
Stroke Caregiver - female
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Blog Comments posted by Robyn

  1. you've said to me...nothing is EVER easy and the only guarantee in life is that things will change. We all have to learn how to continually adapt to our loved ones. This is just another phase. I wish I had something wonderful to say to make you feel better and help you adapt to these changes...I don't...but I hope that you have peace and comfort every day! :friends:

  2. Thanks Tina...I know a lot can change...I've been reading that all over the discussion board!! :D The foundation was there between us before and just after the stroke...she just needs to really compartmentalize and take care of herself right now and I'm really working hard to accept that. The love I have for her is so overwhelming and I know she has felt the just seems the stroke has taken some of that away from her, hopefully just temporarily. Since there were connections there early on post-stroke, my sense is that it IS just temporary.


    I'm just finally realizing what it means to be with the discomfort...its there and it feels a lot better than the pain so I'm just letting it be and reminding myself of the things I noted above. So far it is working today...we'll see how it goes over the next couple of weeks.


    Thanks for your kind words!!!

  3. Congrats on the new car and on the great experience you had at the "hope after stroke" conference. I'd love to get info on that and forward it our friends...Jane teaches at Bowling Green, near Toledo so if there are good resources for stroke in Ohio, that is great for her to know!!


    Our loved ones can truly bring us joy!!! I'm so glad you have your husband and daughter in your life! Much blessings and peace to you over the next couple of days!!



  4. Oh Mel...I'm so sorry. Sorry for the death of your uncle-in-law...sorry for what seems like the death of this friendship.


    I know in my life friendships come and go...things change, even without experiencing a stroke. This is part of the cycle of life. I hope you can talk with your friend...share what you are feeling...get it off your chest...make some peace with the changes. This might've happened even if you didn't have the stroke. That may or may not be comforting, but there is no way to know for sure what has caused this change for her. Maybe try reaching out to her this one more time to see if you can get this resolved. Just as we discussed in another thread that it is easy to say "It's your fault" when understanding the dynamics of a problem, it is harder to recognize and say "Here's my fault in all of this" As someone who feels like she is on the outside TRYING DESPERATELY to understand what my own partner is feeling, try to reach out and understand perhaps things from your friends perspective. The truth lies somewhere in between, right?!


    You are loved...I know this is hard and I'm sorry! :hug: