
Stroke Survivor - female
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Blog Entries posted by wzzzzup

  1. wzzzzup
    Had some different weather the past couple of weeks, had snow for the first time, fortunately didn't plant any new flowers before that. Had a feeling snow was on the agenda before spring was over.was in the 80's the week before it fell, today is a beautiful day after much rain this morning, knocked down the pollen, very happy about that!
    Finally got myself back in physical therapy as Medicaide gave me the month of April, twice a week and it's getting me back to working hard at recovery again. Am now a year and a half survivor and I think I thought most of the recovery would just happen by itself eventually, it doesn't!
    The battle continues, good luck to all my survivor friends.
  2. wzzzzup
    Being a semi healthy fella of 45 years, I had a companion over the weekend and to keep it light, I couldn't take care of business,this has never happened and it was my first attempt since stroke 1 1/2 years ago, I felt like I went into a panic attack and that was it for me. I like this gal and have known her since we were teens, just not too sure I'm attracted to her sexually which might be some of the problem,or I can blame it on medication! Guess I need to talk to my doc and see what we got going on,too youngto not have that in my life!
  3. wzzzzup
    Have found some people that are nice but aren;t who they claim to be. Anyway I'm getting good sleep which is more important than finding a activity pal! Now that I feel more active no pal:) Spent alot of years scouring the bar scene and met most of my female pals that way, now my social life is pretty much the Moose lodge, not a place to find a mate! But alot of friends there and it's close to home. Gotta have something to look forward to at the end of the week
    Got my regular botox injections yesterday. Have trouble with left foot landing on the outside part of the foot, with shots my foot lands nicely,also a injection for fingers which will take effect in a week, and one above the elbow so I can turn my forearm easier. Got a real good brain dr.!
    Put in 1st appeal for disability benefits,now the wait is on again!
    Enjoy every day my fellow friends, there's always somebody out there that has it alot worse than you do!
  4. wzzzzup
    Finally got the answer to my constant tiredness 3 weeks ago during a sleep study,severe apnea.The answer was a CPAP, machine to keep the throat open during sleep, no more snoring and stopping of the breathiing,much more restful sleep and a new attitude in the morning,what had become a very depressing everyday ritual of no energy during the day has been solved, yippy,feeling so good got out found me a new gal and things are looking gooder for the first time in quite a while:) More botox in a week for left hand and left foot, might get some more therapy for hand , I'm all for therapy!Wish i had it every day! Off to Social security to turn in my appeal papers so I can get turned down for disability again, That's my guess:( Hopefully this time will work. It's only been19 months since stroke,can't complain too much I'm home and able to survive on my own to an extent.Thaaaaaaaaaat's enough for now and good luck to all my fellow strokies and caregivers.
  5. wzzzzup
    Looks like 3 days of wind and rain headed my way here in Virginia. as long as it doesn't mess with the Yankees playoffs games, and doesn't cancel the Giants,Redskins(yikes) game or the Nascar race I'll be fine this weekend!
    went to my regular doc the other day and had a good report,BP really good and cholesteral dropped a bit.Wants me to do a sleep study to see if I have apnea causing me to be tired all the time,hope I don't have that! Then off to a new ortho pedic doc for cortisone for my left shoulder. Don't think I've been using it enoughas the hand doesn't work great. My thumb did start moving last week which surprised the hell out of me,tempted to pick up the guitar and see if I can play it. That'll be a great day!
    Playing golf tourney in 3 weeks so I'm really looking foreward to that! Beers and buddies and nature:)
    Am attemting to quit the evil smoking which I haven't kicked yet ,dr.prescribed Chantix,supposed to be good stuff.And medicaide covers it, excellent!
    well not much else from here in Williamsburg,va.
  6. wzzzzup
    Feels like mountain weather,my favorite kinda day,seems to make me more upbeat for the day! Cold front went thru last night with a little needed rain for my flowers,temps low 60's so I see yardwork on the agenda this morning, lots of oak branches from past winds to cut up and get in trash cans, good therapy holding and clipping , remember when I couldn't use both hands at the same time or I'd drop whatever I had in my affected hand! Still happens occasionally but the more I do it the better it gets!
    Since my last botox therapy,2 weeks ago, been very weak on left side,he doubled the dosage and really did a number on me!
