle:
  17. From the album: My first House

    I built that about 3 years ago. Aot of work but worth it!!!
  18. Budweiser

    My Movie Night

    From the album: My first House

  19. The neuropsych test really helped. It was so hard for me to explain my problems but now it is out there that my friends and family can read the assessment and they can understand it. They thought my problem was my speech and my speech has come back really good. I really good talking just for talk "bla bla". It has been 16 months and they understand now and I can read it and I don't feel like i'm going nuts. I can now just go out and try to live my life to be better. Thanks all Bill :wub2:
  20. That looks great that you had a good day. I hope you have many more "good days". Give Jane some time and you as well. You will have good days and bad days but hope you have more good days. Take care you and Jane Bill :beer:
  21. Well, I received my assessment today (met last Monday about it). I have a name for my stroke/head injury now. Dementia Due to Head Trauma DSM IV code 294.1 (traumatic brain injury with cerebral vascular involvement) We now know the areas of problems that I have and now I can work on it harder now. It's not really news about me but just a name. I can now close one chapter about my accident and that is "what happened to me". My speech therapy say's that the dead area of my brain will go to another area of my brain to learn. I told the my speech therapy that i'm so smart that there is no free area of my brain anymore. :big_grin: She laff. :hahaha: The doc's said now I can forget about working and for me to work on being as normal as I can (living). I told them i've never been normal. :BashHead: :roflmao: I'm 36 now and I still have alot to get out in my life. :party: Bill :beer: Another day in my life
  22. After having a stroke, we go through a change in our behaviour. I've done/doing to my family and friends. I'm going for a psyscologist to help me get over my "brain problems" that they said it can be fished. The "stroker", we feel we are all alone and nobody understands. I know over the time I need help my friends and family. I hope your partner gets that over it and understand she needs you. You need each other. My wife and I separated nut we are still great friends. I know she is there if I need her help. Take it easy Robyn, turn your frown upside down Bill
  23. ""She is the one healing."" I feel that ALL are doing the healing. Physically and mentally (sp? sorry, my stroke is in the speech area). I feel that the stroke hurts ALL and ALL have to do the healing. One day at a time and try that tomorrow will be better. Try to keep a smile on all the time. It helps all. Bill