
Stroke Survivor - female
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Blog Comments posted by justsurviving

  1. Although we never know what we would *really* do until we are faced with a situation, I truly believe I would have yelled at them like a mother would (especially if I knew them AND their middle names!!).


    Too much psychological research shows that people would not do anything, especially in groups. This isn't to say that the situation doesn't upset or bother the person driving away (fight or flight).

  2. Pam,


    Maybe I did miss the point. To me, it smacks of bitterness - that is my view as a 'newbie.' While I understand that one can become jaded over time, I certainly hope that my experience as a fairly fresh survivor still counts for something. It is still my opinion at this point in time.


    I realize that I was probably too strong in my first comment as this is *your* blog and you have every right to post whatever your views/perspective/feelings/truth is at any point in time. That was simply my reaction.


    - Sherri

  3. I completely disagree with this premise. I cannot look at someone else and tell them that I have it worse than you so you can't complain.


    Frankly, to me, that equates to telling a woman that has one child that she isn't a real mother until she has more children.




    My stroke sucked for me. period.


    Sure it frustrates me to hear about people who are working without any problems and living life (Tedi Bruschi, et al.) but it only frustrates me because I wish I was in their place, not because they didn't get hit hard enough.