    Little brother left for Ireland a week ago to play some golf and watch the Ryder Cup Golf Matches,Is the furthest either one of us have travelled and he's amazed at what he's seeing over there. I'm dog sitt'n his 2 labador retrievers which is keeping me quite busy,they love the tennis ball chasing, I think they could do it til they died,don't want that happening!
    well not much else to banter about, have stroke support group meeting at 4 this afternoon, Am looking forward to seeing all my buds, and see how things are going.Plus we always have nice nibble ons. I'll check back in when the hand feels like typing.
  7. wzzzzup
    We've gone from drought to flooding here in Williamsburg,va. Flood seems to be localized in my poorly drained backyard,my rental neighbors decided to build a shed in the drainage ditch below my property and the city says tough, I say what about my yard and all the mosquitos after heavy rain? Ernesto dumped 8 inches of rain and threw some 40 mph winds at us.Thank goodness it wasn't a hurricane! After a week of record breaking heat it certainly was nice to wake up with 59 degree temps outside at 4 this morning! Feels like football weather! Love autumn!
    My goal was reached last weekend, Iplayed 2 arm golf in my Moose lodge annual tournament. Made it through 14 holes before the heat 100 degree temps. got the best of me, Glad I quit when I did,since my stroke happened on a hot day on the golf course last year, I was very scared last week!But it sure felt good to be swinging the club with both arms!
    Looks like I'll be heading to Richmond next weekend for the Nascar race,used to go to both races every year but stopped a few years ago when the crowds got too big. My seat was big enough for one cheek if you know what I mean,30 people have to get out of the way if you need to use the restroom.The more I think about it I like my couch for watching the races! Don't think it's wise to tailgate all day any more either! Don't want to ruin all the hard work I've put in the past year! Think I might skip the race!
    6AM and some drizzle going on here,walk time ,might need full sweatsuit and umbrella,haven't needed sweats in a long time!I'll check in again in a few,keep fighting the fight my brothers and sisters!
  8. wzzzzup
    Been alot of bad and good since my last post. I had to have my dear friend Buck(german shepherd) put to sleep last Friday,hardest decision I've ever made in my life! He was 16 and was having trouble and needed help:(
    The good part of the past week is I went to my aunts house 50 miles from here,drove by myself and went swimming in her pool which I didn't think I'd be able to accomplish.Practically grew up in a pool and was pleasantly surprised to be able to swim!So far the best rehab and exercise I've had on my affected arm!
    Physical therapy is going great,he has me doing alot of hand stuff,flipping over magazines and stacking them is very good, and my hand seems to be more interested to joining into everyday life,glad to have it along!That with the weights for the arm make for good sessions.Really glad to be back in therapy!Puts a little more structure into my life! Been so hot here I feel like a shut in,hate summer!well I hate the humidity.Wish so much for the old family vacations in upstate New York,on schroon lake,cool evenings and beautiful days on the lake.What a wonderful time in my life and I'm so grateful I didn't lose the memories from the stroke!Can add that to the list of things that make me lucky that the damage wasn't worse!
    Not much else to report for the week,still waiting on disability benefits,the wait goes on!
  9. wzzzzup
    I'm Bill from williamsburg.va. I'm a few days past one year post stroke. I'm 45 years old and disabled.Never thought I'd say that!Bbut there are pluses. When I had my stroke I was told I'd never be able to live alone again.oh yea?I didn't lisen very good apparently, Alot of hard work and lifestyle change and I'm home with my 2 doggies!My gripe is always being tired,I blame the huge amount of pills I have to take, I walka few times a day and that provides no perk,neither does my half caffiene coffee!when I was working I had to get up at 4 and needed a caffiene shot to get moving,usually a pot of coffee and a few pepsi's a day,wonder how my blood pressure got so high?Coulda been the beer and pizza diet too!Know that did wonders for my weight!Playing golf just not enough exercise to eat off that weight? When you ride in the cart and have a few beers, is that sport? sure is fun!I've had to adapt to playing one armed as my left arm and hand not ready to participate,they keep saying ,patience. I said more PT,which I'm happily starting again tomorrow:) I'd like to yhank this site for being her,alot of useful info and good people!