
Stroke Survivor - female
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About chrisratty

  • Birthday 04/24/1951

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    I live in & love the countryside. I enjoy walking my GSD + Belgium Shepherd dog Sasha & caring for my pet rats Zippy & Bungle. The internet is another of my "faults", spend hours surfing the net. Enjoy reading, watching TV. I also attend a Methodist Church regularly.

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  1. Happy Anniversary chrisratty!

  2. Happy Anniversary chrisratty!

  3. Really sorry to hear about your Father's stroke. Sending hugs at this difficult time. I can't add anymore than what the others before me have said. I will say from personal experience, things DO get better. My darling husband stroked 17th Nov.05 & it's been a difficult 11mths but he is getting there slowly. He was only 59yrs young & yes, it has changed his life forever...but he is a surviver & we are trying to look forward at what he'll do in the future it's a new & yes an exciting journey at times. So carry on visiting this site & we will help & support your family as much as we can. chris xx
  4. Robyn, I'm glad I've helped you a little with my ramblings.......emotions are a strange thing...Trev's have been hidden for a while......but they are slowly returning.... I've read some of your posts & the heartache you've faced, all I can say is don't stop loving your partner, she needs to know that at least one important part of her life hasn't changed...& that is YOU chris xx
  5. :chat: well start of another month & still no sign of when Trev will be home the last fortnight has been a "dead time" as the "big boss" has been on holiday...will be 'phoning him up on Monday to remind him of our existence :Tantrum: anyway a little positive news, our area Stroke Co ordinator has been in touch, mainly to ask who Trev was doing. I filled her in with the latest saga & she's promised to help as much as she can :friends: as she is "neutral" as she isn't employed by either Social Services or the Council so she can advise without prejudice..if you understand what I mean. she is employed by the Stroke Association.So I'm feeling a little more hopeful as she's thrown out some ideas. Trev & I are having some lovely times together when I visit, we only have to say something & often we burst out in fits of giggles :cloud9: feels good to realise although things have changed physically since Trev's stroke...we're still in love :wub2: for the first time since the stroke, he told me he loved me last week :wub2: ....does that sound silly being so pleased about a small thing like that?'s just that his emotions have seemed to be on hold these last few months...... Hopefully there will be more news next time I write in my blog...
  6. Thanks for the good vibes...yes not thought of that...a two armed great chris xx
  7. :cloud9: Today I visited Trev, was a good visit...missed a power cut in our village so it was doubly good . It's great now I've managed to arrange for him to have his fav newspaper delivered daily so he has a chance to keep up with the latest news etc & do the crosswords. He had some good news to tell me. Apparently on Saturday whilst being helped to put his "bad" arm into his sleeve, there was a very loud "click" as if something had gone back in place. His shoulder hurt for a while, then stopped (since his stroke he's had almost constant pain from the shoulder). Then he noticed he had more movement in his shoulder, since the stroke, he could only shrug his shoulder. He also began been able to move his fingers slightly. When he went to the day unit the physio tested his shoulder & said he regained full movement of the shoulder joint, I helped him put on a jumper & I felt a difference in his movement....we think something suddenly went back in place.....but what we don't know, still he's not grumbling he can move his arm :cloud9: Good or what? It's days like this that make up for all the hassle over the ramp etc. Then I came home to a neighbour complaining about our dog chasing her cat, threatening to report my dog...........ended up in tears......she's not a vicious dog at all...luv her to bits, & so does Trev...when will all this trouble end ...why me...why Trev......sorry not making sense after so much happiness at the beginning of this entry....sorry it's just I miss Trev so need to vent a bit.......I'm ok now chris xx
  8. :friends: Sorry just realised it's a week since I wrote in my blog. Last week the newspaper article was published, a very good "write up" about our situation. Many of my friends read the article & are going to phone the Council adding their support to my case. Iv'e 'phoned up the OT's again after their visit last week still no change to report regarding the ramp :Tantrum: Then the "top man" in the saga of the ramp is on a fortnight's leave :Tantrum: so more time to waste...sometimes I feel like it's me against the world & that I'm fighting a losing battle. Enough of being sad...Trev is still improving & working hard on his balance in physio sessions :cheer: & enjoys his time at the day unit. We are having some great times together, :chat: when we are together. Surely it won't be much longer before we're together again. I am also going to attempt to learn to drive...tried once before...but had trouble with the gears so thinking about learning in an Automatic...tell you more about all that next time... Chris xx
  9. :cloud9: well we had a lovely anniversary "picnic" together on Saturday......when even shared a bottle of red wine, getting tipsy in the process :cloud9: I made a favourite tuna pasta salad, homemade wholemeal bread, which Trev really enjoyed. We then had ice cream followed by brie & crackers. Yes it would have been better if he could have been at home....but there's plenty more years to go yet :cheer: Still waiting for the newspaper article..should be in tomorrow...I hope Anyway people have been so supportive of the battle I'm having with the forum I'm a member of (pet rat site) have even set up a petition for me to send to the council :Clap-Hands: Had a visit from 2 OT's today, which went well as apart from the ramp outside, & the bathroom the rest of the bungalow is wheelchair accessable...still feel frustrated with them though as they can't bring Trev home for a home visit without a ramp :Tantrum: well perhaps better news next week. chris xx
  10. Just a word of admiration from someone who knows what it's like to study when you are perfectly fit & well. Keep up the good work & let us share in the joy of your graduation in December. chris xx
  11. :Clap-Hands: progress at last (I hope), I contacted my local newspaper & on wednesday they took details of my story plus some photos saying that they will print an article supporting my fight for the ramp to allow Trev to come home where he belongs :Clap-Hands: can't wait to see the article...should have been in this weeks, but it is now going to be in next weeks issue :Clap-Hands: I have had so much support from neighbours & friends, a Pet Rat forum is even gathering together a petition for Trev's ramp...when it's complete I'll send it to the council :Clap-Hands: Next week the OT working for SS & the one working on his rehab are meeting at our house to see what adaptations are needed, although Trev won't be able to come on a home visit yet Sunday is our 1st wedding anniversary so on Saturday I taking a picnic with all sorts of goodies etc when I go to see Trev so we can sit in his room eating & drinking ...including a bottle of wine....don't worry...I'll be drinking most of it, I always do :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: Report back after Saturday :cheer: :cheer:
  12. Thanks for the support...already started with the MP...will do more tomorrow chris xx
  13. :Tantrum: Just had some bad news......the neighbours have refused permission to allow Trev access to our back door, plus the council have told me there's no funding available to do the ramp(could be waiting a year someone flippantly told me :Tantrum: ). I'm so angry & upset & I have written to my MP, will probably get in touch with the local newspaper if that doesn't work. My OT & Social Worker are writing a letter on my behalf to a person higher up on the council. Why can I do, it just seems as if he's never coming home chris xx
  14. Why, why can't they hurry up sorting out the access & ramp so Trev can come home. Phoned the OT in charge of organising the ramp etc...still no news on the access, but I've got the phone number of the man responsible for sorting he's getting a piece of my mind tomorrow...if I don't get an answer I'm contacting my MP (member of parliament)...& threatening to contact the local newspaper :Tantrum: :Tantrum: I'm on the warpath :Tantrum: :Tantrum: Went to visit Trev today to find him depressed at the beginning of the visit, fed up of just sitting around etc. Cheered up a lot by the time I left. He is so frustated at the long wait before he can come home. On the plus side a fellow patient he met on the stroke rehab unit is now attending the day unit on the same day he's there so he has someone around his age to talk to which he's pleased about. I just HATE all this waiting, We just want to be together, he'll be so much better at home. Sorry I'll stop now, I'm just so mad/upset etc better tomorrow. chris xx
  15. Actually some people keep "house rabbits"...they live in the house, can be litter trained you don't need a garden. yes rats DO interact well with us, just had our 5 out they've been playing around, we've picked them up, cuddled them etc. My fav are Zippy & George, Zippy especially knows his name & will come when I call him, so will Bungle....when he wants to!!!!!