
Stroke Survivor - female
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Blog Comments posted by justsurviving

  1. Zain,


    Everyone here is willing and able to listen to you and help you, your son, and your family. If you want to research it, it is spelled Emotional Lability (not liability) - very common in strokers.


    You will see many positive changes in the first 6 months or so (major changes tend to happen earlier because that is what is focused on) but improvement will happen over a lifetime if motivation is there. Doctors may say differently, but we know better than them - we experienced it!


    - Sherri, stroker at 34

  2. We can only get through this the best way that we can. I can't possibly know what you are going through and vice versa but it is still done one day at a time. Although, at times it doesn't feel like it, we will make it through.


    I had very dark days for the first few months. I begged, while crying, to my husband to just switch with me for a day - let me feel normal again, let me feel like I used to - then I could handle it just knowing that I could make it. I don't know if those days were harder on me or him. I know that he would have switched if he could.


    You can make it. :hug:

  3. I am so sorry that you are experiencing this.


    As a recent survivor, I stroked at 34 :( and it really set me back in many ways. I lost every bit of self confidence that I earned over those 34 years, I lost the ability to trust myself - my mind and my body. One month out is so fresh yet, although it doesn't seem like it I'm sure (it didn't to me at the time) - I am 9 months out from my stroke and I know that it is still fresh for me.


    My heart aches for you and for her both.


    This will use every ounce of patience that you thought you ever had.


    Take care of you.

  4. I like your refreshing perspective. I too am tired of having other people try to push their opinion down my throat and expecting me to retaliate. This is the biggest reason there is for having separation of church and state - people in positions of power should not be able to influence others with religion being the reason behind their decisions. I am tolerant of people's religious choices and I request that others respect my choice of spiritual connection.

  5. This really touched me, thank you for writing it.


    In the deepest, darkest days of my depression, I often had passive thoughts of suicide (I wish the stroke would have killed me) because I didn't believe that I had the strength to make it through to where I am now. When depressed, it is not possible for the person to think outside of themselves nor to comprehend how their passing will ultimately affect others. I don't agree that it is an easy way to go, it is unbearable to be in that place and often it feels as though death is the only option.


    I'm glad I'm here and that I have a husband that listened, reasoned, and simply put up with me. :big_grin:

  6. In my opinion, it is because we are all human. You can't imagine my griefs and I can't imagine yours so I gripe about mine and you gripe about yours. It is the freedom allowed to all. None of the gripes here can compare to people's misery in the middle east/congo. It doesn't mean that we can't discuss our own personal situations.