Amy E

Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by Amy E

  1. Happy Anniversary Amy E!

  2. Happy Anniversary Amy E!

  3. Amy E


    Hi, What seizure med are you on? I was taking Lamictal and it went generic and I started experiencing new side effects-increased tiredness and my mind was fuzzy. I went back on the brand name and I felt much better. Also my dr wanted me to take Baclofen but after two weeks I decided the side effects weren't worth it since it wasn't working any miracles for my tone and I quit taking it. If you are interested in stopping either med, I would discuss it with your dr first since sometimes you need to decrease the dose slowly over time. Good luck!
  4. Amy E


    I live in Frederick , MD, just outside of "downtown"
  5. Hi- First, I am sorry to hear about your father's stroke. I am sure that you will get a lot of responses and we can all tell you that your father is in the very very early stage of recovery. It is a life long process and yes for some it is quite possible to get close to your "old self" with a lot of recovery occurring in the first 6-12 months post stroke. Try to be patient w/ your father, he as been through a lot both mentally and physically. Hang in there, it will get better over time. :cheer:
  6. Amy E


  7. From the album: Honeymoon

    Honeymoon Bermuda 2004