
Stroke Survivor - female
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About kelci

  • Birthday 05/05/1953

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  • Interests
    gardening, reading, writing, animals, cooking & baking, using my computer to visit, make new friends, sell online - my computer has become a window to the outside world, I have lost most of my eyesight, so driving is limited.

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  1. kelci

    Happy Anniversary kelci!

  2. kelci

    Happy Anniversary kelci!

  3. Today, other than the heat, was a really good day for me. My right hand for the first time closed and opened on command, definite advancement. I went for a walk this evening, my girl Sally (shes a black lab) stayed pretty much right by my side, chased a little rabbit across the road into the woods, and I managed to make it all the way out of the driveway down the first piece of our road. I am trying to get back into the mainstream of life, but still not really ready for alot of people around me. I get stressed with alot of noise, am scared of getting into heavy fast traffic, and even though I no longer drive, I am scared with even my family at the wheel. I am going to get over this - I know - it's just a matter of time to get my brain in line.The one thing I can say though, for all the past years there are probably alot of people in my community that have said "I always knew she had a problem with alchohol," - you see, I have always had a good sense of humour and liked laughing at life, and there were many that thought I was just plain nuts. After I had this stroke, I have lost my speech, (lucky for many), and my words come out really slurred - sounds like I have been drinking a whole bunch - so for those who know me, love me, and know that I don't drink - we finally have pulled a good one! I know there are quite a few of you out there that have shown your love and support - thank-you - for you I will get back to my old self - I owe you that much - thanks for being there!
  4. Good luck in your meeting tomorrow - I had bought a pool last year - it was an above ground, nice and the water always felt wonderful - then this last spring when I had my stroke, I don't really know why, but I got terribly afraid of water. Now for me to even get near it scares me, but I was lucky - there were some neighborhood kids that had a long hot summer ahead and very little to do out here in the mountains - so, they are enjoying it now at their home and I am safe in my air conditioning! Hope all goes well for you - be watching for your updates - kelli
  5. Thank you so much for taking the time to make the entries you have - I had a stroke 10 years ago, it took the sight in my left eye, and left me with limited eye sight. I am 53 years young, and haven't had the chance to drive a car, I'm scared when I am in one, motion makes me dizzy. This past April, I had two more strokes - I have lost some of my speech skills, and my mind has been playing some strange games with me. I am just learning now, about the mind part of the stroke, I thought alot of it was me - my doctor has never sent me for any tests - just given me medicine - they give me medicine to keep my blood pressure down, a beta blocker for the heart, and some medicine to sleep at night. There are some days I get up and feel pretty good, can stumble down the hall, carry a cup of coffee, walk out to the garden, and even talk on the phone, other days, I sit for hours figuring out how things are spelled, what I am suppose to be doing - I'm not complaining, matter of fact = I'm so lucky because I can do the things that I am doing - but what I wanted to say was I thought it was maybe just me - I don't want to lose my mind - but sometimes it feels like I am - your blog has made me happy, cause it has answered some of the way I feel, and reading it keeps me company out here in the country all alone.
  6. kelci

    hbot, stem cell therapy

    I am so happy for you, it is wonderful that you will be able to hopefully resume life in a better capacity than you have known. May God bless you and keep you safe on your awesome journey. I want to add an experience that is unrelated in some ways to your treatment, but in other ways I can relate to what you are going through. I have had two strokes this past spring, they have left me with speech impediments, mobility problems, and the worst, comprehension of my daily actions. I have gone from being a single Mom most of my adult life to getting married 10 years ago to a good man. Four months after we were married, he suffered a major bleed-out, consequently we were told we had one year together before we would be facing his end. The doctor's at Tulane Medical Centre thought different, and although we went through 4 years of tests, failures, frustrations we saw him receiving a new liver. I'll never forget the morning he went into the O.R. for his transplant - it was the worst feeling, and best feeling ever - I might have a whole new future with the wonderful man I had married, or I might stand to lose the best friend I had ever known. Ultimately, we won - what a victory! You see, what keeps me going is that I have had the chance to see a miracle happen - and I believe that you will too! Stay strong, remember there are others rooting for you, your will, will carry you through much and you never are alone - God is always at your side! Thank-you for letting me share this with you! - kelli