
Stroke Survivor - female
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About anna2

  • Birthday 10/20/1962

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  • Interests
    reading, writing, music, poetry, chatting(real and virtual), cooking, watching nature programs, pre-stroke swimming and horse-riding

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Associate Member (2/10)

  1. Happy Anniversary anna2!

  2. Happy Anniversary anna2!

  3. hi Bob, My two bits worth: Fact: Stroke is a life- altering event, a 'biggie" Fact: Stroke changes relationship dynamics. Your response to your stroke, your thought processes,attitudes etc. are not relevant to your family- they don't understand bcos they haven't been through it. You are the one who has to come to terms with the new normal and re-invent the new you and just handle the challenges posed by day to day living as they arise. That being said, you have to work hard at staying positive and cheerful and to embrace the attitudes and perspective thatkeep you motivated to stay focussed on your recovery. Do cut them some slack and keep in mind that they too have to get used to the new you. Not sure if this helps, love, anna
  4. Happy Birthday anna2!

  5. hi Asha, Congratulations on your 20th. Jimmy and I celebrated our 25th last Dec. I sometimes wonder if the western concept ofromantic encounters leading to deeper understanding of each other and then leading to marriage has missed something. Our culture stresses the duty and devotion and personal sacrifice aspect more. What matters is that all parties are happy and that it lasts. Things are changing even here and parenting children to live in a culture in a state of flux is a challenging task indeed. love, anna
  6. Happy Anniversary anna2!

  7. hi there, lsl, just wanted to add a prayer I found on the net, Here it is. St. Ignatius of Loyola Prayer for the Disturbed Prayer for the Disturbed O Christ Jesus, when all is darkness and we feel our weakness and helplessness, give us the sense of Your presence, Your love, and Your strength. Help us to have perfect trust in Your protecting love and strengthening power, so that nothing may frighten or worry us, for, living close to You, we shall see Your hand, Your purpose, Your will through all things. ~~~~~~ St. Ignatius of Loyola Prayer for the Disturbed cccc
  8. just this morning I was consoloing my son who was whining about not having as exciting a weekend as he would have liked. as papa is away for a longer trip than usual. I was trying to get him to see hoe grateful he should be for all he does have- a loving family, youth, good health, caring friends, a nice home, etc. All he could obsess about is his broken nintendo ds. Youth is so wonderful.its a pity they waste it on the young!
  9. hi louis, I can so relate with how you feel. when I get upset w/- my family I try to remember that stroke is hard on them tooand that sometimes the conflict arises from their concern and desire to help. People who have not been through stroke cant really understand, so cut them some slack. this site has been of tremendous help to a lot of us. hope things get better for you. Just focus on getting back as much as you can and don't get sidetracked from ur recovery. visit the site ofyen and learn from others' experiences of how they are coping with their issues. Good luck w/- ur recovery anna
  10. hi ruth. sending you lots of warm thoughts hugs and prayers. anna
  11. anna2

    Rehab Revisited

    was so sorry to hear of diane's passing. will be praying for you and the family in a special way. keep strong, love, anna
  12. anna2

    It works!

    congratulations! so happy for you! You are an inspiration. Keep up the good work love,, ANNA
  13. anna2


    reminds me of a spoof we did in college- just breathy voices over the mike and a darkened stage the man enquiring whether its the girls first time and promising to be gentle, asking her to open wide. few grunts and a little scream later lights come on to reveal-U guessed it!!!! dentists get their share of ribbing anna