
Stroke Survivor - female
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About bree123

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  1. Happy Anniversary bree123!

  2. Happy Anniversary bree123!

  3. Happy Anniversary bree123!

  4. bree123

    my 1st blog

    ty asha. yes i finally did it! i think i'm going to enjoy blogging. ty for all your help too.
  5. bree123

    my 1st blog

    thank you donna. so true. i'm very happy and grateful for this site.
  6. bree123

    my 1st blog

    hi, well this will be my 1st blog after 2 yrs of joining strokenet. i have met some wonderful people on this site. i had my stroke on 10/25/01. i was at work, working out at the gym when all of a sudden i felt strange. i knew there was something wrong. i told one of the workers at the gym i felt there was something not right about by body and she asked if i wanted the paramedics to come and i said yes. the paramedics came and took me to a nearby hospital. i don't remember anything after i left the gym. i don't remember being airlifted to a 2nd hospital. meanwhile my family was notified and there was a mad dash to get to the hospital. i was in that 2nd hospital for 2 weeks and then transferred to a 3rd hospital where i received my therapy. i was pretty much out of it until i got to the 3rd hospital. i had many visitors, family who came from colorado, south dakota, oregon and new york. friends from work also. my mother-in-law stayed with me at home, helping me get stronger, doing my exercises and walking. what a great mother-in-law! i thank god for my husband, daughter, sisters, sister-in-laws, brother, and friends who helped me come back to where i am today. i can drive using a left-foot accelerator because my right side was affected. i had a rough road as anyone with a stroke has had but i am a survivor! i thank god everyday for this wonderful site and great many friends i have met. bessy, kimmie, asha, nancy, and memory in particular. i thank god everyday for them because when i'm feeling down, they lift me up. bree123