
Stroke Caregiver - female
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Blog Comments posted by Robyn

  1. I'm smiling from ear to ear with a HUGE CHEESY GRIN :D !!! I'm SOOOOOOOOO glad!!! Yes...acceptance and the new normal. It's all good. We all resist change and you've finally come to the place where you've gotten somewhat used to your changes. I can too!!! It's all good!!!


    I'm SOOO pleased! Congrats!

  2. Here's a description from the is in French with subtitles but I laughed hysterically...




    Mad Hilarious comedy starring famous French comedian Louis de Funes as Victor Pivert, a bigoted and racist industrialist. While is on his way to his daughter

  3. Exactly can't find happiness hiding in a hole...! As I said, I have warm memories of those good times together, when she was willing to try...but sadly she isn't that person. And I've come to accept that with, as you said, new knowledge and insight about me...about life...about what I value and won't compromise on...


    I had a great time last night...met all sorts of lovely people and helped out an important cause...The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) which supports equality rights for Gays and Lesbians. Not just marriage equality rights (controversial issue at best) but basic civil rights... I got involved in the silent auction and won two gifts! Money goes to a good cause so that is important!

  4. Exactly, Donna...the days ARE easier. I had a dream about her last was interesting and is making me think a bit. Not about getting back together with her, but more about forgiveness. In my dream she was just simply out of it. Absolutely NOT the person I fell in love with... Somehow that is helping me... Still working on it...

  5. WOW...I can totally relate to your should read through mine. I had a long distance relationship as well. Sadly, my partner decided she didn't want to continue the relationship...still not really sure why...I don't think she knows either but nonetheless, I hear me in your blogs.


    If he loves you and it is meant to be, it will be. The distance is hard but as long as the lines of communication are still open and he still wants it, it WILL work out...have faith! Folks here talk about the "new normal"...I know how much you miss the nightly calls...I missed them as well, but you will develop a new normal between you...weekly calls...but he needs his time to heal.


    I'm here...PM me if you like...I am standing right beside you COMPLETELY understanding what you are going through...COMPLETELY!!! :hug: :friends:

  6. was my ex partner who had a stroke and I'm just trying to heal from the breakup that happened right after it. She left me...I didn't leave her...weird eh?!! I've come to the clear conclusion it is her loss... But it doesn't help the hurt. Thankfully the hurt is minimizing every day...

  7. Bonnie..that's what someone said to me...making new memories! I liked thinking of it that way!


    Sam and Margaret are great. They adored Halloween...had tons of fun! Margaret did GREAT in school and got all A's and an A- on her report card. Sam's behaviors have evened out and now we are dealing more with typical 4 year old boy stuff rather than a child that is truly disturbed about something. Life's good!!!


    I am going to a week long spiritual retreat over Christmas and New Years and I think that will complete my circle of healing in some ways...but I'm still just taking it one day at a time!


    Here is the link to the retreat I am going to during my time at my retreat house...