
Stroke Survivor - female
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Blog Comments posted by justsurviving

  1. Although I am not a caregiver nor needed care for an extended amount of time, I can still wholly relate to your blog, just in a different way.


    I have lost myself as well. I was confident - walked with confidence, spoke with confidence, knew myself with confidence - until das stroke (I like to refer to it with an evil accent). I only wish I could break with it for a week or two so that I could find my lost me. What a great opportunity for you to reconnect with her and learn to keep her around. :Clap-Hands:

  2. I can't imagine what that must be like right now. I too like the state of denial - forgetting that I stroked and wanting to just be normal - work normally, retire normally.



    I feel your frustration mostly because of your eloquent writing ability.



    Good luck to you in the war of the papers.

  3. Sue,


    Interesting - I seem to have adapted more or less right now, not that I like or accept it, but I have a really difficult time remembering how I was pre-stroke.






    I really do. We were high school sweethearts and our dads worked together so we have known each other since we were very young. Although I am really lucky, I don't know how lucky he got :big_grin:

  4. Robyn,


    Wow - that is a heck of a weekend that you have planned! Traveling with kids looks incredibly difficult - multitasking to the limit. :juggle:


    Where in NY are you trying to sell? I lived in Binghamton (well, actually - Endicott but close enough) for 2 years in 1999/2000 & even then the market was saturated with too many houses and not enough buyers - it was (and probably still is) a very depressed area.


    I wish you peace, happiness, and calmness for your trip.


    Take care.

  5. Wow, Robyn - great way to think about it! Thank you for that.


    2 1/2 weeks before the defense and I am working hard on revisions from my major professor. I swear this guy is a certifiable genius - I am always awed at his insight/suggestions. It is a lot though. I feel very overwhelmed right now (I know that is normal but I get freaked & stress too easily...plus I {obviously} don't handle stress well :blush: )

  6. I am so torn when I read your blog.


    On the one hand, thinking in terms of a normal, rational human being, I understand you completely.


    On the other hand, as a stroke survivor, I scream DON'T GIVE UP ON ME JUST YET!


    For the first few months after my stroke, I couldn't help but to think that Bob was much better off without me and I thought that me releasing him would be a huge favor to him. When we talked about it, I really needed his reassurance that he wanted to be with me no matter what. He had to reassure me A LOT. At first, I thought he was just saying it out of pity. I had to be convinced and it took quite a while. I'm not saying that it is identical to your situation with Jane, I am just giving my point of view and my experience.


    I wish you, Jane, and your family well.

